archive: Pak militants are helping Taliban: daily
Pak militants are helping Taliban: daily
The Times of India
July 24, 1999
Title: Pak militants are helping Taliban: daily
Author: PTI
Publication: The Times of India
Date: July 24, 1999
Pakistani militants, engaged in militants, engaged in militancy in
Kashmir, are also assisting the Taliban in Afghanistan in their
offensive against the Northern Alliance to get complete control over
the war-ravaged country, according to a media report here.
"Between 3,000 and 5,000 Pakistani militants belonging to a dozen
Islamic fundamentalist parties have arrived in Kabul and set up
reception centres and office in the central district of the city,
which now resembles a Pakistani suburb," a report in The Washington
Times said.
It added that "money of these militants fought in Kashmir against
Indian forces recently. Others have left their Islamic schools, which
have closed for the summer holidays."
Indicating that the Pakistan government was also helping the Taliban
in its offensive against the Northern Alliance headed by former
president headed by former president Burhanuddin Rabbani, the report
said "transport planes from Pakistan landed on Wednesday night at
Kabul airport with military supplies for the Taliban."
Besides these militants, extremists owing allegiance to Saudi
dissident Osama bin Laden have also moved into Kabul to join the
fighting, the paper said. "A brigade of some 400 Arab Islamic
militants from a dozen countries in the West Asia, under the control
of Bin Laden, has moved from barracks in Rishkor and taken up
positions along an eight-mile section of the frontline north of the
city," The Washington Times said.
"The unit, called the '005 Brigade,' has an independent command and
control system and is armed and financed by Bin Laden," the paper