HVK Archives by Thread
HVK Archives by Thread
Starting: Thu 22 Aug 1996 - 00:00:-72433 EDT
Ending: Thu 28 Nov 1996 - 00:00:-43508 EDT
Messages: 62
Hit and run - T V R Shenoy
- Mid-day
- 1 November 1996
>>>Who, what, when, where, why, how - these six are supposed
to be the foundation stones of all journalism. All I can
say is that with such a foundation we have built a lopsided house.
Because, make no mistake about it, some questions are
Will the Tulba army turn against Pakistan? - Muzaffar Hussain
- The Organiser
- 27 October 1996
>>>Religious schools called madarsas, which were till yesterday supposed to be a boon to governments ruling in the
name of Islam, now seem to have turned into a curse. In
Pakistan, however, these madarsas did not provide ,Pupils
with education but did mould them into potent soldiers to
BJP most preferred party amongst CEOs
Jemina's pregnant poses - Danace Brook
- The Mail on Sunday London
- 3 November 1996
>>>They are the most fashionable ante-natal classes in Britain. Despite the fact that the philosophy is 5,000
years old and each hour-long lesson costs a mere =1C7, both
Jemima Khan and Koo Stark swear by their yoga sessions.
Jemima, the 22-year-old wife of former cricketer Imran
"I don't deny that factionalism eists": Advani - Posted By Ashok V Chowgule - Sunday (Cover Story)
- 3-9 November 1996
>>>L. K. Advani s finger still bears the mark of indelible
ink. He explained he had voted in the Gandhinagar by
election earlier this month. Though the BJP won that
election, -Gandhinagar is an important witness to the
crisis the BJP faces today: it was the city which hosted
No room yet for democracy - Kuldip Nayar
- The Indian Express
- 11 November 1996
>>>It is an open secret that Pakistan is run by a troika:
Chief of the Army Staff, Prime Minister and President in
that order. But whenever the Army Chief or the President, particularly, the former, has felt that the country
was not being governed according to his light, he has
Sects and the new Indian
Prehistoric man thrived here - Gautham Machalah
- The Times of India
- 2 October 1996
>>>This article is from an earlier data. It is being sent to
indicate the thinking of the author at that time.
Extensive exploration by Archaeological Survey of India
(ASI) in Karnataka has revealed that the pre-historic man
thrived on the banks of the river Bhima in Raichur dis-
Supreme Court rejects govt report on civil code - Posted By Ashok V Chowgule - The Telegraph
- 30 October 1996
>>>This article is from an earlier data. It is being sent to
indicate the thinking of the author at that time.
The Supreme Court today rejected the Center's affidavit
ruling out a common civil code and directed it to list
steps taken towards phasing out personal laws.
Secularism: Fact and Fiction - V. V. Paranjpe
- Mainstream
- 12 October 1996
>>>This article is from an earlier data. It is being sent to
indicate the thinking of the author at that time.
Hindutva and secularism are the two burning topics of the
day, ranged against each other like two anti-poles.
Secularism is the new fashion word. While Hindutva is
Exiled to Sri Ram desh - Arvind N. Das
- The Hindustan Times
- 24 October 1996
>>>This article is from an earlier data. It is being sent to
indicate the thinking of the author at that time.
Surinam hardly ever impinges on the consciousness of
Indians. It is only if there is an aircrash there or a
football hero of Surinamese origin like Ruud Gullit
Vajpayee for debate on presidential system - Posted By Ashok V Chowgule - The Times of India
- 12 November 1996
>>>Former prime minister Atal Behari Vajpayee on Monday
suggested a serious nationwide debate on adopting the
presidential system of government, saying the present
parliamentary system has failed to deliver the goods.
Mr Vajpayee said there should be a debate on all the
Bajaj blasts Centre for letting foreign cos hold majority stake - UNI
- The Economic Times
- 12 November 1996
>>>Leading industrialist and a well known proponent of the
'India Club' Rahul Bajaj has launched a scathing attack
on the government for its decision to allow foreign
companies to hold majority equity in various fields.
"I can understand the United Front government desperately
Largest TU status likely for BMS - A N Bajpal
- The Observer
- 12 November 1996
>>>The Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh is all set to be recognised
as the country's largest trade union, as the standing
committee for verification has given its verdict on
different trade unions' membership claims.
The provisionally verified rolls based on 1989 membership
Gowda steps in to extract Cong support for a secular govt in UP - Vijay Simha
- The Indian Express
- 12 November 1996
>>>In a last-ditch attempt to form a secular government in
Uttar Pradesh, the United Front has asked Prime Minister
H D Deve Gowda to take CPI(M) general-secretary Harkishen
Singh Surjeet's place as the chief negotiator with Congress president Sitaram Kesri.
Introspection, image-building to top BJP meet agenda - K V Lakshmana
- The Observer
- 12 November 1996
>>>Far from being demoralised by the present political
situation, a section of the Bharatiya Janata Party views
its current setbacks in UP and Gujarat as a temporary and
passing phase, but admits serious introspection is a
necessity to forge ahead.
Discovery of Nehru - II - Farzana Versey
- Mid-day
- 13 November 1996
>>>On Nehru's birth anniversary tomorrow, the idea is not to
take away from the majesty of the individual, but to
bring into focus the dilemmas that face human beings who
are forced to be what they are not.
As he could not give them the loin cloth ethnicity that
Crime and (No) Punishment - M V Kamath
- Mid-day
- 13 November 1996
>>>It is not always that the English language press is
agreed on any one issue and even when it is, it is not
always that it speaks with the same vehemence. And that,
unfortunately, has once again been proved true in the
case of Bahujan Samaj Party leader Kanshi Ram going
Downhill in UP - Saeed Naqvi
- Mid-day
- 13 November 1996
>>>Uttar Pradesh Congress President Jitendra Prasad gave the
game away the other day when, just before leaving for
Lucknow, he said: "No one will form the government;
governor's rule will continue." Since the governor is now
denying that he will call the Bharatiya Janata Party
Mark of ultra-right politics - Amulya Ganguli
- The Indian Express
- 14 November 1996
>>>A defining characteristic of ultra-right organisations of
the sangh parivar, and of members of the extended parivar
like the Shiv Sena, is a typical petty-minded attitude
which fosters intolerance and combativeness. So it is
that an allied outfit, the Hindu Munnani, has held back
The more you abstain, the more you gain - R Brahmachari
- The Times of India
- 14 November 1996
>>>On February 8 President Clinton put his signature on the
amended Exon Bill so that the resulting Communication
Decency Act (CDA) might squelch online pornography and
help to make the Net safe for children. But the U.S.
legal experts, at that time, were afraid that the new Act
Malicious propaganda - Dina Nath Mishra
- The Observer
- 14 November 1996
>>>The basic concern of all the non-BJP parties is to stop
the BJP from coming to power wherever they can, adopting
whatever means possible. A type of veto is resorted to
in the name of secularism. If the BJP is to be hurt, it
is done in a most unethical, unconstitutional and crass
When saffron signified service
Anita Pratap, etc. - Posted By Ashok V Chowgule - Daily
- 14 November 1996
>>>Great Stuff on CNN yesterday following the mid-air
collision between two aircraft near Delhi. Anita Pratap
formerly of Times magazine, now of CNN, stated in her
breathless imitation of a firangi accent that "India's
record in air safety has been very poor" and that "The
Indian Muslims on test over Kashmir - A R Khan
- The Hindustan Times
- 2 September 1996
>>>This article is from an earlier data. It is being sent to
indicate the thinking of the author at that time.
The Indian state is secular, both in theory and practice.
Although the specific word 'secular' was not mentioned as
such in the original document, its spirit pervaded the
Talinam in Kabul - How long? - Muzaffar Hussain
- The Organiser
- 17 November 1996
>>>What is happening in Kabul these days is sure to bring
solace to the soul of the autocrat, late General Zia-ulHaq of Pakistan. In the course of his foreign policy
General Zia had executed two army operations in 1980.
One was Operation Topac, the other Operation Gibraltor.
Church fortune, Dalit misfortune - a letter
Think Pandits - a letter
Caste, character-building and social justice - Sudheendra Kulkarni
- The Pioneer
- 19 November 1996
>>>The recent unfortunate attack on journalist by some
workers of the Bahujan Samaj Party, led by none other
than its supremo, Mr. Kanshi Ram, is symptomatic of a
deeper malady afflicting Dalit politics in the country.
The malady is one of mindless militancy. It is the
Futility of education - Time to crack the whip in JNU - Editorial
- The Indian Express
- 20 November 1996
>>>The late Chairman Mao Zedong once remarked that the more
books you read the more stupid you become. It is not
known whether or not the library is the favourite haunt
of students of India's most pampered "centre of excellence" - New Delhi's Jawaharlal Nehru University. Howevev-
Ram Mohun Roy's cretinour legatees; and a response - Parsa Venkateshwar Rao Jr
- The Indian Express
- 20 November 1996
>>>The Chinese take all they want from Europe and America,
and then simply show them the door in more than the
metaphorical sense. And despite every violation of
patent laws and human rights norms, American investors
are literally cooling their heels at Chinese doors. The'
The heart of Hinduism - an article from the archives - Posted By Ashok V Chowgule - The Times of India
- 1 August 1912
>>>We printed yesterday the last of the series of illuminating articles which Sir Narayan Chandavarkar has been
contributing for some weeks past to our columns. At no
time previously has there been a more earnest and sincere
desire among all classes to understand one another than
Nayanar warns BJP-RSS of stern action - Posted By Ashok V Chowgule - The Hindu
- 03 November 1996
>>>The CPI(M) State secretariat,today accused the Sangh
Parivar of unleashing violence in Kerala even as the
Chief Minister, Mr. E. K. Nayanar, warned the RSS-BJP
combine of stern action.
in official press note issued here this evening. Mr.
Defining a nation - Saeed naqvi
- Mid-day
- 19 November 1996
>>>It was a relaxed social evening. Conversation meandered
past a series of subjects when Richard Holbrooke, former
assistant secretary of state, asked a group of Indian
journalists in one corner of the room: "Was India a
nation before the British arrived?"
What a TV epic did to India - Victoria L Farmer
- The Hindu
- 17 November 1996
>>>The relationship between media and communalism with the
most far-reaching political implications is the connection between television programming and communal mobilisation. This is because, even though no explicit causeeffect linkage between television imagery and violence an
e an
Is the Ram Janmabhoomi movement anti_Muslim? - Ashok Chowgule
- (no publication) - 21 November 1996.
>>>The Ram Janmabhoomi movement is the most important event of the
post-independence era of India. It has completely altered the
complexion of the politics, as well has drastically altered the
reference point for evaluating many other aspects of our society.
Hindutva has become the focus, instead of Marx. Those who have
Need fpr systemic changes in governing structures - Part One of Two - Atal Bihari Vajpayee
- The Pioneer
- 21 November 1996
>>>Next year India will celebrate its 50th anniversary of
Independence. The entire country is eagerly looking
forward to that proud and historic landmark. Both in
official circles and among the broad masses of people,
thinking and planning has already started on how to mark
Advani's function at JNU cancelled - Posted By Ashok V Chowgule - The Hindu
- 19 November 1996
>>>Alarmed by the confrontationist stance adopted by a
united Left and the isolated Right, the Centre for Spanish Studies in Jawaharlal Nehru University's School of
Languages today decided to cancel the book release function which was to be attended by the Bharatiya Janata
Need for systemic changes in governing sturcture - Part Two of Two - Atal Bihari Vajpayee
- The Pioneer
- 22 November 1996
>>>Going over the past 50 years, we find that things have
not turned out as they were supposed to. We have no
doubt taken giant strides and overcome many of the challenges posed by an underdeveloped economy, so much so,
despite the onerous task of feeding a billion people,
The violence of politics - K M Tampi
- The Hindu
- 11 November 1996
>>>Though ideologically poles apart, the basic approach of
both the CPI(M) and the Sangh. Both blindly believe in
their ideology, both are intolerant of criticism and do
not mind using force to protect the interests they represent. It is this attitude which has placed them on a
Serving the nationalist press - Excerpts from Curson to Nehru & After - Durga Das
- Rupa paper Book
- 1969
>>>The provincial committee had recommended Gandhi and
Sardar Vallbhbhai Patel for the presidentship of the
Congress. Gandhi who had resumed the party's active
leadership at the previous session, was expected to
welcome the nomination of the hero of Bardoli, his most
Protest against beauty contests was a worldwide phenomenon - K G Suresh
- The Indian Express
- 22 November 1996
>>>The protests against the Miss World contest or beauty
pageants, projected by the latter's supporters and the
Western media as "politically motivated" and reflective
of a "narrow-minded outlook", is not something new or
peculiar to India. Rather, a peep into the history would
Aurobindo and Jugantar
Quota Raj - Editorial
- The Times of India
- 23 November 1996
>>>Prime Minister H. D. Deve Gowda's promise at a Dalit
rally to consider extending job reservations to the
private sector is a pernicious pursuit that would pervert
the principles of social justice, vitiate industrial
productivity and maim the market. This is competitive
ABVP comes to Anna's aid as corruption row goes on - Posted By Ashok V Chowgule - The Mumbai Age
- 23 November 1996
>>>The on-going row between social worker Anna Hazare and
Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray took an interesting turn on
Friday, when the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad state
unit declared its full support to the fight against corruption launched by Mr Hazare.
UF squirms as it fails to keep word to Dalit Christians - Posted By Ashok V Chowgule - The Economic Times
- 23 November 1996
>>>The United Front finds itself cornered in the same way as
the previous Congress(I) regime on its promise to extend
reservations in government jobs to Dalit Christians.
The National Coordination Committee for Dalit Christians
to day charged the Gowda government with betrayal after
Reminiscences of days past - M. V. Kamath
- Kanara Saraswat
- 11 November 1996
>>>When I think of all the people I had met in the past
fifty years and my personal encounters with them in a
professional capacity, I can't help laughing at my own
self. When I was young, I am afraid I was often brash
and bold. Age, alas. does not seem to have worked any
Far from heroism - The tale of 'Veer Savarkar'; and a response - Krishnan Dubey and Venkitesh Ramakrishnan
- Frontline
- 7 April 1996
>>>This article is from an earlier data. It is being sent to
indicate the thinking of the author at that time.
Bhaskar Ghorpade, a London-based Indian barrister, is one
who has done Indian archaeology an important service. It
was his efforts that were mainly responsible in getting
The next Prime Minister - Editorial
- The Indian Express
- 25 November 1996
>>>To view Congress president Sitaram Kesri's systematic
purge of party functionaries as merely a feature of the
battle against Narasimha Rao would be to miss the wood
for the trees. Of course Kesri is showing the former
Prime Minister his place and encouraging him to opt out
A change is coming - Vir Sanghvi
- Sunday
- 17-23 November 1996
>>>Are these the last days of the Deve Gowda government?
The question may seem surprising at first. After all, the
Prime Minister seems comfortably ensconced at Race Course
Road. His family troops on to an Air India jet to join
him on his trip to Zimbabwe. And it is hard to see how
High Flying - Editorial
- The Times of India
- 26 November 1996
>>>Prime Minister H.D.Deve Gowda is rightly under fire for
travelling with his family when he went on official
business to Harare and Rome. Mr Gowda was accused of
misreading the G-15 meeting in Harare as licence to take
15 other Gowdas with him, and treating the Food Summit as
Costly smoke - Editorial
- The Times of India
- 26 November 1996
>>>Dr Ali Baksh, former director-general of health services
in Jammu and Kashmir, has puffed his way to freedom, and
how! He admitted to paying up Rs 1.5 lakh for the 30
cigarettes he smoked in the two days he was held in
captivity by militants. At Rs 5,000 a cigarette, that
Why did Imran name his son after the bloodiest Islamic leader of all time?
Looming shadow of Lucknow - Inder Malhotra
- The Observer
- 27 November 1996
>>>Less than six months ago, the fractured verdict in the
Parliamentary election was overcome by the formation of
the 13-party United Front which came to power with the
backing of the Congress from `outside'. Hopes had then
arisen that a new beginning towards federal functioning
Ticket to ride - Editorial
- The Indian Express
- 26 November 1996
>>>Ram Vilas Paswan's recent public relations shindig in
Delhi has had only one useful result: it has disabused
the public of yet another of its cherished
misapprehensions. There exists a sort of nebulous belief
that shameless appropriation of the state machinery had
Marxism and Materialism - Manoranjan Mohanty
- The Times of India
- 27 November 1996
>>>When China's President Jiang Zemin visits India shortly,
he comes as the leader of a team which is seriously
engaged in tackling social degeneration while leading a
strong and prosperous country into the 21st century. As
much became clear during the recently-concluded plenum of
Miss worldly - an editorial from the London Times - Editorial
- The Times, London
- 22 November 1996
>>>(This editorial was published in The Afternoon,
Mumbai, November 26, 1996)
Not since the Trojan War has a beauty contest threatened
such dire consequences. Sniffer dogs are patrolling the
giant stadium, two all-women platoons of paramilitary
Social Conference held in Bombay - From the Times archives - The Times Archives
- (no publication) - 16 September 1901
>>>(This article was published in The Times of India, Mumbai, November 27, 1996.)
The second Provincial Social Conference was held on
Saturday morning at the Framjee Cowasjee Institute when
there was a good attendance of Hindu reformers. Amongst
Thank you, let JNU stay as it is & Response - Amitabh Mattoo
- The Indian Express
- 28 November 1996
>>>Jawaharlal Nehru University is what a university should
be: a socially concerned academic community collectively
engaged in the pursuit of excellence. To suggest, as
some leader writers have done, that it is time to crack
the whip in JNU because some student organisations
Who says Israel is suffering?
A study in contrast - Dina Nath Mishra
- The Observer
- 28 November 1996
>>>The events which followed the mid-air collision of Saudi
and Kazhak flights resulting in the horrifying death of
351 passengers, provided a test for both the government
and the public. The wreckage of the planes fell near
Charkhi Dadri village of Bhiwani, about 60 km away from
Last message date: Thu 28 Nov 1996 - 00:00:-43508 EDT
Archived on: Sat Jun 14 1997 - 11:37:00 EDT
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