archive: Will Pakistan cease and desist?
Will Pakistan cease and desist?
Arun Shourie
The Observer
July 23, 1999
Title: Will Pakistan cease and desist?
Author: Arun Shourie
Publication: The Observer
Date: July 23, 1999
That Pakistan should have just gone on lying about its Army having
undertaken the invasion into Kargil, to the point of not even
accepting the bodies of its soldiers; that it should make its people
believe that the rout was actually a victory; that it should in the
end claim statesmanship and gratitude on the ground that it had saved
everyone concerned from a ruinous war -- such brazenness surprised
many. But all of it is entirely in character: here is a country which
has actually made its people believe that it has won every single war
its Army has fought against India, that it was in no way responsible
for alienating the Bengalis, that in fact the Bengalis yearned to stay
in Pakistan, and that it was only Hindu-cunning which way-laid them!
What were the people being fed on the eve of its capitulation over
Kargil? How will a people pumped up on nonsense take what has
happened? Would they throw up when they learn the truth, or would
they, having internalised the falsehood, themselves block out the
The terrorists it has reared having sworn revenge on anyone selling
out their cause, will they do a Sadat on Nawaz? Having inflamed large
posses on Jihad-talk, will Pakistan let them fester within Pakistan?
Will it not continue to send them into India? Indeed, as the attack on
the BSF camp reminds us, precisely because it has suffered humiliation
in Kargil, will Pakistan now redouble its proxy-war: to avenge yet
another humiliation, to deflect the attention of its people: "No, no,
the mujahideen have not been forced back; on the contrary, they have
been enabled to go deeper into Kashmir." That being the case, what
store can be put on the solemn commitment of Pakistan in the Lahore
Declaration that it will cooperate fully in eliminating terrorism in
all its forms?
To get a measure of the answers, let us see what publications allied
to the terrorist organizations were saying on the very eve of
Pakistan's capitulation. In each instance, please ask what
implications the kind of proposition the person or paper is advancing
has for the kinds of questions listed above.
Jihad-e-Kashmir (Fortnightly), June 30, 1999: In its editorial,
captioned "Kargil - the time of re-conciliation has not yet come," the
publication declared, "For the first time in 50 years the murderers of
Kashmir and our birth-enemies have suffered heavily. May Allah bring
more humiliation on these oppressors (Kashmir ke qatilon aur hamare
azli dushmano ko guzashta pachas burson mein yeh pehla bharpur charqa
laga hai. Allah Talah ki phatkar ho in zalimon par). It said that very
soon the time would come when talks of "real peace" with India would
be held. It will be the time when even infidels and disbelievers would
not get shelter in India (Insha Allah bahut jald woh waqt bhi ayaiga
jab Bharat se haqiqi aman ki baat hogi. Yeh woh waqt hoga jab
kuffar-o-musharkin khud Bharat mein panah nahin payainge). If the
Jihad continues, time will certainly come when the might of infidels
will be crushed, as promised by Allah. The editorial recalled that it
is the will and order of Allah that, whenever Muslims confront them,
the first thing Muslims should do is to chop off the throats of the
infidels (Yehi hamare liye hukam-e-elahi bhi hai aur mashiat-e-aizdi
bhi, pas in Kafiron se tumhari muthbherh ho to pehla kaam gardanen
marna hai).
Ausaf, 3, July, 1999: Abu Sakhr, Commander Lashkar-e-Tayyiba talking
to newsmen (Muzaffarabad July 02) said that Kargil had become a trap
for India and now talks would be held on Junagarh, Hyderabad and
Calcutta. He said that, after India, the mujahideen were ready to give
a matching response to American aggression. The Amir of Markaz Dawa
wal Irshad in Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir said that the revenge of
martyrs of Kashmir was yet to be taken. Kargil was acquired through
Jihadi attacks and no power of the world could get it vacated.
Mansoor Ghaznavi, publicity Chief of the Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, addressing
LeT activists at the LeT secretariat (Tarar Khal, July 2) urged Nawaz
Sharif to announce Jihad against India with the same determination
with which he had rejected US orders and gone ahead and conducted
nuclear tests. He said that the movement is in its final phase and the
situation in Kashmir has reached a now-or-never stage.
Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HuM) Amir, Fazal-ur-Rehman Khalil, told Ausaf
(Islamabad, July 2) that HuM mujahideen were firmly entrenched in the
Kargil sector and no one had asked them to withdraw. He said that if
they were asked to do so, they would not come back because, in any
case, the Pakistan Government had no control over them.
Ausaf, 3 July, 1999: Maulana Mushtaq Ahmed Kashmiri Chief Commander of
the Jamiat-al-Mujahideen said (Muzaffarabad July, 2) that they would
not accept any secret agreement on Kargil, and would not withdraw even
an inch.
Ausaf, 5, July, 1999: Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, Amir Lashkar-e-Tayyiba,
in a statement (Muzaffarabad, July 4) urged the Pakistan Government to
declare Jihad against India and thereby stand by the mujahideen of
Islam. He said that the solution of all problems confronting Muslims,
Pakistanis in particular, lay in Jihad. He said that if Jihad was
launched officially, the fighting mujahideen would avenge all
atrocities against their Muslim brethren.
Jang, 3 July, 1999: Former ISI Chief, General Hamid Gul in an article
said that the stage regarding Kargil had been set and the actors were
in the field. This time there was no scope of any mistake. War is not
their desire, but they cannot escape from it either. But one must
beware of being looted by one's own leaders, he warned. What is to
happen should happen all at once instead of letting go of the game
every time. Mujahideen, sitting on the Kargil heights should beware of
their own political leaders. The Kargil battle is at its peak.
Pakistan's sacrifices of 52 years of Jihad in Kashmir would be
nullified if this rare opportunity is let slip. Pakistan will not be
able to assist the liberation of Kashmir, and its name will not be
mentioned even in fiction. He said Siachen is not worth bartering for
Kargil. The demand for Indian withdrawal from there should not be
raised, nor should it be linked to Kargil. Indian forces in Siachen
are about to surrender in any case. It will be a great pity if they
are helped to get out of this icy hell. Back channel diplomacy has
started after General Zinni's visit, he wrote, but, he warned, the
masterminds of this game should know that Pakistan is not Egypt. The
Pakistani nation would not allow such a blunder because far bigger
things are at stake for Pakistan in this engagement.
Jang, 4 July, 1999: Prof. Hafiz Mohammed Syed, Amir, Markaz Dawa wal
Irshad, addressing a gathering at Sheikhupara (July 2) said that there
is no possibility of the Pakistan Army leaving its positions even by
one percent and if the Government succumbs to international pressure
it will spoil its own chances. He affirmed that the Pakistan Army is
fully backing the mujahideen.
Jang, 4 July, 1999: Fazal-ur-Rehman Khalil, Amir of
Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, in an interview (Islamabad, July 3) claimed that
they had broken the pride of Russia in Afghanistan and now were
breaking India's. If the US did not refrain from meddling in the
situation, it would be its turn next.
Jasarat, July 2, 1999: Raja Bashir Usmani urged the Pakistan
Government to remain firm in regard to the mujahideen hold on the
Kargil front. He said that India is the enemy of all Pakistanis. Its
designs are heinous and its mentality is filthy and negative. Kashmir,
not Kargil is the real issue. For giving practical shape to the
Kashmiris' struggle and getting them their right of
self-determination, this is the best opportunity. For this purpose Pak
rulers, politicians and strategists would have to fulfill their
responsibilities in a very coordinated manner.
Jasarat, July 4, 1999: According to Hamid Ullah Abid, a 14 member
delegation including Abdur Rashid Turabi, Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) POK
Amir, Syed Salahuddin, Supreme Commander Hizbul Mujahideen (HuM),
Commander Shamshir Khan, (HuM), Ghulam Nabi Naushahri, JI leader, Dr.
Mufakkar Ahmed, Amir HuM, Pakistan visited Skardu on June 27. The next
day, Ghulam Nabi Naushahri bade farewell to a batch of HuM mujahideen
which left Skardu for the Kargil sector. Addressing the gathering on
this occasion, Turabi said that the biggest surrender in military
history is going to take place in Kashmir. This is a final and fatal
blow on the enemy and Kargil will prove a valley of death for Indian
On June 29, this delegation left for Kargil and their first stopover
was Sri Muk village, where they met officers and troops of the
Pakistan Army at Brigade Headquarters of Northern Light Infantry
(NLI). NLI comprises local people and its role in Kargil is pivotal.
Its troops are habituated to tough and snowy mountains and routes. At
the Brigade Headquarters, Captain Ubaid briefed the delegation on the
Kargil situation.
On June 30, the delegation entered Indian territory in the Kargil
sector. Hamid Ullah Abid declared that the age of the mujahideen in
this area is from 16 to 22 years. The weapons of HuM mujahideen
include AK-47, LMG, Binoculars and missiles weighing 20 kgs. each.
These mujahideen camouflage themselves in green and white uniforms.
Nawa-e-Waqt, 5 July, 1999: Hundreds of faithful left different parts
of the North West Frontier Province for Kashmir recently. On 4 July,
216 mujahideen arrived at the Hizb-ul-Mujahideen, NWFP office at
Al-Markaz-e-Islami, Peshawar. Twenty two mujahideen led by Mohammed
Darvesh arrived from Dir, as did 44 mujahideen led by Mujahid Maulana
from Bajaur Agency and about 150 extremists from Badhbir, Peshawar and
other districts. They were sent to the Central Training Centre,
Sehansa by HuM Provincial Amir, Sabir Hussain Awan, and Information
Secretary Faqirullah. At the Sehansa Centre, new recruits would be
imparted militant training for 15 days.
Markaz Dawa wal Irshad Amir, Prof. Hafiz Mohammed Saeed called on
Majid Nizami, Chief Editor Nawa-e-Waqt at his residence (Lahore, July
3) and briefed him about the mujahideen's latest operations in Kargil.
At the meeting, Hafiz Mohammed Saeed urged Pakistan not to accept any
pressure because the struggle of the Kashmiri mujahideen is at its
peak. He said the situation in Kargil is under the full control of
mujahideen. After a few weeks, the Indian Army will not be able to
take back its rifles and other military equipment from the Zojila
Pass. He claimed that mujahideen occupied all heights of Kargil and so
far 2600 Indian troops had been killed. He described Pakistan Army's
role in the present situation as unprecedented and said that, if the
Indian Army crossed the LOC, the Pak Army could reach Srinagar within
a few hours because it is better placed to wage war. It will be to
their advantage that India should cross the LOC. They could reach
Ferozepur from Gurdaspur. Saeed further told the Chief Editor that
people of northern areas are extending great ssistance to the
mujahideen. He declared that the mujahideen would in no case vacate
the heights and abandon the Jihad. At the meeting, Majid Nizami
announced a contribution of ten lakh rupees for mujahideen from the
Nawa-e-Waqt relief fund.
Jasarat, 5, July, 1999: Maulana Abdul, Amir, Jamiat-e-Islami,
Rawalpindi said at a press briefing (Rawalpindi, July 4) that the JI
has started fresh recruitment for the Jihad in Kashmir. These
mujahideen would be imparted one month's training in guerrilla
warfare. A Jihad-e-Kashmir fund campaign has also been inaugurated.
Over 1 lakh rupees have been collected for the Jihad-e-Kashmir fund,
he claimed.
Jasarat, 6 July, 1999: Mohammed Kashif Sheikh, Amin-e-Aam, Secretary
General, Jamiat Tulba-e-Arabia (JTA) said in Karachi (July 5) that the
nation would not forgive Nawaz Sharif as he had compromised on the
self-respect of the whole nation. He said thousands of JTA activists
would safeguard mujahideen on the Kargil front.
Abdur Rashid Turabi, JI POK Amir has said (Mirpur, July 5) that no
government in Pakistan can afford not to support Mujahideen. He said
that the mujahideen are fully capable of bearing the weather in
Kargil. The JI has arranged 70 lakh rupees worth relief in POK.
Jang, 7 July, 1999: Maulana Mohammed Farooq Kashmiri, Amir,
Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HM) in a statement (Islamabad, July 6) rejected
the joint declaration by Nawaz and Clinton and warned Nawaz Sharif not
to try to become the Yasser Arafat of Pakistan. He said that they have
launched Jihad on the orders of Allah, and they would not abandon it
under the pressure of US or anyone else.
Maulana Mohammed Ahmad Umar, Naib Amir Harkat-ul-Jihad Al-Islami said
(Islamabad, July 6) that the Nawaz-Clinton agreement would prove a
last nail in the power of Nawaz Sharif. He said that agreements of
this type cannot hinder their way, and the armed struggle of HUJI
would not only continue till the liberation of Kashmir, it would
continue till the liberation of India.
Nawa-e-Waqt, July 7, 1999: Abdullah Ghazali, Amir-e-Ala,
Tehrik-ul-Mujahideen (TUM) said in Muzaffarabad (July 6) that the
mujahideen have opened a new chapter of freedom in Kargil. The whole
nation is at their back and they are fighting in the Kargil sector in
a spirit of now-or-never. He said that at a time when mujahideen have
placed their foot on the head of evil, to speak of negotiations or
respecting the so-called LOC, is to squander their achievements.
Instead of getting trapped by the devilish diplomacy of the US,
Pakistan should utilise its entire potential for assisting the
Syed Salahuddin, Chairman Muttahida Jihad Council (MJC) commenting
(Islamabad, July 6) on the Government of Pakistan's appeal, said that
neither had the Kashmiri mujahideen captured Kargil after seeking
permission from Pakistan, nor would they vacate it by asking Pakistan.
They neither took instructions from Pakistan nor would they act upon
its instructions.
Maulana Fazal-ur-Rehman Khalil, Amir, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HM)
talking to Nawa-e-Waqt (Rawalpindi, July 6) rejected the Washington
declaration and said that the mujahideen organizations are of the
unanimous view that they will continue Jihad in Kashmir, including
Kargil. He said that so far 50 mujahideen had been killed in the
Kargil fighting. He revealed that over 2000 mujahideen of
Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, Al-Badar and
Hizb-ul-Mujahideen are fighting in Kargil.
Takbeer, (Weekly), July 8, 1999: In an editorial entitled "Indian
approach is dangerous for India itself" Takbeer warned India that it
should not try to prolong the conventional war because Pakistan
reserved all rights to use any kind of power available to it for
self-defence. It said that the weapons developed by Pakistan were not
for exhibition and if war is imposed, it could be forced to use these
weapons. Pakistan would melt snow on the Indian mountains from where
Ganges and Yamuna got water by dropping atom bombs on them. As a
result the whole of northern India would be submerged in water, even
if Pakistan did not drop a nuclear bomb on any Indian city.
The extracts speak for themselves. Just one question for the
international community. This is the staple of Pakistani papers. The
activities of these organizations are in the open. Their aim -- openly
proclaimed -- is to conduct terrorist activities in India. The funds
they raise, the training camps, their huge ongregations, and the
murderous exhortations which are delivered there, are reported every
day in Pakistani papers. Their deeds are writ large in the deaths of
thousands in India. That not organization of this kind can function
without the encouragement and support of organizations like the Army
and ISI of Pakistan is manifest -- specially so because of the
all-pervasive presence and hold of the Army and ISI within Pakistan.
What more proof do the USA and others need to declare Pakistan a
terrorist State? Had their own citizens been the ones who were being
killed -- in the thousands -- by these organizations, would they have
still been soliciting further proof?
(Mr. Arun Shourie, is a member of Rajya Sabha as well as member of the
election campaign committee of the BJP)