HVK Archives by Thread
HVK Archives by Thread
Starting: Thu 01 Jan 1998 - 01:07:27 EST
Ending: Sat 31 Jan 1998 - 22:48:47 EST
Messages: 96
Con, be a good boy, CPI(M) tells Mulayam Singh - Political Bureau
- The Economic Times
- January 30, 1998
>>>The 'adamant' stand of the Samajwadi Party (SP) supremo Mulayam
Singh Yadav on seat-sharing in Uttar Pradesh has finally started
irking his closest ally, the CPI(M), which says that the Janata
Dal (JD) and the CPI have taken a 'far more reasonable stand' on
That dynastic subversion of the Navy - Satyindra Singh
- The India Express
- January 30, 1998
>>>When the emergency was clamped on the nation in June '75, most of
the instruments of the state had been debauched. Indira Gandhi
had pretty much killed the Congress party, which was one vehicle,
especially under her father, Nehru, of ensuring that a vast
country like India was ruled by consensus. She destroyed the
Clutching at a straw - Dina Nath Mishra
- The Observer
- January 29, 1998
>>>For the last fortnight, Sonia Gandhi is getting prominence on the
front pages of newspapers. Magazines have devoted cover stories
to her. Electronic media too is treating her as if she is already
the Prime Minister. Even on the occasion of the Republic day
speech of President K R Narayanan, Doordarshan gave the first
Heirs to a great past, Hindus are reclaiming their culture - M.V.Kamath
- The Free Press Journal
- January 15, 1998
>>>Several reasons are being adduced for the defection of many
Congressmen to the BJP camp. Why did they leave the Congress?
More importantly, why have they joined the BSP? Till the other
day the BJP was an untouchable party, hated and reviled by the
Congress. Weren't these defectors aware of their party's
Sonia's Italian passport - R. K. Bajaj
- The Daily
- January 15, 1998
>>>When part of the Congress says that they are not
utilising Sonia Gandhi's appeal properly I tend to agree. Till
today no one in the Congress has made even an attempt to project
Sonic Gandhi's commitment to India or the fact that of the 51
105-year-old Swayamsevaks lives self-help maxim to hilt - Pratap Thorat
- The Asian Age
- January 18, 1998
>>>He was born in the 19th-century, is quietly watching the 20th
century pass by and looks forward with the enthusiasm of a
teenager to carry the message of Hindutva to the 21st century.
Mr Isram Atmaram Katre is 105-years-old and had the energy to
Congress apologies are adding insult to injury - Amita Verma
- The Asian Age
- January 29, 1998
>>>BJP prime ministerial candidate Atal Behari Vajpayee said here on
Wednesday the Congress series of apologies was now turning into a
mockery of sorts.
"Instead of having a healing effect, these apologies are adding
Anarchy in Assam - Editorial
- The Hindustan Times
- January 16, 1998
>>>ULFA and Bodo extremists appear to be vying with each other in
grabbing newspaper headlines through sheer terror and banditry.
This week the two have struck ferociously. While suspected ULFA
militants gunned down a senior Army officer in Guwahati on
Wednesday and earlier made an attempt on the life of the IGP,
UF will go to the background - Venkatesh Kesari
- The Asian Age
- January 29, 1998
>>>Samata Party leader George Fernandes has said that no single
party would be able to come to power after the forthcoming
general elections.
"The mandate of the people in this election will be similar to
Sonia's entry will help Cong, but game's just begun
Advani begs to differ, rules out apology for demolition - Express News Service
- The Indian Express
- January 28, 1998
>>>Bharatiya Janata Party president L K Advani today categorically
stated that his party would not extend an apology for demolition
the disputed structure at Ayodhya in 1992 and held the then
Central Government responsible for the unfortunate incident.
Entire society is the BJP's social based: Kalyan Singh - Vijay Chalwa
- The Business Standard
- January 9, 1998
>>>Business Standard: It is being said that you are taking decisions
on your own without consulting cabinet colleagues.
Kalyan Singh: This is not true. There are three different groups,
three different ideologies and three different cultures which
Let's give BJP a chance - Sudheendra Kulkarni
- The Asian Age
- January 26, 1998
>>>It took the collapse of the Congress party on the one hand and
the collapse of the Babri structure on the other to effect a
qualitative change in the BJP-Indian Muslim relationship. It is
not generally recognised by political pundits, but the
unmistakable consequence of these two developments has been the
Beyond votebanks: A Hindu, Muslim joint account? - Sudheendra Kulkarni
- The Asian Age
- January 25, 1998
>>>Seema Mustafa, a senior and prolific journalist heading the New
Delhi bureau of The Asian Age wrote an editorial page article on
December 13, which was notable both for its illuminating insights
as well as refreshing candour.
The rise of alienation in the Valley - Madhvee Inamdar
- The Indian Express
- January 28, 1998
>>>India currently spends over one million US dollars per day
towards the cost of army operations and subsidiary activities to
maintain its military forces in Kashmir to counter insurgency and
militancy. The conflict is sapping the economies of both India
and Pakistan.
It's time for a changed agenda - Naseem Naqvi
- The Pioneer
- January 21, 1998
>>>We as a nation have a unique quality. We take simple facts and
turn them into something new. That this tendency has crept into
the body politic proves its versatility and significance. What
are these facts? Expediency. for one, which after conversion is
called blackmail. Whenever it is resorted to without any
Another massacre - Editorial
- The Asian Age
- January 28, 1998
>>>The latest massacre in Kashmir is yet another proof of the
desperation across the border to jeopardise the peace process in
the Valley. Words are not strong enough to condemn the mowing
down of Kashmiri pandits who had refused to leave their village
and the only solace, if it can indeed be called that, is that the
Massacre at Wandhama - Editorial
- The Indian Express
- January 28, 1998
>>>There was a method in the massacre of 23 Kashmiri pandits at
Wandhama on Sunday night. The idea was to drive home the
Message, on the eve of the country's Republic Day, that Kashmir
is still very much a disturbed territory, no matter how many
tricolours are unfurled in Srinagar; no matter if the state's
Challenge in Kashmir - Editorial
- The Times of India
- January 28, 1998
>>>If this Republic Day was distinguished by the posthumous
conferring of Ashok Chakra, the highest gallantry award, on 2nd
Lieutenant Punit Datta for his exceptional heroism in fighting
the terrorists in Kashmir, it was also the day 23 pundits,
including women and children, fell to terrorism. This is more
Calculated madness - Editorial
- The Observer
- January 28, 1998
>>>The burst of gunfire that drowned the Ramzan prayers on Sunday
night in Wandhama village on the outskirts of Srinagar has
mischief written across it. That it was calculated to wipe out
the last four families of Kashmiri Pandits comprising 23 people,
including 10 women and four children, is obvious enough. But
Hindutva at the centre stage of Bharatiya politics - Posted By Krishnakant Udavant - Organiser
- January 11, 1998
>>>The RSS Sarkaryavah, Shri H.V. Seshadri, is one of those
swayamsevaks who have witnessed the ups and downs in the Indian
politics scene over the years. In view of the emerging equations,
the veteran swayamsevak spoke to Organiser on the Hindutva
content of the changing political scenario. Excerpts.
Ideology and alliance - Shyam Khosla
- Organiser
- January 11, 1998
>>>Bharatiya Janata Party is a national party seeking a decisive
mandate from the electorate in the '98 elections on its distinct
ideology, policies and programmes no less than on the quality of
its leadership and performance. While it is confident of securing
a majority in the 12th Lok Sabha, it is aware of the ground
Barking up the wrong tree again - Diwakar
- The Economic Times
- January 25, 1998
>>>Election not only galvanise politicians but also the members of
the ,secularist' intelligentsia. After a 18-mouth period of
inaction coinciding wit h the UF's rule during which they
focussed more on themes of globalisation, nuclear disarmament and
the depleting ozone layer, these intelligentsia have turned their
Muslims should test us, we are their friends - Anil Saxena
- The Times of India
- January 26, 1998
>>>The maverick BJP chief minister of Uttar Pradesh Kalyan Singh
hopes to steer his party to victory in UP during the Lok Sabha
poll. According to him the entrance of Sonia Gandhi in politics
will have no effects on BJP's fortunes in the state. Mr Singh's
agenda appears to be to send a record number of BJP MPs from UP
Industry sways to BJP's mantra - Mayank Mishra
- The Business Standard
- January 15, 1998
>>>The three-day partnership summit organised by the Confederation
of Indian Industry (CH) in Chennai last week saw business
confidence on the upswing largely due to the growing anticipation
of a stable, Bharatiya Janata Party-led government at the Centre.
Turning point in India's history - Posted By Krishnakant Udavant - BJP Today
- January 1-15, 1998
>>>The following Political Resolution was adopted by the BJP
National Executive in Bhubaneswar on December 20, 1997.
The National Executive of the Bharatiya Janata Party views the
coming mid-term general election as an unique opportunity for the
Let us win this challenge Vajpayee exhorts party workers
Unholy bills - M.G. Radhakrishnan
- India Today
- January 26, 1998
>>>To the audience at the Kumaraswami Hall in Thiruvananthapuram the
scene was as dramatic as it was unfamiliar. A tough-looking
sanyasi thundered in Sanskrit-laden Hindustani: "Hey, nastik
Nayanar, kholo tere nayan and see for yourself that the Himalayas
have come down to the Indian Ocean! When it happened last time,
Their sacrifices: A chapter from tomorrow's textbooks - Arun Shourie
- The Asian Age
- January 23, 1998
>>>In the beginning was a foreigner. He founded the Congress.
Then, no one did anything till the Nehru-Nehru (Father and Son)
Family stepped forth. They firmly stamped the history of India
with the twin features that characterise it in the first half of
Task during poll campaign - Kushabhau Thakre
- BJP Today
- January 1-15, 1998
>>>This past fortnight has witnessed hectic political activity and
several changes in the political scenario. These changes are
neither surprising nor unexpected. But the speed at which they
have occurred is amazing.
Campaigning with monumental lies - Dina Nath Mishra
- The Observer
- January 22, 1998
>>>he media has been extraordinarily excitable, more than willing
to do business on our terms. Frankly, it has been eating out of
our hand. No hard questions have been asked... It has no option
but to fall in for glamour/charisma themes... So far, only the
junior reporters have travelled to Sriperumbudur, Bangalore,
Trial by secularists - Prakash Nanda
- The Times of India
- January 22, 1998
>>>There is a story that when apartheid was alive and kicking in
Rhodesia -present-day Zimbabwe -a white truck driver passed a
group of idle natives and muttered, "They are lazy brutes". A few
hours later, he saw natives loading 200 pound sacks of grain onto
a truck, singing in rhythm to their work. "Savages", he grumbled,
To Russia with love - K.P.Nayar
- The Telegraph
- January 14, 1998
>>>Prime minister I.K. Gujral had an unexpected visitor in Chennai
last week. For Gujral, the visitor was not o unexpected but also
very important. The prime minister considered his unscheduled
meeting with the Russian ambassador, Albert S. Chernyshev, on the
fringes of the Confederation of Indian Industry's partnership
Nationalists will come to power - Pramod Kumar
- Organiser
- January 20, 1998
>>>Working President of Vishwa Hindu Parishad [VHP] Shri Ashok
Singhal describing the election '98 as the historic has expressed
the hope that the pseudo-secular forces would be defeated and the
nationalist forces would come to power so as to give a new
direction to the nation. Talking to the Organiser representative,
Distinctly democratic dynasty - Satiricus
- Organiser
- January 18, 1998
>>>Like all Indians Satiricus is at heart a hero worshipper. So he
likes to read the lives of great men. Such reading improves his
small mind with its ennobling influence. It is therefore quite
natural that Justice Jain's biography of Shri Rajiv Gandhi should
profoundly affect him. It has also disabused his mind ..of so
Jaya lambasts Sonia for silence on DMK and in Rajiv's killing - N Sathlya Moorthy
- The Observer
- January 20, 1998
>>>All-India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhakam (AIADMK) president
Jayalalitha came down heavily on Sonia Gandhi on Monday for not
taking on the ruling Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) and its
electoral ally, the Tamil Maanila Congress (TMC), on the "Rajiv
Gandhi assassination issue" while launching the Congress election
The mother of all apologies - T.J.S. George
- The Indian Express
- January 21, 1998
>>>Why only Bluestar, Dr Singh? The scions of the Nehru-Gandhi
dynasty must shoulder the responsibility for the most destructive
decisions taken in India since Independence.
Manmohan Singh is rapidly developing the politician's trademark
UP Council poll results indicate electorate mood - Prajnan Bhattacharya
- The Observer
- January 15, 1998
>>>The morale boosting majority of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party
In the Uttar Pradesh council elections (through local bodies and
Panchayat Raj institutions) has not only given a clean chit to
the Kalyan Singh-led Government In the State, but also a fair
amount of political mood of the electorate In favour of the BJP.
As Pakistan sees us - M.V. Kamath
- Organiser
- January 18, 1998
>>>On the night of August 14, 1997, several hundred Indians, led by,
among others, Shri Kuldip Nayar, a close friend and confidant of
Shri Inder Kumar Gujral, gathered at the Wagah border, in the
hope of shaking hands with Pakistanis across the divide in
celebration of 50 years of Independence. On the Indian side,
Ascendant BJP has LF worried - Dina Nath Mishra
- The Observer
- January 15, 1998
>>>Even while having the outside support of Congress for the UF
government, the Left Front, specially the CPM, still treated the
Congress as a political untouchable. So much so that it did not
allow the apex coordination committee to be formed, as promised
to the President of India by Congress president Sitaram Kesri
Why is Swadeshi suddenly in vogue?
Stalin and Hitler: Equals among firsts - Paul Johnson
- The Asian Age
- January 19, 1998
>>>It is already horribly clear that, in important moral respects,
the new Labour government is no improvement on its lamentable
predecessor. As the Formula One and Robinson cases show, it can
neither avoid sleaze nor, when it is exposed, deal with it
promptly. There are, I predict, much bigger scandals ahead. It is
BJP treats Muslims as humans not votes - Ramu Bhagwat
- The Times of India
- January 15, 1998
>>>A day after the Bharatiya Janata Party released the first fist of
202 candidates for the Lok Sabha elections, its prime ministerial
candidate Atal Behari Vajpayee launched the party's campaign in
this town nestled in the Satpura ranges of Madhya Pradesh.
The Kathmandu connection - Swati Chaturvedi
- The Indian Express
- January 17, 1998
>>>Anyone looking at Pakistan with suspicion will find the job easy
in Kathmandu. For, Nepal, thanks to a liberal immigration policy
and a porous border with India, is serving not only as a transit
for those on the run but also as a haven for Pak-sponsored
terrorist activity.
Such a must spectacle - T.V.R. Shenoy
- The Indian Express
- January 17, 1998
>>>er campaigning shall definitely make a difference," P.
Chidambaram mused aloud at a press conference. Before the
assembled media's raised eyebrows had time to drop, he grinned
and continued, "in other states." I don't need to spell out the
identity of that enigmatic 'Her', do I? But I must say the
SP leaders debunk Sonia's claim - Times of India News Service
- The Times of India
- January 18, 1998
>>>In an unusually hard-hitting attack on Sonia Gandhi on Saturday,
the Samajwadi Party virtually called her a liar and declared that
her statement on Babri Masjid demolition was a pack of lies.
Leader of the Opposition in the UP Legislative Council Ahmad
Hasan said that Sonia Gandhi's statement that her late husband
We should have on overt N-weapons programme - Dinesh Kumar
- The Times of India
- January 19, 1998
>>>As chief of staff, of Eastern Command in 1971, Lt Gen J R F Jacob
was among the architects of India's victory in the 1971 Indo-Pak
war which led, to the creation of Bangladesh. His account of the
war as published in his book Surrender at Dhaka: Birth of a
Nation last year came as an eye opener and exploded several myths
Advantage Advani - Varsha Bhosle
- The Sunday Observer
- January 11-17, 1998
>>>He lives in middling government quarters. In the twilight, the
street looks deserted, there's no sign of the Black Cats. It's a
simple house, unexpectedly middle elms - dunlop sofas, Ganpati
icons, beaded torans... A wife, a son, a daughter: Chhota
parivar, sukhi parivar. No, not that parivar. The son, a
We do not indulge in politics: RSS chief - Prakash Joshi
- The Times of India
- January 12, 1997
>>>Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Rajendra Singh said on
Saturday that political stability and leadership were the two
main issues that would dominate the ensuing Lok Sabha elections
in the country.
It's not compromise, but practical idealism - Inder Sawhney
- The Times of India
- January 12, 1998
>>>Kodipakkam Neelameghacharya Govindacharya, general secretary of
the Bharatiya Janata Party, came to the BJP from the Rashtriya
Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) on "loan" before the parliamentary
elections in 1989 when the party had just two seats in the Lok
Sabha. reputed to be a high-powered think-tank, Mr Govindacharya
Beg, Borrow or ...... - Harish Gupta
- India Today
- January 19, 1998
>>>A bankrupt party now finds donors playing elusive
Congress are eternal optimists; but Ahmed Patel, the party's
treasurer, may be stretching the definition a little too far.
Patel, who took charge of the Congress' finances in October 1996,
I only have a widow - Harinder Baweja (Associate Editor)
- India Today
- January 19, 1998
>>>He is 80 years old and he is conscious of that. His hold on tire
party is slipping and he is aware of that. Congress President
Sitaram Kesri is under pressure and it is showing. In an
interview with Associate Editor Harinder Baweja, he was
introspective, forthright and on a short fuse. Excerpts:
A problem called Sonia - Swapan Dasgupta
- The India Today
- January 19, 1998
>>>There is always a ready market in India for conspiracy theoriesthe more outrageous the better. As such, it is curious that no
statement-issuing politician thought it fit to link last week's
visit of Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi-ostensibly to
promote "economic and political" cooperation-with Sonia Gandhi's
BJP inching towards majority
'No one challenges our secular credentials any more' - Janak Singh
- The Times of India
- January 7, 1998
>>>Will Bharatiya Janata Party leader Atal Behari Vajpayee form the
government after the elections? The various opinion polls
conducted so far seem to indicate the Vajpayee-led BJP's victory
in the polls. Whether it gets a simple majority of 274 Lok Sabha
seats on its own or cobbles up this magic number along with its
'We have no intention of playing the Ayodhya card' - Sharat Pradhan, Lucknow
- Sunday
- January 4-10, 1998
>>>"Log Musalmano ko gumrah kar rahen hain, hum unhe humrah karna
chahte hain (While others have been misguiding Muslims, we want
them to come with us). "Astonishingly, this comes from none other
than the Bharatiya Janata Party's national vice-president and
Uttar Pradesh chief minister Kalyan Singh, whose party has
BJP set to swear by 'Swadeshi' - Srinand Jha
- The Observer
- January 7, 1998
>>>In continuance of the Sangh Parivar's plans of having the
Bharatiya Janata Party make the Swadeshi issue as its major poll
plank in the coming general elections, the Swadeshi Jagran Manch
(SJM) has released a document seeking a national consensus on the
Swadeshi concept of development.
Baghpat Jat clasps kamal - Suresh Nautiyal
- The Observer
- January 3, 1998
>>>What would a hardcore Jat politician do if he is dubbed as a
'desk politician'? Try to remodel the impression. Som Pal,
former RJD Rajya Sabha member, is one such politician wishing to
do away with such a stigma.
Riddle of out times - Editorial
- India Today
- January 12, 1998
>>>The buoyant mood in the Congress following Sonia Gandhi's
decision to campaign for the party is understandable. Since
political communication in India is disproportionately dependent
on a party's ability to sell imagery, the Congress naturally
feels it is on to a good thing. The party is still not the odds-
Banking on versatile skills - E. Jayakrishnan
- The Observer
- January 3, 1998
>>>For the Kumaramangalam clan, the circle has been squared. With
Rangarajan Kumaramangalam joining the BJP, the family has now
been part of all the three political formations in the country
today, the Left, the right and the Centrist parties.
Sanskrit not a ead language: HC - Legal Correspondent
- The Hindu
- January 2, 1998
>>>The Madras High Court has held that "Sanskrit is not a dead
language" and observed that the reasoning of the Tamil Nadu
Government that Sanskrit had ceased to be a language in use "is
nothing but ignorance of reality."
Left luggage - Swapan Dasgupa
- India Today
- January 12, 1998
>>>Neither Rome nor Ram, today's issue is stability. The
construction of the temple is no longer a BJP issue; today, it is
the last refuge of the secular forces.
The BJP President, L. K. Advani, is understandably angry that a
Goal saver on different turf - K V Lakshmana
- The Observer
- January 3, 1998
>>>Aslam Sher Khan, former Narasimha Rao aide in the Prime
Minister's Office as a junior minister, represents a new trend
among minority leaders - that of embracing Hindutva forces with a
hope it will protect and promote interests of the Muslims.
From khakhi to saffron - K V Lakshmana
- The Observer
- January 3, 1998
>>>Former IPS officer Anadi Charan Sahu came into contact with the
BJP during the November-December crisis that consumed the Inder
Kumar Gujral Government.
New in politics, Sahu was among the Congress members who were in
Cong. has become a more inward-looking, self-seeking team - Shivani Singh
- The Sunday Observer
- January 4-10, 1998
>>>The congress got a rude shock when P Rangarajan Kumaramangalam
walked over to the Bharatiya Janata Party. The move came as a
surprise in the context of Kumaramangalam's political upbringing
In the Congress tradition, which runs contrary to the BJP's
ideology. For three generations, the Kumaramangalam family has
In the name of national interest (a letter) - RK Mani
- The Pioneer
- January 2, 1998
>>>It is in the national interest that the UF Government has
crumbled under internal contradictions. The only common manifesto
which united the disparate and bitterly fighting parties was to
prevent the BJP from coming to power. The Congress supported the
disunited UF solely to protect its leaders from being prosecuted.
Qualifying norm - Editorial
- The Pioneer
- January 2, 1998
>>>Recently BJP spokesperson Sushma Swaraj attacked the Congress
saying that in the US a person had to be an American citizen by
birth to qualify to become the president. Now Soniaji's blessings
have electrified the Congress party and even the normally
unflappable Congress spokesperson V N Gadgil has adopted a tough
Ram temple will be built once the BJP comes to power - Neeraj Mishra
- The Indian Express
- December 4, 1997
>>>On the face of it, BJP MP Uma Bharti, 37, has changed. But, on
second thoughts, she has changed only, in her tone, which is less
direct. She says much the same things as of yore. After raising
the bogey of defiance in Madhya Pradesh, when she along with her
followers threatened to resign from the party, she quietly
Saffron, khaki and Reds - Varsha Bhosle
- The Sunday Observer
- January 4-10, 1998
>>>In December, Chief Election Commissioner M S Gill wrote to Prime
Minister I K Gujral, urging the promulgation of an ordinance to
permit defence personnel to cast their votes by proxy, instead of
through the usual postal ballots. Apparently, postal ballots
invariably reach too late, often after the counting of votes is
Questions for the Sphinx - T.V.R. Shenoy
- The Indian Express
- January 3, 1998
>>>hat walks on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon, and
on three legs at dusk?" was the famous question posed by the
Sphinx. The answer, as Oedipus figured out, was Man. A modem
Sphinx may pose a more contemporary question: "What stands on its
feet in the morning, sinks to its knees by noon, and crawls
Secular enough to be divisive - Sultan Shahin
- The Indian Express
- January 5, 1998
>>>So the secular balloon has finally burst. When Naresh Aggarwal
split the ecular UP Congress legislative Party and took away
more than half of its members to help the 'communal' BJP form a
government, it was dismissed by many a secularist as a flash in
the pan. But the same pattern has been repeated in the length and
CPM to go soft on Congress, the lesser evil - N P Chekkutty
- The Indian Express
- January 4, 1998
>>>Indicating a softer approach to the Congress in the forthcoming
Lok Sabha elections, CPM general secretary Harkishen Singh
Surjeet today said the Left forces must demarcate the crucial
difference between the BJP - a communal force threatening
national unity - and the Congress - a bourgeois party which has
Manmohan Singh to take on Vajpayee - Mohammad Sayeed Malik in New Delhi
- The Sunday Observer
- January 4-10, 1998
>>>Former Union finance minister Dr Manmohan Singh will be the
Congress party's prime ministerial candidate in the forthcoming
Lok Sabha elections. The party will shortly project Singh,
reputed for his integrity and administrative acumen, as its
candidate for the top slot, against Bharatiya Janata Party
Chidambaram praises Manmohan - D N Mishra
- The Observer
- January 5, 1998
>>>Recently, a book on former finance minister Manmohan Singh was
released in New Delhi. Speaking on the occasion. finance minister
P Chidambaram praised his predecessor sky high. He said that he
had the honour of working with Singh and also gave full credit to
him for the liberalisation process. Moreover, Chidambaram
Advani resolves to bring in uniform civil code
Decisive opinion polls - D N Mishra
- The Observer
- January 5, 1998
>>>It is understood that Tamil Nadu chief minister M Karunanidhi had
entrusted a reputed pollster to conduct an extensive opinion poll
in the state. He has decided that the results of the survey
would be published by the daily owned by DMK. But when the
results came, he just stopped the publication. Why,? Because
India's anti-nationals - A Ghosh, Houston, USA
- The Observer
- January 3, 1998
>>>On December 1, 1997, the Asia Society of America held "An Evening
Talk" on India in New York, to celebrate the country's 50th
independence anniversary.
The speakers were Salman Khurshid (the grandson of Zakir Husain,
Left softens stand on two s' to stop the saffron surge - Kamil Zaheer
- The Economic Times
- January 5, 1998
>>>The Left is softening its stand on two 'Cs' in these elections:
Corruption and Congress (I) in order to prevent the saffron
combine from gaining seats in Bihar and Maharashtra.
In a climbdown on its tough position against a 'corruption-
Conservative days ahead with new President - Kathy Gannon
- The Asian Age
- January 4, 1998
>>>The election of Pakistan's most conservative President in a
decade is the latest sign of the strengthening influence of
religious fundamentalism in the country.
In a mosque in Lahore, a young boy says his big ambition in life
'For Islam, I can kill non-believers' - Posted By Krishnakant Udavant - The Asian Age
- January 4, 1998
>>>Pakistan's new President belongs to the Tableeqi Movement, which
is devoted to preaching Islam around the world and espouses the
veil for women, segregation of the sexes and a strict
interpretation of Islamic law. Unlike the hard-line Taliban
militia in neighbouring Afghanistan, however, the Tableeqi
Gearing up for the battle - M. V. Kamath
- The Free Press Journal
- December 25, 1997
>>>No two elections are alike. In the very nature of things they
can't be. Situations change. The political scenario does not
remain the same. Fresh parties come into being. New alignments
take place. As they say about a river that one can't put one's
finger in the same river twice, so it can be said about politics
RSS to collect funds to check N-E conversions - Observer Political Bureau
- The Observer
- January 1, 1998
>>>Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief Prof Rajender Singh will launch
a 15-day door to door fund collection drive here on Thursday to
finance Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram to step up its programmes in North
Eastern states in order to check the activities of foreign
Christian missionaries. A target of Rs 1 crore has been fixed.
It's time the Sphinx called it a day - Posted By Krishnakant Udavant - The Mid-Day
- December 31, 1997
>>>Despite its oft-repeated assertion that it was not a political
organisation the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) is all set to
campaign aggressively for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
VHP chief Ashok Singhal says that e should make people realise
It's time the Sphinx called it a day - Sandhya Jain
- The Pioneer
- December 29, 1997
>>>Even as the possibility of Ms Sonia Gandhi hitting the campaign
trail waxes and wanes over the Congress party, astute politicians
and observers know that like the moon. Ms Gandhi may be alluring,
but she lacks inner luminosity. In other words, she merely
reflects the glory of an illustrious family with which she
Exhausting the Sonia card - Dina Nath Mishra
- The Observer
- January 1, 1998
>>>Would election campaign by Sonia Gandhi mean a fortune for the
Congress in the impending mid-term poll? This question is
presently foremost in the minds of all concerned. To my mind, it
would have three-fold impact as far as Congress is concerned.
Sonia Gandhi's related announcement has come at the time when
Rift in Babri panel over dialogue with BJP - Pioneer News Service
- The Pioneer
- December 29, 1997
>>>The faction-redden All India Babri Masjid Action Committee is
heading for a showdown over the issue of a dialogue with the BJP
on Ayodhya imbroglio.
The faction led by its convenor, Mr Zafaryab Jilani, is against
Poll's over, or is it?
Atal Bihari is today's Syama Prasad - L. K. Advani
- The Times of India
- December 25, 1997
>>>Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee entered Parliament for the first time
in 1957, after the second general elections. Addressing party MPs
recently at a training camp organised for them at Jhinjholi in
Haryana, Atalji quipped that elections was for him a three-in-one
experience! The Jana Sangh had set up Shri Vajpayee from three
"I dream of a strong, prosperous India" - Kanchan Gupta
- The Times of India
- December 25, 1997
>>>At a political rally addressed by Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee, as the
veteran leader took the mike, somebody from the audience shouted,
"Desh ka pradhan mantri kaisa ho?" and the other responded with
"Atal Bihari jaisa ho!" Mr. Vajpayee, in his inimitable style,
began his speech by saying, "Sawal yeh nahin hai ki pradhan
Secularism : The Indian concept - Dr Rajendra Prasad
- The Times of India
- December 25, 1997
>>>There was unanimous opinion in the Constituent assembly as indeed
allover the country, that the State should be secular in the
sense that there would be no State religion nor would there be
any discrimination of its citizens on the basis of religion. The
question now arises as to why do we have this sharp controversy
Manoeuvring took the centrestage - Devsagar Singh
- The Financial Express
- December 31, 1997
>>>It has been a roller coaster drive through 1997 for major
political parties, thanks to a fractured verdict of the
electorate in 1996. Congress was on the run, BJP was in the thick
of an untouchability syndrome till the end of the year, and the
motley group of regional formations, better known as the United
How BJP abolished 'untouchability' - Devsagar Singh
- The Financial Express
- December 31, 1997
>>>The year 1997 was one of intense debate on what exactly the
political mainstream was. Even as the debate rages on, one thing
has become crystal clear: there are no 'untouchables' left in
national politics and if there are any, it is certainly not the
Swayamsevak with a poet's heart - Rajendrasinhaji
- The Times of India
- December 25, 1997
>>>The first time I saw Atalji was in 1944. I was a lecturer in
Allahabad University when I attended a debate competition. As the
debate was going to close, a young man entered the hall and told
the judges that he was late because the train that carried him
>from Lucknow had arrived behind schedule. Since he had come all
Bengal famine of 1943 and crime of Muslim League ministry - HINDU JAGRITI KENDRA
- 30 September, 1997
>>>Bengal became the bridgehead of British colonial Intervention and
expansion in India. It Is paradoxical to note that Bengal was
visited by two famines of serious magnitude during British rule.
While the Famine of 1770 had bean associated with the initial
stage of British rule the Great Famine of 1943 looked like the
BJP's Early Surge (INDIA TODAY-ORG-MARG POLL) - By Swapan Dasgupta
- India Today
- January 5, 1998
>>>On December 4, the President flagged off the campaign for the 12th
general election by dissolving the Lok Sabha. Having produced a
fractured mandate in 1996, the question uppermost in the minds of voters
is: will 1998 also result in the same uncertainty? To gauge the popular
mood at the outset of the campaign, INDIA TODAY commissioned ORG-MARG to
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