HVK Archives by Thread
HVK Archives by Thread
Starting: Mon 01 Sep 1997 - 23:48:25 EDT
Ending: Fri 26 Sep 1997 - 13:24:28 EDT
Messages: 85
Get your basics right - An open letter to PM - Madhu Kishwar
- The Indian Express
- 26 September 1997
>>>When I read the front page lead story which said: Link Senior
School-Certificates with teaching of 5 illiterates.. Gujral, I found it
hard to believe that a thinking and well-informed person like you can come
up with such a naive reaction to one of the most serious problems facing
this country and could propose such a hare-brained scheme. You are reported
A nation subverts itself - Manvendra Singh
- The Indian Express
- 24 September 1997
>>>A Jammu and Kashmir Rifles battalion lost eight soldiers in an ambush to
the National Socialist Council of Nagaland (Issac-Muivah) group at
Chiesema, near Kohima on July 22. This was 10 days before the much-hyped
ceasefire between the security forces and the militant group was to come
into effect. Ceasefires are agreed upon on the basis of covert negotiations
Is the March Over? - Mario Cabral E Sa, Goa
- Hindustan Today
- 1997 October
>>>"When all are baptized, I order all temples of their false gods destroyed
and idols broken into pieces. I can give you no idea of the joy I feel
seeing this done." Saint Francis Xavier (1506-1552)
In 1567 The captain of Rachol Fort in South Goa bragged to his Portuguese
king back home, "For nights and nights went on the demolishing,
Catholic nuns are aging - Ravi Peruman
- Hindustan Today
- 1997 October
>>>Catholic nuns are aging into a health care crisis. Of the sisters now in
the USA, only 569 are under age 30, just 3% under 40, while 70% are over
age 60. Buildings that once housed novices are being converted into
nursing homes. Health care costs for seniors are so high that orders are
selling property, seeking government aid and merging orders. Accounting
What kind of a God will condemn a 'heathen' child to eternal - Swami Agnivesh
- Communalism Combat
- 1997 September
>>>SWAMI AGNIVESH, better known for his work among bonded labourers, is an
unconventional 'religious professional' who never minces words. In this
very candid -some may even consider it highly provocative - piece written
from a Hindu perspective, he raises some uncomfortable questions against
what he considers to be the 'soul-saving imperialism' of Islam and
Seva work at a glance
Release from the jaws of death (Part III of IV) - Kim Housego
- The Sunday Observer
- 31 August -
>>>Kim Housego says the Al-Faran hostages could have been freed. The third of
his four-part account.
It was in Anantnag that David and I had been released, on 23 June 1994. Two
days earlier, large crowds had taken to the streets, angrily protesting
against the murder of Dr Qazi Nissar, the mirwaiz (religious leader) of
Only blood counts (Hostage in Kashmir - Part IV of IV) - Kim Housego
- The Sunday Observer
- 7-13 September 1997
>>>All parties to a hostage drama have their own objectives, says Kim Housego.
And not always do they tie in with the hostage's release.
What baffles the security forces in Srinagar is why Al-Faran would continue
to hold the current hostages without pressing further demands. There have
been no direct negotiations with Al-Faran since December 1995 and no proof
Ayodhya back on national agenda - Shyam Khosla
- Organiser
- 21 September 1997
>>>Special Court's order on framing of charges against top leaders of the BJP
and the VHP, including Lal Krishna Advani, Dr Murli Manohar Joshi and Ashok
Singhal, in the Ramjanmabhoomi-Baburi Masjid case is likely to bring the
Ayodhya issue back on the top of the national agenda. It may well generate
a national debate on the true contents of nationalist secularism and
The terror network (Hostage in Kashmir - Part II of IV) - Kim Housego
- The Sunday Observer
- 24-30 August 1997
>>>In the second of his four-part series on Kashmir (the first appeared on 10
August), Kim Housego reveals how he learnt in captivity the truth about
It was the fanaticism of my kidnappers that scared me. Their blind
obedience to the commanders of the Islamic revolution made them capable of
In militants' hands (Hostage in Kashmir - Part I of IV) - Kim Housego
- The Sunday Observer
- 10-16 August 1997
>>>For the first time in over two years, the families of the four Westerners
taken hostage by the Al-Faran militants in Kashmir have been assured
release by the President and prime minister of Pakistan. Kim Housego,
kidnapped by the Al-Faran in 1994, recounts the horrors of being hostage in
a four-part series.
The Ayodhya chargesheet - R.C. Batura
- Organisation
- 21 September 1997
>>>Four years ago, on September 2, 1993, the then Prime Minister of India,
Shri P.V. Narasimha Rao, had in the course of his speech at a
Congress-Muslim conclave declared that charge-sheets in the Ayodhya temple
case would be filed within 10-20 days. Rao was in a hurry to please the
Muslim minority on the eve of the assembly elections then due in four
What kind of a God will condemn a 'heathen' child to eternal - Swami Agnivesh
- Communalism Combat
- 1997 September
>>>We are aware that there is the one God-given infallible book (for
Christians) which is supposed to be authoritative for 1.5 billion
believers. It says that Jesus was cruci-fied on the cross to redeem
humanity from eternal damn-ation. But the other God- given, infallible
book (for Muslims) says it was not Jesus but someone else who died in his
'Minority is not a nice term; it's time we redefine it' - Tufail Ahmed
- The Free Press Journal
- 29 August 1997
>>>Despite the pioneering work on caste-like divisions among Muslims by
sociologist Imtiaz Ahmed of Jawaharlal Nehru University, the Press and the
academic world treat Muslims as a homogeneous community, thereby neglecting
the social discrimination suffered by their subgroups. The term 'minority'
has been in frequent use, ignoring its negative impact on the 'collective
What kind of a God will condemn a 'heathen' child to eternal - Swami Agnivesh
- Communalism Combat
- 1997 September
>>>Generally speaking, as stated earlier, a Hindu has no problem living next
to someone who believes in an altogether different God. He has absolutely
no objections to whatever forms of worship he/she practices as long as it
is within accepted norms of constitutional and humanistic environment.
One of the proofs of this is the fact that the Syrian Christians have had
Waghela faces fresh challenge in 'rebel' Atmaram Patel - Times of India News Service
- The Times of India
- 23 September 1997
>>>The 11-month-old Rashtriya Janata Party ministry headed by chief minister
Shankarsinh Waghela has plunged into a new crisis with a virtual revolt by
revenue minister Atmaram Patel who gave enough indication on Monday that he
was in the race for the leadership in case Mr Waghela Is replaced as a
possible compromise by the Congress high command in the state.
Kalyan - a veteran leader moulded in saffron - Prajnan Bhattacharya
- The Observer
- 23 September 1997
>>>He is a staunch follower of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. The
66-year-old Bharatiya Janata Party national vice-president, Kalyan Singh,
who was sworn in as the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh on Sunday for the
second time, has the distinction of representing his Assembly constituency
for' a record number of times
Review of 'Why I Am Not A Muslim' (part VI of VI) - Dr. Jan Knappert
- (no publication) - Sun, 21 Sep 1997 10:58:04 +0500
>>>Review of 'Why I Am Not A Muslim' (part VI of VI)
(Ibn Warraq : Why I am not a Muslim. Prometheus Books, New York 1995, xvi,
402 pages, ISBN: 0-87975-984-4.)
(* Dr. Knappert is at present a Professor in the School of African and
Oriental Studies, University of London. He knows many Asian and African
Review of 'Why I Am Not A Muslim' (part VI of VI) - Dr. Jan Knappert
- (no publication) - Sun, 21 Sep 1997 10:58:04 +0500
>>>Review of 'Why I Am Not A Muslim' (part VI of VI)
(Ibn Warraq : Why I am not a Muslim. Prometheus Books, New York 1995, xvi,
402 pages, ISBN: 0-87975-984-4.)
(* Dr. Knappert is at present a Professor in the School of African and
Oriental Studies, University of London. He knows many Asian and African
Review of 'Why I Am Not A Muslim' (part II of VI) - G. A. Wells
- Free Inquiry
- 1995/96 Winter
>>>Review of 'Why I Am Not A Muslim' (part II of VI)
(Why I Am Not a Muslim, By Ibn Warraq (Amherst, N.Y. : Prometheus Books,
1995) 402 pp., $25.95 cloth.)
(This review appeared in FREE INQUIRY, Winter 1995/96. The reviewer is a
Professor at the University of London, a member of the Academy of Humanism,
Review of 'Why I Am Not A Muslim' (part V of VI) - Daniel O'Hara
- The Freethinker
- 1995 December
>>>Review of 'Why I Am Not A Muslim' (part V of VI)
(Why I am not a Muslim by Ibn Warraq, Prometheus Books, UK ISBN 0 87975 984
4.=A322. Rationalist Press Association members: =A3 15, Including postage, from
RPA, Bradlaugh House.)
(This review appeared in the December, 1995 issue of The Freethinker, a
Review of 'Why I Am Not A Muslim' (Part I of VI) - Daniel Pipes
- The Weekly Standard of New York, U.S.A.
- 22 January 1996
>>>Review of 'Why I Am Not A Muslim' (part I of VI)
(Daniel Pipes, a Professor at Harvard University, U.S.A.. is one of the
world's foremost historians. He is editor of the Middle East Quarterly and
author of The Rushdie Affair: The Novel, the Ayatollah, and the West. This
review by him was published in The Weekly Standard of New York, U.S.A.. on
Review of 'Why I Am Not A Muslim' (part IV of VI) - Ibn Al-Rawandi
- New Humanist
- Sun, 21 Sep 1997 10:56:10 +0500
>>>Review of 'Why I Am Not A Muslim' (part IV of VI)
(Why I am not a Muslim by Ibn Warraq (Prometheus Books, =A315 to RPA members).)
(* This review appeared in the NEW Humanist. The place and date of
publication is not mentioned on the photocopy received by us. Nor does the
photocopy give the full name or any other information about the reviewer.)
Review of 'Why I Am Not A Muslim' (part III of VI) - Antony Flew
- The Salisbury Review
- 1996 Spring
>>>Review of 'Why I Am Not A Muslim' (part III of VI)
(Why I am not a Muslim, Ibn Warraq, Prometheus Books, Buffalo, 1995 $25.99.
(UK Agent, 10 Crescent View, Loughton, IG10 4PZ).)
(This review was published in The Salisbury Review, Spring 1996. The
quarterly is published from London)
Union views opposing opening insu. sector (Part IV of IV)
Union views opposing opening insu. sector (Part III of IV) - National Organisation of Insurance workers
- (no publication) - 2 August 1997
>>>Enclosed pleased find herewith a brief Note prepared by us on our views on
MULTI NATIONAL CORPORATIONS". The notes is prepared for the benefit of
M.Ps. and opinion makers in the field to effectively argue or case.
Union views opposing opening insu. sector (Part II of IV) - National Organisation of Insurance workers
- (no publication) - 2 August 1997
>>>Enclosed pleased find herewith a brief Note prepared by us on our views on
MULTI NATIONAL CORPORATIONS". The notes is prepared for the benefit of
M.Ps. and opinion makers in the field to effectively argue or case.
Union views opposing opening insu. sector (Part I of IV) - National Organisation of Insurance workers
- (no publication) - 2 August 1997
>>>Enclosed pleased find herewith a brief Note prepared by us on our views on
MULTI NATIONAL CORPORATIONS". The notes is prepared for the benefit of
M.Ps. and opinion makers in the field to effectively argue or case.
BJP, the only alternative - M.C. Chagla
- BJP Today
- 16-31 August 1997
>>>(From Shri M.C. Chagla's address to delegates to the first plenary session
of the Bharatiya Janata Party at Samata Nagar, Bandra Reclamation, Bombay
on December 29, 1980)
I am not a member of the party and I am not addressing you as a delegate.
Still I assure you that when I am talking to you I do not feel like an
"Music knows no boundaries and has no religion" - Lata Mangeshkar
- Sunday
- 14-20 September 1997
>>>"I will always be there with my music to do anything I can for the film
industry and the country. I want to see a Ram Rajya, a world where we can
all live in harmony"
Q: For 50 years, your voice has remained more or less the same, the same
sweetness and melody. What is the secret?
Advani still justifies demolition - Political Bureau
- The Economic Times
- 18 September 1997
>>>Unfazed by the court's nood to chargesheet its top brass in the Ayodhya
case, the BJP has decided to be defiant over the demolition of the Babri
Indicating that the party would brazen it out in the coming days, BJP
president Mr L K Advani has justified the demolition of the disputed
Citizenship denied to refugees from Pakistan - Dwarika Prasad Sharma
- The Times of India
- 10 September 1997
>>>"After ten years of residentship in the U.S., U.K. and elsewhere, you can
get citizenship but in Jammu and Kashmir, you can be denied it forever,"
says Hardit Singh Panchhi, chief of the Sharanarthi action committee.
Though Mr Panchhi represents refugees in the state who had fled that part
of it which was occupied by Pakistani "tribal raiders", and who enjoy full
'X' police in TN to deal with Muslim fundamentalists - P K Sajeesh
- The Indian Express
- 17 September 1997
>>>The Tamil Nadu Government is likely to clear a proposal to set up an 'X'
branch on the lines of the 'Q' branch, in the state police set-up, to deal
with the Muslim fundamentalists.
The police department is working out the modalities of including the new
department in the set-up. The proposal comes in the wake of the rise in
The Maran line in right - Editorial
- The Financial Express
- 17 September 1997
>>>If news reports quoting industry minister Murasoli Maran in New York are
correct, the ICI bid to enter Asian Paints through a nine per cent stake is
likely to face a rough ride at the Foreign Investment Promotion Board.
This is as it should be. The fact is ICI in trying to gatecrash into
India's best paints company without a by-your-leave from the promoters. The
Ex-ISI chief calls for jehad over J-K - Press Trust of India
- The Indian Express
- 17 September 1997
>>>The former director general of Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence (ISI)
General Hamid Gul, has claimed that his country was "coming to the brink"
of waging a nuclear war with India over Kashmir and gave a call to the
so-called Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) government to declare jehad (holy
war) over the issue.
Sangh fancy v. Secular facts - Satiricus
- Organiser
- 14 September 1997
>>>Some people never learn. Especially if they are RSS people. These people,
it seems, simply cannot get rid of their obsession with history. They
continue to cling to the silly belief that history and itihasa are one and
the same thing-that history means itihasa, and itihasa means Iti-ha-asa "it
happened thus". Consequently they are intellectually incapable of
50 lakh state voters traceless - Press Report
- The Telegraph
- 22 August 1997
>>>Dear Shri Gill,
Under Article 324(1) of the Constitution of India, the superintendence,
direction and control of the preparation of electoral rolls for all
elections of Parliament and State Legislatures vest in the Election
Britain lost the opportunity - and the grace - Shyam Khosla
- Organiser
- 31 August 1997
>>>Great Britain should have volunteered to tender an unqualified apology
during the Queen's visit. Skipping visit to Amritsar or finding excuses not
to visit Jallianwala Bagh will only add insult to injury.
Inder Kumar Gujral's turn-round on his "advice" to the British Queen that
she skip Amritsar during her state visit is amusing. If H.D. Deve Gowda
Hindus in South Africa protest against conversion attempts - Dr Yashwant V. Pathak
- Organiser
- 31 August 1997
>>>The hall of the Phoenix Stanmore Regional Hall, Grove End Drive, was packed
to the capacity. Mostly the audience was from people of Indian origin, who
came to South Africa almost 130 years ago. Due to long apartheid era,
these people faced lot of problems for continuing contact with their
cultural Motherland India. The spiritual inspiration which they used to get
Ultras spreading disinformation: J&K Govt - Aasha Khosa
- The Indian Express
- 6 September 1997
>>>Fifty-five-year-old Mukti lies m a local hospital coping with a paralytic
stroke, least aware that she has been made the butt of a high pitched
propaganda on human rights violations.
Her husband, Ghulam Mohammad, a National Conference (NC) leader at Wathrove
village in Ganderbal, had alleged that a policeman involved in
Jain Samaj Rebuffs move to Divide Hindus - Posted By Krishnakant Udavant - Organiser
- 31 August 1997
>>>The Jain Samaj has made it clear to all concerned including the government
that Jains are not a minority and that those who are trying to seek that
status-or grant that status-should desist from such attempts.
The Jain Samaj has further reiterated their stand that they are Hindus.
Ever since the attempt of some people to get the Jains declared as a
Apology for honour, not for revenge - Madhuri Santanam Sondhi
- The Asian Age
- 8 September 1997
>>>We must be grateful to the Queen of England and members of the academic
community in Punjab, who, with some help from the Prime Minister, have
returned Jallianwala Bagh to the national consciousness. This return
cannot be a means of settling old scores - which is impossible - but
demonstrates the fact that history sought to be denied or ignored has a way
A dithering State cannot tackle insurgency - M.K. Narayanan
- The Asian Age
- 1 September 1997
>>>A great deal of pessimism exists in knowledgeable circles about the
over-all law and order situation in the country today. These persons are
especially worried that if problems are not suitably addressed it could
adversely affect the security situation per se posing a grave threat to the
nation. However, it would seem that those at the helm of affairs in the
For the Seoul of the state - Sudip Chaudhuri
- The Telegraph
- 25 August 1997
>>>What should the state do? This is the moot question addressed by this
year's World Development Report of the World Bank. For years, the World
Bank has been actively propagating the idea that the state should not play
an active role in economic development. The state should decide how
resources are to be allocated. Such basic economic decisions as what
Not a negative role - Rakesh Sinha
- The Hindustan Times
- 5 September 1997
>>>Ideological predisposition has been a predominant factor in evaluating the
role of various groups and individuals in the freedom struggle. Marxist and
subaltern historians, who are ideologically poles apart from the Rashtriya
Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), have bracketed it with the Hindu Mahasabha and
other Hindu organisations formed at various stages of the anti-imperialist
Fascism will be inevitable if aggression is resurgence - Arun Shourie
- The Observer
- 12 September 1997
>>>'Dalits fight back,' 'Dalit resurgence,' 'Dalit politics will never be the
same again,' 'Mumbai massacre a watershed' - headlines, news stories,
comments in the wake of the firing at the crowd in Mumbai. There was a
little hiccup - the leaders of the 'Dalits' whom these publications had
been building up for years were thrashed by the 'Dalits' whose resurgence
Dan Burton poses as an unlikely Cyrano de Bergerac - Ramesh Chandran
- The Times of India
- 12 September 1997
>>>When Dan Burton, the redoubtable Republican Congressman from Indiana
-best-known to South Asia watchers as India's most venomous critic and a
good friend of the minuscule but energetic Khalistan lobby -rose to
introduce his anti-India amendment last week, he began his annual ritual
with an unusual opening gambit.
Smouldering Seven - Wilson John
- The Pioneer
- 31 August 1997
>>>Assam can never be a digestible part of India now or in the future - All
Assam Tribes and Races Federation, 1945.
There can be no greater irony than the fact that during the special session
of Parliament called by the Meghalaya-born Speaker Purno Sangma, not a
minute was spared for the troubled seven states or "seven sisters" which
Alarming rise of Muslim fanaticism in TN - T N Gopalan
- The Pioneer
- 31 August 1997
>>>Four Ghastly murders of Hindu Munnani activists in Tirunelveli and killing
of a supposedly liberal ulema in the State capital have sent shock waves
among the Tamil Nadu police.
It is premature to say whether a well-knit ISI-funded terrorist network is
behind the murders, a State police official said.
Gentle guru still seeking new ways to learn - Nigel Williamson
- The Times, London
- 3 September 1997
>>>There is an aura of serenity about Ravi Shankar that touches all who come
within his orbit. When you meet him it is almost tangible, but its power
works in less intimate surroundings too: in the humid and sweaty big top at
July's annual Womad gathering his mere presence reduced several thousand
boisterous, beer-swilling festivalgoers to hushed reverence before he had
BJP threatens suit over Nazi parallel in WB textbook - Santanu Banerjee
- The Indian Express
- 28 August 1997
>>>The West Bengal unit of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is planning to
take the Left Front Minister for Higher Secondary Education Satya Sadhan
Chakraborty, who co-authored a text book defaming the party, to court.
Rashtra Bigyaner Ruparekha, a prescribed text book for Class XI and XII,
according to party sources here, gave a distorted version of the party both
Not in the affirmative - Andre Beteille
- The Telegraph
- 30 August 1997
>>>Quotas cannot replace education as guarantor of socio-economic equity
Jawaharlal Nehru had said on the eve of Indian independence, "The spirit of
the age is in favour of equality, though practice denies it almost
everywhere." He then went on to declare, "Yet the spirit of the age will
triumph." A good way to assess the changes that have taken place in the 50
A genius and a saint - R. Ramdas Thampuran
- The Hindu
- 31 August 1997
>>>Narayana Guru was the initiator of a non-violent social revolution in the
late 19th century. R. Ramdas Thampuran outlines the life and teaching of
the guru on his 143rd birth anniversary
Sri Narayana Guru was an extraordinary phenomenon who strode over the
spiritual firmament of Kerala like a collosus during the late 19th century
Rare papers on Buddhist religion, philosophy missing - Subhash Pathak
- The Hindustan Times
- 25 August 1997
>>>World acclaimed research papers and rare books of the Bihar Research
Society are mysteriously missing due to neglect by the society staff and
the State Government. Rarest manuscripts of Rahul Sankrityayan brought from
Tibet have not been seen for ages.
What is disturbing is that certain terms from abroad are reportedly at work
Fanning the flames of terrorism - Dina Nath Mishra
- The Observer
- 11 September 1997
>>>'Meanwhile, ISI activities in Afghanistan are also of growing importance to
Pakistan's ability to deter and contain India through the escalation of
Islamist terrorism and subversion. It has been a cornerstone of
Islamabad's strategic design that it would be next to impossible for an
India preoccupied with domestic instability and terrorism to launch a war
Tamil to unseat Sanskrit in TN temples - Malini Nair
- The Telegraph
- 17 August 1997
>>>The Tamil Nadu culture minister, Mr M. Tamizhkudimagan, last week
inaugurated a laksharchana (a lakh prayers) at the Madurai Meenakshi
temple. This week, he will participate in a kodiarchana (a crore prayers)
at the Kapileshewar temple here.
There is an unusual aspect to the rituals - they are not being conducted in
Uighurs smoulder under China's yoke - John McCarthy
- The Guardian, London
- 4 September 1997
>>>They dispute the name of the land they seek to liberate, and their Chinese
oppressors condemn them as "splittists". Trapped between farce and tragedy,
exiled Uighur nationalist groups have lacked credibility.
But early this year, as Uighurs in China stepped up their popular guerrilla
campaign against Beijing's rule in East Turkestan, the United National
Emperor Gujral does have some underwear but, no clothes - M. J. Akbar
- The Asian Age
- 31 August 1997
>>>The list of optimists who want to father a child out of an impotent
government is not only long but keeps growing. It is a curious paradox but
the very weakness of a government tends to breed hope. One is not talking
about mere carpetbaggers, who make up a substantial portion of any
capital's task force and whose chief pleasure derives from direct hits at
Russians find solace in Buddhism as monasteries flourish - Gareth Jones
- The Asian Age
- 19 August 1997
>>>Dmitry knew exactly what he wanted to do after quitting the Army, although
his decision dismayed his parents and surprised his former comrades.
"My aim is to become a Buddhist monk. I have been reading up on Buddhism
for many years and ave visited several Buddhist countries," he said.
He is one eight young Russians following a five-year course of study in
Algerian villagers flee homes as Muslim rebels butcher 200 - Marie Colvin
- The Sunday Times, London
- 31 August 1997
>>>Algerians fled villages near the capital in terror yesterday after Muslim
rebels slaughtered more than 200 people in the worst atrocity since the
Islamic insurgency began five years ago.
Survivors from villages near Blida, a provincial capital 30 miles south of
Algiers, said Muslim rebels armed with axes, knives and guns were "howling
Want to be a high - flier in big business? - Julia Llewellyn Smith
- The Sunday Telegraph, London
- 31 August 1997
>>>At a management-technology college in Kent, you can study for a degree in
economics, computing, information systems and English. You can also learn
the mysterious art of yogic flying.
The Maharishi College of Management and Technology in Tonbridge is the
first university in Europe to teach the principles of the Maharishi Mahesh
Muslims guerrillas warn of new Philippines conflict - Adam Easton
- The Guardian, London
- 2 September 1997
>>>A year after a peace deal ended 25 years of fighting between Muslim rebels
and government forces, the spectre of war still haunts Mindanao, the
second-largest island in the Philippines.
In the southern jungle 500 miles south of Manila a growing army of
discontented guerrillas threatens to derail the fragile agreement, despite
Dawood gets jobs in Dubai for 30 former IB, CBI, RAW men - A B Mahapatra
- The Free Press Journal
- 30 August 1997
>>>Underworld don Dawood Ibrahim has clandestinely employed number of former
Intelligence officials both within and outside India to seek their
expertise on various legal matters which has time and again thwarted Indian
intelligence agencies move to bring him to the country for trial.
According to intelligence sources, as many as 13 former senior CBI
Indian lobbying comes of age - Chidanand Rajghatta
- The Indian Express
- 6 September 1997
>>>London has its literati and Paris its designers. New York has its brokers,
San Francisco its flower children. Even Chicago has its architects. But
Washington? Washington has its... lobbyists. Dark-suited oily sheikhs who
smile strictly with their mouths and talk power in a whisper that bespeaks
not just the flutter of greenbacks but the electronic beep of money
Indian lobbying comes of age - Chidanand Rajghatta
- The Indian Express
- 6 September 1997
>>>London has its literati and Paris its designers. New York has its brokers,
San Francisco its flower children. Even Chicago has its architects. But
Washington? Washington has its... lobbyists. Dark-suited oily sheikhs who
smile strictly with their mouths and talk power in a whisper that bespeaks
not just the flutter of greenbacks but the electronic beep of money
Congress: The 'messiah' school vs. the realists - M D Nalapat
- The Times of India
- 1 September 1997
>>>Sitaram Kesri's generous promise to Prime Minister Gujral that he would not
be disturbed for another year begs the question of likely developments
within the Janata Dal. Should there be an attempted palace coup within the
ruling party, then Congress support may not be enough.
Indeed, it is this very support that has created enemies for Mr Gujral
Redefining minority - Tufail Ahmad
- The Observer
- 1 September 1997
>>>Despite the pioneering work undertaken by sociologists such as, Imtiaz
Ahmed, to analyse the various communities within the Muslim society, the
media and the academic world treat Muslim as a homogeneous community,
thereby neglecting the social discrimination suffered by their sub-groups.
The term 'minority' has been in frequent use, ignoring its negative impact
Corporate India - The second coming of Swadeshi - Tara Sinha
- The Times of India
- 1 September 1997
>>>In 1947, Indian business was a small group led by men of substance, who
carried with pride their swadeshi credentials: Birla, Tata, Mafatlal,
Mahindra, Shriram, Godrej, Dabur... These pioneers were driven by the
belief that their endeavours contributed to Indian nationhood. Many
cherished a commitment to their country and their fellow citizens. Several
China is India's ultimate threat - P M Kamath
- Mid-day
- 1 September 1997
>>>The Chairman of the International Relations Committee of the US Congress,
Benjamin Gilman recently said in New Delhi that China's growing power poses
a threat to India. Parliamentary standing committee on defence also in its
report in 1995 had considered China as a potential security threat to
India. The report stated that China "is likely to remain the primary
VHP angry at convent conversion of students - Amita Verma
- The Asian Age
- 27 August 1997
>>>Attempts made by three Christian missionary schools in Uttar Pradesh's
Uttarakhand region to convert students to Christianity through a
"self-awareness programme" has kicked off a series of protests in the region.
While the state government expresses its helplessness on the issue saying
that missionary schools are beyond its jurisdiction, the Vishwa Hindu
TN witnesses one more 'Jumma killing' - PK Sajeesh
- The Indian Express
- 1 September 1997
>>>The death of assistant jailor S Jayaprakash (44) in Madurai on Friday
afternoon is yet another case of 'Jumma (Friday) killing' in the State.
Sources said the assistant jailor could have been murdered by a dreaded
Islamic fundamentalist organisation as it believed that he had not
respected the sentiments of Muslims. The enmity between the assistant
A legacy divided - Pitting Gandhi against Ambedkar - Mushirul Hasan
- The Indian Express
- 6 September 1997
>>>A leading newsmagazine published excepts from the well-advertised book of
Patrick French. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was the obvious target. The
editor was delighted, but the readers were not amused. It was unmistakably
clear from their sharp reactions that Gandhi still commands widespread
respect in our society. This was not all. Quite a few readers recounted the
'Ulfa is no longer a people's movement' - Sheela Reddy
- The Asian Age
- 25 August 1997
>>>The crux of your book appears to be that terrorism erupts wherever the
psychology of Us and Them is exploited by vested interests. In the case of
Punjab, Sikhism with its history of persecution and armed resistance to
that persecution provided an ideal breeding ground for furthering the
political and pecuniary ends of assorted politicians and religious leaders.
Left changes color, sees 'greater danger' in BJP than Cong - Political Bureau
- The Economic Times
- 3 September 1997
>>>The CPI(M) said today, in the most categorical statement of its kind, that
it considered the BJP 'more dangerous' and a 'bigger threat' than the
Virtually throwing aside earlier declarations that sought to balance the
Congress and the BJP in terms of threat perception, the CPI(M) general
Mark Tully pulls out all stops for Hindutva - Bishwanath Ghosh
- The Asian Age
- 27 August 1997
>>>The BJP has found a new advocate in Mr Mark Tully, the former BBC
correspondent, who feels that Indian civilisation has a Hindu base to it
and that Hindus should proclaim their identity with pride.
The party is so thrilled with one of India's famous foreigners endorsing
its line that it has devoted seven pages to Mr Tully's views in a recent
ISI threat looms over 'liberal' TN Muslims - P K Sajeesh
- The Indian Express
- 30 August 1997
>>>Several Muslim organisations have sought police protection in the light of
threats made by an Islamic fundamentalist organisation - that those who
fail to follow its code will face attacks.
Muslim leaders, who have approached police for help, wished to remain
anonymous as they are worried the fundamentalists may target them if their
Secessionists from India unite at UN's human rights jamboree - Chitra Subramaniam
- The Indian Express
- August 6
>>>They are children of a generous god. They come from London and Tripura,
Paris and Chandigarh, Washington and Baramulla, Helsinki, Trincomalee and
Velvetithurai and are held together by an invisible string.
They are smart, they speak well, most of them are lawyers or businessmen,
and they are flushed with funds. Whose funds? Our supporters and
Is Dawood searching for a safe haven in Orissa? - Imran Khan
- The Observer
- 28 August 1997
>>>Is the notorious mafia don Dawood Ibrahim searching for a safe haven on the
peaceful Orissa coast for his gang - is a question that has been worrying
the state officials for some time now.
Highly-placed sources said that they had information of the gang's
activities by officials responsible for coast surveillance. This issue
The rights wrong here - Rahul Bajaj
- The Financial Express
- 27 August 1997
>>>The debate set off by Rahul Bajaj in this newspaper and other forums about
the role of for foreign capital in India appears to have touched a raw
nerve among India's liberal elite. Many newspapers have taken a negative
view of Bajaj's call for setting equity limits for MNCs and protecting
Indian companies from external takeovers for some time.
Ghosts of the past - Samudra Gupta Kashyap
- The Indian Express
- 27 August 1997
>>>Seventeen years ago, when a group of youths met in the Rang-ghar, a 17th
century Ahom amphitheatre in Sibsagar in upper Assam and announced the
formation of the United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA), hardly had the
government and the intelligence agencies anticipated that this group would
one day rise to become a major secessionist force.
BJP is a clean, secular party, says ally George - Venkatesh Kesari
- The Asian Age
- 20 August 1997
>>>Firebrand Socialist leader and the chief of the Samata Party George
Fernandes has described the BJP as a secular party, constitutionally as
well as politically, and said the present alliance of his party with the
BJP will continue in Bihar and other states.
Speaking to The Asian Age, Mr Fernandes said: "Let us have an open debate
Dishonesty, thy name is Congress - M V Kamath
- The Free Press Journal
- 22 August 1997
>>>'On one point and on one point alone, one can be in agreement with the
Congress. Coalition governments can never function in Delhi. We need a
strong Central Government for preserving the security and integrity of the
nation. But Kesri must be told that it is beyond the Congress to provide
the necessary strength. A party which has to ask Sonia Gandhi to lead it is
BJP to boost support in N-E - Advani plans to visit region - Bishwanath Ghosh
- The Asian Age
- 20 August 1997
>>>The BJP has launched a massive campaign for the northeast in order to
establish a presence in the states of Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland,
Tripura, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh.
BJP president L.K. Advani will be visiting some of these states nest month
to boost the drive. The fact that the party plans to have elected
Leaders turn graft crusaders to outdo BJP - Posted By Krishnakant Udavant - The Telegraph
- 19 August 1997
>>>Crusade against corruption is the new mantra every leader is swearing by.
After the President and the Prime Minister called for a national movement
and a satyagraha against corruption, Mr Sitaram Kesri, Mr V.P. Singh and Mr
Jyoti Basu have woken up to the issue and flayed the corrupt.
Today, it was the turn of the Tamil Maanila Congress chief, Mr G.K.
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