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HVK Archives: No minor Matter

No minor Matter - The Times of India

A. Sujata ()
20 January 1997

Title : No minor Matter
Author : A. Sujata
Publication : The Times of India
Date : January 20, 1997

The National Commission for Minorities (euphemism for Muslims) has
recommended that the Jams should be classified as minorities. This
is a deliberate and anti-national ,mischief. Christians in India
used to be part of the mainstream. They never identified themselves
with the Christian British rulers and at the time of making the
Indian constitution, they refused any reservations for themselves,
as it is an insult for such an educated community. However, in
recent times, they have seen that Muslims, by continuously harping
upon themselves as a minority, are able to get one appeasing
concession after another from vote gatherers. The Christians are
therefore getting poised to behave like ever-demanding and
never-satisfied divisionist Muslims, who seem to forget nothing and
learn nothing from their past. This so-called National Commission
for Minorities, has always been headed by Muslims, rooted in their
divisionist, two-nation separatist past that led to the division of
this country and formation of two Islamic Republics. Now these
people want to splinter Indian society further by declaring one
denomination after another as minorities, so that inter-community
strife can increase. By misusing the freedom that the Hindus
granted to "minorities" for preserving and promoting their religion
and culture, they are running medical, engineering, science,
commerce and business management schools and colleges, the strength
of students in each of which is far more than the proportion that
the so-called religious minority constitutes in India's population.
For example, in Andhra Pradesh more than 50 per cent of the
colleges of education (B.Ed., Degree) are run by the Christian
population which does not exceed 2.5 per cent of the total
population. So "minority" privilege is misused for making money
for other purposes.

Today the National Commission for Muslims (or minorities) is
wanting sections of Hindu society like Jains to be declared as
minority. If this is accepted, then it will be the turn of the
Lingayats, Vaishnavites, Shaivites, Swamynarayanites,
Ramakrishnaites, and so on. Already there is a race among different
castes in Hindus, Muslims and Christians to be declared backward
and to be included amongst the Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled
Castes. It means that finally India will be declared as a Republic
of 'backwards' and innumerable 'minorities', finally reducing the
Indian nation and the state to a mirage, to a verbal and not a
physical, moral and cultural entity. In view of the anti-national
ideology, this Commission for Muslims (Minority) should be wound
up. That these ideologues are not as much devoted to India as to
Islam is very clear from the fact that none of these worthies has
ever told the Islamic states that were carved out of India to have
a minority commission to look after the interests of Hindus and
Christians there.

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