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Starting: Wed Feb 2 14:00:00 2000
Ending: Mon Feb 28 11:30:00 2000

Messages: 37

  • RSS is patriotic, says Shankaracharya
    • S. Balakrishnan - The Times of India  - February 4, 2000
      • >>> Shankaracharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham Sri Jayendra Saraswati has supported the Gujarat government's decision to permit its employees to take part in Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) 'shakhas'. .....
  • A Futile Exercise
    • Virendra Parekh - The Observer - February 4, 2000
      • >>> Vajpayee government's foray into a review of the Constitution promises to be highly educative: It will tell us a lot not only about the Constitution and the political system but also about the people who run it. Whether it will be anything else remains to be seen. .....
  • Jihad' in Kashmir not terrorism: Musharraf
    • Sridhar Krishnaswami - The Hindu - February 5, 2000
      • >>> Pakistan's military leader, General Pervez Musharraf, has drawn a clear distinction between acts of terrorism such as hijacking passengers and kidnapping tourists and the Islamic "freedom struggle" in India's Kashmir and other parts of the world. He argued that to call the 'Jihad' in Kashmir as terrorism was not correct. .....
  • Letter stirs fresh row over Water
    • Usha Jaiswal - The Observer - February 7, 2000
      • >>> The Sanskar Bharti's letter to Uttar Pradesh chief minister Ram Prakash Gupta, demanding immediate ban on the shooting of Deepa Mehta's film Water in Varanasi and a probe into the alleged bungling on her part, has further deepened the row......
  • The Neo Mayos sniffing around Indian gutters
    • S. Gurumurthy - The New Indian Express - February 7, 2000
      • >>> Before Independence two persons wrote on the title "Mother India". One was Maharishi Aurobindo, who saw Mother India as Divine Mother. The other was Catherine Mayo, who saw the same mother as filth. .....
  • Pak drafting law on madrassas regulation
    • Mubashir Zaidi - The Hindustan Times - February 2, 2000
      • >>> Pakistan's military government is currently working on a draft law to regulate and monitor the workings of madrassas, religious institutions as well as to keep tabs on sources of their funding and educational operations, Pakistan Observer reported today. .....
  • Jihad' in Kashmir not terrorism: Musharraf
    • Sridhar Krishnaswami - The Hindu - February 5, 2000
      • >>> Pakistan's military leader, General Pervez Musharraf, has drawn a clear distinction between acts of terrorism such as hijacking passengers and kidnapping tourists and the Islamic "freedom struggle" in India's Kashmir and other parts of the world. He argued that to call the 'Jihad' in Kashmir as terrorism was not correct. .....
  • CIA terms Pak breeding ground for extremists
    • Agencies - The Times of India - February 4, 2000
      • >>> WASHINGTON: In a remarkably sobering assessment of the threats facing the US, CIA director George Tenet told a Senate committee Wednesday that growing resentment of American power plus new technologies means that the US has become ``a lightning rod for the disaffected''. .....
  • The Coming [Mehndi] War
    • Subhash Kak - Kendra - February 9, 2000
      • >>> We see the beginnings of a new culture war in Pakistan.   The first skirmish in this conflict is the demand  to ban the festival of [Basant], or Vasant. An old sub-continental tradition, it celebrates the onset of spring with kite-flying and other festivities. Much ingenuity goes into the design of the kite and the string, to give it strength and agility to capture other kites. .....
  • Document on the Church and the sins of the past
    • EWTN, ZENIT News Agency  - February 3, 2000
      • >>> VATICAN CITY, FEB 2 (ZENIT).- After 3 years of work, the document that will guide Catholic pastors and faithful in the principles underlying the Church's request for forgiveness for errors committed by her children  in the past is virtually complete. .....
  • An open letter to Rashtrapati Bhavan
    • Arvind Lavakare - Rediff on Net - February 8, 2000
      • >>> Dear Congressman Narayanan
                At the outset itself, let me request you not to take umbrage at my addressing you as "Congressman". That label is not to make you out as a member of the US Congress under the Presidential system which, at your age of 79, you seem to distrust and disdain, going by your address to Parliament the other day. .....
  • 'If your intentions are honourable make the script public'
    • The Rediff Interview/ Shyamdeo Ramchaudhary - Rediff on Net - February 2, 2000
      • >>> When irate mobs decided to take the law, and Water's film-sets, into their own hands, leading the brigade was the BJP legislator Shyamdeo Ramchaudhary.  Never mind if the government headed by his party had cleared the script, never mind the impact such 'spontaneous' protests will have on the image of the nation, Ramchaudhary's demand, made clear to Suparn Verma, is: make the script public if you have nothing to hide. .....
  • Muddied Water
    • M. V. Kamath - www.expressindia.com - February 7, 2000
      • >>> The Secular Parivar -- or Brigade -- if one has an allergy for the word parivar, has been having a grand time attacking all those RSS, VHP and BJP -- wallahs who had the nerve to protest against some unkind things said about Hinduism by Deepa Mehta, the latest secular icon. ......
  • Mao Ze Dong: Methods of the Great Leader
    • John F. Burns - New York Times - February 6, 2000
      • >>> Early 30 years ago, a Western reporter preparing for a first foreign assignment, to China, had reason to feel daunted.  In the fall of 1970, the country was in the grip of one of the greatest upheavals in its history, the Cultural Revolution. ......
  • 'Article 370 must be abolished'
    • J N Raina - Free Press Journal - February 9, 2000
      • >>> The bogey of greater autonomy for Jammu and Kashmir is periodically making the rounds in the beleaguered state, at a time when people are uninterested. .....
  • Presidential angst over achievements
    • Meenakshi Jain - The Weekend Observer - February 5, 2000
      • >>> If a common thread runs through the foreign minister's commendation of the Taliban and the President's indictment of the nation in his Republic Day Address, it is our extreme loquaciousness as a people. We tend to turn garrulous the moment the spotlight is focused upon us our verbosity substituting for hard headedness and even awareness of reality. .....
  • "His Principle of Peace Was Bogus"
    • Interview - Time Asia - February 14, 2000
      • >>> Gopal Godse, co-conspirator in Gandhi's assassination and brother of the assassin, looks back in anger--and without regret .....
  • Saffron Coloured Fires And A Film Named Water
    • Anil Chawla - http://anilchawla.homestead.com/ - February 10, 2000
      • >>> For most Hindus Varanasi or Kashi is the same as Vatican is to Christians, Jerusalem is to Jews (and Christians) and Makka- Madina is to Muslims. It can of course be argued that the concept of treating a city as sacred is ridiculous and does not stand to reason. ......
  • Of female bondage - Women in Pakistan live in fear
    • Sultan Shahin - The Hindustan Times - February 10, 2000
      • >>> They face death by shooting, burning or killing with axes if they are deemed to have brought shame on the family. They are killed for supposed 'illicit' relationships, for marrying men of their choice, for divorcing husbands. .....
  • Kosovo: The United States Looking For an Exit
    • http://www.stratfor.com/SERVICES/giu2000/020700.asp - February 7, 2000
      • >>> The United States is moving to redefine its policy in Kosovo. The immediate reason can be found in the deteriorating situation on the ground. Last week, violence intensified between ethnic Albanians and Serbs; this was not something that the United States bargained for when it intervened last year. ......
  • Ex-boy friend lands in jail for kidnapping Indian girl
    • India Herald - February 11, 2000
      • >>> Twenty-year-old Ikram Mohammed Imaduddin, a Fort Bend County resident, accused of kidnapping 19-year-old Shalu Aggarwal, a North Harris County resident, is in Harris County jail. .....
  • Act of political terrorism
    • Editorial - The Hindu - February 14, 2000
      • >>> Hijacking, per se, is an act of terrorism. No matter even if the hijackers
        were innocent Afghans seeking political asylum and wanting to get away from
        the oppressive Taliban regime. British authorities, particularly the Special
        Air Services (SAS) at the Stansted airport, deserve a special commendation
        for a professional job well done. ......
  • Culture Vulture - The Chatterati And The CPI-M
    • Saubhik Chakrabarti - The Statesman - February 24, 2000
      • >>> MUCH left/liberal outrage has flowed into the controversy over Water. But
        does anyone remember the loud protests when a senior CPI-M leader killed the
        idea of multiplexes in Calcutta on the grounds that they will pollute
        national culture even further? ......
  • Waterloo of 'Water' supporters
    • Ravindra Dani - Tarun Bharat (Marathi Daily) - February 14, 2000
      • >>> About 30 years back, an episode involving the murder of a Dalit had made a
        lot of noise.  That Dalit had grown a moustache and that was his crime.  He
        was murdered on account of a pervert mindset, which held that Dalits have no
        right to sport moustaches.  The Moustache was only the pretext. .......
  • Buying peace, ICHR chief opts for white paper
    • Observer Political Bureau - The Observer - February 23, 2000
      • >>> Indian Council for Historical Research (ICHR) chairman Prof. B R Grover
        announced on Tuesday that the Council would be issuing a 'white paper' on
        the recent controversy dogging the 'Towards Freedom Project' as also the
        relevant documents and the mounting expenditure'........
  • RSS takes on reign of Marxist terror in Kerala
    • Bharatiya Pragna - February, 2000
      • >>> Q. Could you give us the details on these incidents?
        A. The attacks on RSS cadres date back to 1958. In 1958, the Mangalore
        Ganesh Beedi factory shifted to Mangalore (from Kerala) due to labour
        problems created by the Communist unions. .......
  • Putting history in proper context
    • Virendra Parekh - The Observer - February 25, 2000
      • >>> One thing is common to mullahs, missionaries and Marxists. Whenever they are given a dose of their own medicine, they call it a foul play. No wonder, the
        secularist lobby dominated by their friends is incensed. ......
  • 'Red History' withering away
    • Meenakshi Jain - The Weekend Observer - February 26, 2000
      • >>> Indian Marxists clearly view the domain of history writing as their special
        turf, on which they will permit no poaching. .......
  • ISI created hit squad concept in early Nineties
    • Dalip Singh - The Asian Age - February 28, 2000
      • >>> The "hit squads" of the militants which are now striking at security forces
        with impunity in the Kashmir Valley, were conceptualised by Pakistan's
        Inter-Services Intelligence in the early Nineties. .......
  • Blaming Sangh 'obsession' with left historians: RSS ideologue
    • Press Trust of India - The Observer - February 28, 2000
      • >>> Blaming the Sangh parivar for the decision of the Indian Council of
        Historical Research (ICHR) to recall and review two volumes of Towards
        Freedom was a 'ruse' on the part of the Leftist historians to cover up their
        prejudices and failures, RSS ideologue and director of 'Bharatiya Vichara
        Kendram' P Parameswaran said here on Sunday. ......
  • Tale of two reviews: secrecy vs transparency
    • Surya Prakash - The Pioneer - February 25, 2000
      • >>> In 1976, when India was groaning under the impact of Indira Gandhi's
        dictatorship, the Congress appointed a committee headed by Swaran Singh to
        review the Constitution. .......
  • Insight into the "basic structure" of Congmen
    • Surya Prakash - The Pioneer - February 26, 2000
      • >>> The first thing Indira Gandhi did after imposing the emergency was to push
        through the 39th Amendment to bar courts, with retrospective effect, from
        entertaining election petitions against the Prime Minister. ......
  • Indian-Americans use cash to aid 'motherland'
    • Ben Barber - The Washington Times
      • >>> Indian-Americans, who now hold 40 percent of high-tech jobs in Silicon
        Valley and the Washington area, are pouring money into political campaigns
        and helping change the shape of U.S.  relations with India, where President
        Clinton will visit next month. .......
  • Clio Is An Anarchist
    • Rudrangshu Mukherjee - The Telegraph -  February 26, 2000
      • >>> Two contending versions of Indian history and two sets of patrons are at war
        in the Indian Council for Historical Research. This is a polite way of
        saying that these two ways - in which the powers that control the Indian
        state want Indian history to be tailored - are fighting a battle by proxy. ........
  • Scores die as Nigerian religious violence spreads
    • Reuters -  February 28, 2000
      • >>> Nigeria, in a backlash to last week's northern religious blood-letting as
        violence in Africa's most populous nation appeared to be spinning out of
        control. ........
  • The perversions in the film 'Water'
    • Prepared and distributed by Sankskar Bharati in public interest
      • >>> A lot of rumours are afloat about the contents of the script of Deepa
        Mehta's film 'Water'. People are making their own guesses about it because
        Deepa Mehta has not shown the authorised 'script' of the Film to anybody.
        The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has too not tried to remove the
        cover which wraps this script. .......
  • ISI agents plan to strike in saffron costumes
    • Preetam Srivastava - The Pioneer - February 22, 2000
      • >>> Taking the privilege enjoyed by sadhus and men-in-saffron in the Bharatiya Janata Party regime, the Pakistani ISI agents have included saffron colour dresses and sadhus make-ups in their costumes to hide their identifies. ......
Last message date: Mon Feb 28 11:30:00 2000
Archived on: Tue Feb 29 12:00:00 2000

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