This Months Article
This Months Article
Starting: Fri February
1, 2002
Ending: Mon February
25, 2002
Messages: 125
When Priya Ranjan
Dasmunsi was sold a lemon
Virendra Kapoor, Afternoon Despatch
& Courier, August 31, 2001
Poor Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi! The
Congress Party member of the Lok Sabha from Raiganj in West Bengal was
sold a lemon allegedly by a fellow MP, albeit a member of the Rajya Sabha.
And Dasmunsi believing the said lemon to be a genuine article, triumphantly
brandished the same in the House. ......
'Pak wants jehadi
belt around India'
PTI, August 31, 2001
Pakistan plans to encircle India
with a jehadi belt and destabilise peace in Central Asia, a top field comander
of Afghanistan's Northern Alliance has claimed. ......
Growth of a religious
outfit has cops worried
The Hindustan Times, August 31,
Like many other fundamentalist
outfits, the National Democratic Front (NDF) surfaced in the aftermath
of the Babri masjid demolition. Many religious outfits, including Madhani's
Islamic Sewa Sangh (since banned), had come under a common platform to
launch a religious organization. ......
Armed forces need
Prakash Singh, The Hindustan Times,
August 31, 2001
The Home Minister's announcement
that the Centre was considering relief to personnel of the armed forces
within the ambit of the Constitution for their fight against terrorism,
caused a flutter among the pseudo-human rights activists of the country.
Quotas and benefits
P. V. Indiresan, The Hindu, August
31, 2001
There IS much excitement about
the U.N. conference on racial discrimination. Many Dalit activists are
chagrined at the refusal of the Government of India to concede that caste
discrimination too is a form of racial discrimination. In the United States,
it is accepted that the Whites, the Blacks, the Red Indians, and the like
belong to different races. ......
Fight caste in Delhi,
not Durban
Rajinder Sachar, The Pioneer, August
31, 2001
We have witnessed a series of seminars
and consultations, not with a view to draw up a programme how to eradicate
discrimination against Dalits but whether caste discrimination should be
included as an item of agenda of discussion at the World Conference against
Racism, Racial Discrimination and Related Intolerance (WCAR) being held
at Durban. I find this an exercise in futility. ......
Annan ignores Dalit
activists' plea
M. S. Prabhakara, The Hindu, August
31, 2001
The United Nations Secretary-General,
Mr. Kofi Annan, today declined to respond to the demand from the Dalit
activists that the issues of caste and untouchability should find a place
on the agenda of the World Conference Against Racism, opening here tomorrow.
Quotas and benefits
P. V. Indiresan, The Hindu, August
31, 2001
There IS much excitement about
the U.N. conference on racial discrimination. Many Dalit activists are
chagrined at the refusal of the Government of India to concede that caste
discrimination too is a form of racial discrimination. In the United States,
it is accepted that the Whites, the Blacks, the Red Indians, and the like
belong to different races. ......
Pakistan's Cruel
Blasphemy Law
Editorial, The New York Times, August
30, 2001
Pakistani criminal court has sentenced
Dr. Younus Shaikh to be hanged for stating obvious facts about the life
of Muhammad before he became the founder of Islam. That verdict and the
blasphemy law that underlies it are an embarrassment to Pakistan and a
threat to the basic liberties of its citizens. ......
Kashmiri Hindus run
scared of rising violence
Reuters, The Indian Express, August
30, 2001
A wave of grisly killings of Hindus
by militants over the past six weeks has terrorised the minority community
in Kashmir. The latest victims were two Hindu priests who were dragged
from a temple by militants and beheaded, police said. No group has claimed
responsibility for the attacks. ......
Musharraf's Pakistan
- G Parthasarathy
Rediff on Net, August 29, 2001
Many people saw the Agra Summit
as a great triumph both domestically and internationally for General Pervez
Musharraf. After Prime Minister Vajpayee invited him to visit India and
even strangely congratulated him while he was in the process of getting
rid of the democratically elected president of Pakistan, Rafiq Tarar, the
United States government did him the honour of referring to him as 'President'
Musharraf for the first time, when he arrived at Agra. ......
"Radical Islam-'ism'
= Racism" Explosive Campaign Hits Durban UN Parley
Mary Elizabeth Hansen,,
August 29, 2001
"Radical Islamism, a form of religio-racism,"
should be condemned at UN Racism Conference, Human Rights Group says. ......
North Bengal, a haven
for ISI, Maoist activities
The Navhind Times, August 28, 2001
The West Bengal Chief Minister,
Mr. Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, has expressed concern over security in north
Bengal following increased activity by different militant groups, in particular
the Maoists of Nepal and Inter-Service Intelligence of Pakistan. ......
Terrorism: Glossing
over the real issues
Premen Addy, The Hindu, August 28,
"Gangsters, not freedom fighters"
was the excoriating title of the Sunday Telegraph report on the arrest,
recently, of three suspected members of the Irish Republican Army (IRA)
in Colombia. The paper's investigative team of reporters probed the deception
of "international drug dealers and gun-runners posturing as political guerillas".
LeT loose in 36 Indian
Deepak Sharma, The Pioneer, August
28, 2001
Pakistan based terrorist organisation
Lashkar-e-Toiba has its presence in more than 36 cities in India including
new centres like Allahabad, Patna, Thane, Banglore, Chennai, Udaipur and
Khandwa. ......
Dalits as NGOs' cannon
P. N. Benjamin, The Hindu, August
28, 2001
I am provoked to write this after
reading several articles and statements of well known writers and intellectuals
and representatives of NGOs — call them, dalit warriors —
in The Hindu for some time now, criticising the Indian Government's alleged
attempts to thwart a debate on caste-based discrimination in the coming
United Nations World Conference against Racism in Durban. ......
Orissa estuarine crocodiles
die at hand of immigrants
The Navhind Times, August 28, 2001
The estuarine crocodiles of the
world famous Bhitarkanika sanctuary on the Orissa coast are slowly dying
out. ......
Militant's threats
force Kashmiri women take to burqa
AM Sofi, The Economic Times, August
27, 2001
One dares to defy the orders of
militants because there is no protection available, say a cross section
of working women in Srinagar, where tailors are doing a brisk business
making burqas after an unknown outfit Lashkar-e-jabbar issued Islamic dress
code for women to adhere to. ......
Patented Wisdom
Sonu Jain, The Indian Express, August
26, 2001
Each time someone claims a bit
of India as their own - and in these times of patent wars, we're fighting
claims to about 40 products all over the world - the country goes into
a tailspin. Anger, confusion, desperation and determination to Fight It
Out (one more time) do urgent rounds of government offices, agricultural
bodies and NGOs. ......
Guggul holds promise
Rajen. M, The Star, August 26, 2001
Ancient Sanskrit texts written
by physicians of the revered Ayurvedic medical system more than 2,500 years
ago, described the condition now known as atherosclerosis (hardening of
the arteries) with a remarkable degree of accuracy. These texts also prescribed
a treatment for it - the herb called guggul (commiphora mukul). ......
Sanatan Dharma can
help unite world: Sudarshan
Staff Reporter, The Hitavada, Nagpur,
August 15, 2001
Saying that the politicians had
always failed to establish peace and that they themselves were involved
in confrontation, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief K S Sudarshan
on Tuesday said that spiritual leaders in the country should take into
their hands the mission of 'world peace'. ......
How to clear the Kashmir
Balraj Madhk, Lokmat Times, Nagpur,
August 15, 2001
Much has been written on the Kashmir
problem. It is now generally accepted that the key role in making Kashmir
a problem was played by Nehru. He had emotional attachment with the Kashmir
Valley from where his ancestors came, was obsessed with Sheikh Abdullah
who originally belonged to the same Kaul clan of Kashmiri Brahmins to which
Nehru belonged and had rooted prejudice against Maharaja Harisingh. ......
An open letter to
General Musharraf
M. V. Kamath, Organiser, August
12, 2001
Dear General: For weeks you kept
saying that you were willing to meet, indeed were very anxious to meet,
Prime Minster of India Atal Behari Vajpayee at any time, on any date and
at any place. Shri Vajpayee finally took you at your word and invited you
to India. I am afraid you mistook Shri Vajpayee's generosity for weakness.
NRIs flock to RSS
camp to become Global Hindus
Johnson T A,, August
11, 2001
Nineteen-year-old Vinod Shastry,
a second generation Indian American, on his second visit to India, paces
around the classroom/dormitory at the Jana Seva Vidya Kendra, a residential
boys school 20 km from Bangalore, apparently humming a tune. ......
U.S. to Pakistan:
Which side are you on?
Salon News (, August 11,
The diplomatic overtures to Pakistan
Thursday came as U.S. foreign policy in South Asia recently shifted away
from Pakistan toward India. ......
The Counterterrorist
Reuel Marc Gerecht, The Atlantic
Monthly, July/August 2001
The United States has spent billions
of dollars on counterterrorism since the U.S. embassy bombings in Tanzania
and Kenya, in August of 1998. Tens of millions have been spent on covert
operations specifically targeting Usama bin Ladin and his terrorist organization,
al-Qa'ida. ......
Last Article date:
February 25, 2002
Archived on: Thu February
21, 2002