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Starting: Fri Dec 3 08:45:28 1999
Ending: Wed Dec 29 23:30:07 1999
Messages: 23
Non-saffron history unnerves reads
Meenakshi Jain - The Weekend Observer - December 4, 1999
>>> Leftist intellectuals are of late busy defending the Marxist contribution
to history writing in India. Frightened by a perceived threat to their
hegemony following the loss of formidable positions of
intellectual power and patronage, they are gearing up
to resist the inevitable challenge to their version of history.
Meaning of Ayodhya campaign
Virendra Parekh - The Weekend Observer - December 4, 1999
>>> It is tempting to approach December 6 this year against the backdrop
of Kalyan Singh's revolt against the BJP leadership. If the BJP has shelved
the temple and other Hindutva issues for political reasons, Kalyan Singh
is trying to revive them for similar reasons. .....
Streaks of Dogma
Ashok Mahajan - The Weekend Observer - December 4, 1999
>>>It has often been asserted by Christian intelligentsia in the country
that the latest Vatican encyclical Fides et Ratio (Faith and Reason) shows
its greater readiness to engage in dialogue with other cultures and philosophies.
The predication is questionable because the past record of the -Catholic
Church on dialogue has not been particularly outstanding. .....
The aesthetics of faith
Saeed Naqvi - The Indian Express - December 3, 1999
>>>The news that a mosque is to be built
in Nazareth saddened me. Unless you have been to Nazareth,
Bethlehem, walked by the side of the sea of Galilee or gone
up Via Rosa in Jerusalem you will not be able to see things the way I do.
Compensate for Nazi slavery
The New York Times - The Observer - December 7, 1999
>>> More than 50 years ago, millions of citizens of Central and Eastern
Europe were compelled to work under most severe for German companies and
the Nazi state. Concentration camp inmates, mostly Jews. were used by the
companies as staves in manufacturing facilities inside the camps. .....
Call a spade a sati
Sandhya Jain - The Pioneer - December 7, 1999
>>> The decision of the Mahoba district administration and the National
Commission for Women (NCW) to call Charan Shah's death a suicide rather
than a sati is reminiscent of the Joint Parliamentary Committee's assertion
that commissions paid in the Bofors gun deal were 'winding up charges,'
not kickbacks. .....
M.N.Srinivas: the man and his work
T.N.Madan - The Hindu - December 8, 1999
>>> To say that someone's death has created a void that is difficult
to fill is often only trite, but sometimes it is true. The unexpected death
of Mysore Narasimhachar Srinivas (better known as M. N. Srinivas) after
a short illness on November 30, exactly two weeks after his 83rd birthday
Constitution and its failures
P. V. Indiresan - The Hindu - December 13, 1999
>>> MS. MALINI PARTHASARATHY'S forceful plea (TheHindu, November 29,
1999) to defend the core principles of the Constitution raises several
important issues. She is right in arguing that the Constitution stood the
country well in the difficult years of the infancy of Indian democracy.
The dialectics of murder
T.V.R. Shenoy - The Indian Express - December 16, 1999
>>> These days I often see college students occasionally even school
students taking a day off from classes. Amazingly, many of them do so with
the full knowledge, perhaps even approval, of their parents. This was almost
unthinkable back in my own student days in Kerala .....
Varsha Bhosle - Rediff on Net - December 16, 1999
>>> We feel that it is an incumbent duty of Intellectuals like us to
announce to the world via the Press, our private decisions concerning our
personal life. Hear ye, hear ye: We have resolved to embrace the great
religion called Islam .....
Assam governor's report stirs hornet's nest
Nitin Gogoi - Rediff on Net - December 16, 1999
>>> Buried deep in President K R Narayanan's customary opening address
to the joint session of Parliament was a comment that did not attract much
attention among Members of Parliament except those from Assam. .....
'No one looks at the problem from the national interest
Rediff on Net - December 16, 1999
>>> Assam Governor Lieutenant General (retired) S K Sinha recently
submitted a report to President K R Narayanan drawing his attention to
the influx of Bangladeshi immigrants into lower Assam regions. The report
said parts of the state were fast turning into Muslim-dominated areas .....
Surayya caught in the eye of a storm
D Jose - Rediff on Net - December 16, 1999
>>> The progressive sections in the Muslim community have viewed the
utterances of writer Kamala Das, now Surayya, about Islam -- following
her much trumpeted conversion to that religion -- with extreme concern.
Kerala caught in Marxist intolerance
T.K.Devasia - The Observer of Business and Politics - December 17, 1999
>>> The political violence that has rocked
north Kerala's Kannur district has had devastating
effects not only on the state politics, but also on the
state police force. .....
Thanks to Pope
Cho Ramaswamy - BJP Today - December 1-31, 1999
>>> "Christianity is synonymous with proselytisation is the view held
by some Hindu organisations" wrote 'Economist', a leading magazine in U.K.,
before Pope's arrival to India. .....
'An uninvited gate-crasher'
Bhalchandrarao C Patwardhan - The Observer - December 24, 1999
>>>It is necessary to counter yet another onslaught on the truth, to
dispel genuine errors of understanding and to condemn deliberate distortion
of facts. I am not sure in which one of these three categories Rajendra
Prabhu's article, 'Where Shankaracharya Errs' .....
Taliban militias gameplan is to gain credibility
Rajesh Ramachandran - The Hindustan Times - December 25, 1999
>>> File photo of Mustaq Ahmed Zargar, chief of now defunct Al-Umer
Mujahideen, who is among the list of three militants, whose release has
been demanded by the hijackers. .....
Fight the Ghetto Mindset
Tavleen Singh - India Today - May 17, 1999
>>> On a hot, hot evening in Banaras this
past week I attended a public meeting that left me feeling
very worried about Indian Muslims as a community and
as a vote bank. .....
Ringing out the Red Regime
Sheshadri Chari - Organiser - December 26, 1999
>>> The Communist Party (Marxist) who is fast losing whatever popular
base it had is now engaging in violent conflict with its political adversaries.
On the other hand at various places its very survival has become doubtful.
Consequent upon the recent elections the Election Commission has initiated'
the process of .....
Wrecking from within
Arabinda Ghose - Organiser - December 26, 1999
>>> When in 1957, the undivided Communist Party won the State Assembly
elections in Kerala, Chief Minister E.M.S. Namboodiripad was asked how
was it that the Communists who believed in the philosophy of dictatorship
of the proletarriat accepted the Parliamentary system and formed a Government
in the State. .....
Freeze conversions: Walk the second mile
Dr. D. Babu Paul - Organiser - December 26, 1999
>>> Conversions from one religion to another-except perhaps from Hinduism
to Sikhism-should be frozen for the present. This is not because large
scale conversions as alleged take place now, .....
Silent protagonist of hijacking drama was behind merger
of two fanatic bodies
Observer Political Bureau - The Observer - December 29, 1999
>>> Mohammad Masood Azhar, the jailed Pakistani militant whose release
is being sought by the hijackers of the Indian Airlines plate had come
to India in early 1994, on a Portuguese passport supplied by a Pakistani
national based at the United Kingdom. Azhar was involved in recruiting
Kashmiri youths for arms training and subversive activities in the Valley.
A Touching And Warm Send-Off
Ramesh Patange - Vivek - December 19, 1999
>>> It was the evening of 8th December in Pune. Damuanna asked me if
I could accompany him to a Send-off function to a Pracharak ( a full time
worker). I thought it must be for a new Pracharak leaving for his assignment.
However, he clarified, 'No, the function is for our Pracharak of Jalgaon
District - Soumitra Gokhale who would be leaving for Trinidad, South America
as Pracharak for that area'. .....
Last message date: Wed Dec 29 08:45:28 1999
Archived on: Fri Dec 31 23:30:07 1999
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