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archive: BJP dares Sonia on debate

BJP dares Sonia on debate

Political Bureau
The Economic Times
July 2, 1999

    Title: BJP dares Sonia on debate 
    Author: Political Bureau
    Publication: The Economic Times
    Date: July 2, 1999
    In a sharp reply to the constant sniping by Ms Sonia Gandhi, the BJP
    today challenged the Congress president to a public debate on the
    Kargil issue at "a venue of her choice."  The gauntlet was thrown down
    at Ms Gandhi by the BJP general secretary Narendra Modi.  "We invite
    her to a public debate on Kargil.  She can choose the venue and debate
    the issue with any BJP leader.  Till such time she does so, any
    suggestion that she is unable to voice her views will carry no
    conviction," Mr Modi said.
    Considering the fairly established reluctance of the Congress chief to
    say anything important without the aid of the prepared text, the BJP
    could be seen as hitting at Ms Gandhi's Achilles heel.
    Though it is over two years since Ms Sonia Gandhi entered the public
    arena, she has not made a single speech without the aid of what is
    penned by her speech-writers mostly drawn from out-side the party. 
    The BJP, which is keen on making the coming election a Vajpayee versus
    Sonia affair, has naturally zeroed in on the apparent inability of Ms
    Gandhi to shed her reluctance.  Given Mr Vajpayee's proven oratorical
    skills, the BJP leaders obviously see the inability of the Congress
    chief to speak on her own as a major minus point for the latter.
    Ms Gandhi, who has been charging the BJP with messing up the Kargil
    issue, has not bothered to attend two all-party meetings convened by
    the Prime Minister.  She had cited a prior commitment to attend a
    party rally in Mhow as the reason for skipping the last meeting,
    attended by over 50 political leaders and the three service chiefs. 
    The BJP appears to be determined to drive home the point that Ms Sonia
    Gandhi is insensitive to the concerns of national security and the
    jawans who are fighting a heroic battle in Kargil.  At the routine
    press briefing, BJP leader Narendra Modi said Ms Gandhi by reminding
    people of the '62 war with China has only revived memories of a
    debacle that is best forgotten.  "We would suggest that the Congress
    president and her advisors inform themselves about the facts of '62,
    facts about which they are obviously ignorant."

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