Hindu Vivek Kendra
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Jews, derived from the seed of Abraham, are the 'Chosen People'. Nothing we Gentiles do can attain for us the status of the 'chosen people'.



In Christianity, The Believing Christians are superior to Pagans. This supercaste system of Christianity does not leave us pagan humans even after we die, because we 'Pagans' are condemned to everlasting Hell, while Christians go to everlasting Heaven. The Christian Supercaste system is also based on one's BIRTH in Christ and according to St, Augustine, aborted foetuses and aboriginals who have not heard the Word of Christ ALSO go to everlasting Hell. Modern Christian sects are also like 'spiritual' castes, with each sect consigning members of the other sect to Hell. Thus, the Baptists would like Mormons to plunge into everlasting Hell-Fire and vice versa. In many Christian countries, you cannot be the President, and have unequal inheritance rights etc.,if you are not a Christian. In countries like Italy and Russia, Hinduism is not even recognized officially as a religion !

'Loving' Christians are often castiest narcissistics, who love their own religion more than other religions, their own sects more than other Christian sects, their own Parish more than other Parishes, their own Church more than other Churches, and often, their own self more than others. Very often, you cannot avail of Christian love by benefitting from schools/hospitals etc. run by them unless you join the Christian Supercaste.

Even then, white skinned Christians might frown on brown skinned Christians. After all, menial jobs in European monastaries, nunneries and churches are often done by non-white nuns and monks. And Christian God has ensured that ALL Popes in the last 2000 years are WHITE.

According to an Epistle of Paul in the Bible, Christians who are disputing amongst themselves must not go to a Judge who is not a Christian.

In a Gospel, Jesus Christ says that he was sent only to gather the 'Lost Sheep of Israel' (i.e., the Jews) but after he died, his disciples would spread his word. So non-Jewish people were considered unfit to receive the 'Word' directly from the Son.



This faith divides mankind into 4 supercastes: 1. Momins, or believing Muslims who have the Divine Right from al-Llah, to own all land, to have special rights over Infidels (Kafirs). The testimony of Kafirs is worth only 1/2 that of Momins. Only Momins can go to Heaven. Thus, both the spiritual and the mundane domain are the fief of the Momins alone. The Momins are friends to one another, and enemies to KAFIRS and DHIMMIS. The Momins are therefore the Islamic Supercaste. The Momin Islamic Supercaste have two subcastes - The Momin Men (M&M) are especially sweet sugar to al-Llah as they not only inherit twice that of Momin women, but also enjoy 72 virgins (huris) and pearl complexioned wine-boys according to the Koran. Each M&M can marry four Momin women, and enjoy any number of women that 'his right hand possesses'. The Momin Women, are disadvantaged due to their accident fo birth, in that they cannot marry four M&M's, and it is unclear if they can enjoy male virgins ('Hurrahs'?) in Islamic Heaven. According to a Hadith, most denizens of the Hell-Fire are women. And they cannot be Imams of mosques, nor can they go out without a Hijab, i.e,. a garment covering their hair and also sometimes their faces, making them faceless creatures.

2. Kafirs or Infidels: This includes all they who are not Muslims or Christians or Jews or Sabeans, according to the Koran. According to Sharia (the Islamic Jurispudence systems), Kafirs either pay the Jaziya tax to practice their religion (albeit still under severe disabilities) or are condemned to death. Their life is worth 1/15 the life of a momin. A Muslim man may marry a Kafir woman but she has the status of a concubine only if she chooses to continue in her original faith. A Momin woman CANNOT marry a Kafir woman. Land that is under the occupation of Kafirs is called 'Dar-ul-Harb' or the 'Land of War' because Momins are at war with Kafir countries perpetually till the Day of Judgment. The Kafirs are unclean according to the Koran (Surah IX) and therefore they CANNOT enter Mecca or Medina, and will be killed if they enter these two sacred lands.

3. Dhimmis or the 'People of the Book': This term is normally extended to cover non-Muslim people belonging to Abrahamic traditions, i.e., the Jews and Christians. The Koran exhorts that while there are some good people amongst Christians, the Muslims should not befriend either them or Jews because they are not trustworthy. The same rules of marraige apply here, as in the case of Kafirs and Muslims. These people can live under Muslim rule only by the payment of Jaziya and subjecting themselves to certain liabilities that are listed in the 'Pact of Umar', framed by the Caliph Umar, the second 'Rightly Guided' Caliph of Islam. The Dhimmis are said by the Koran and the Islamic tradition to have interpolated and corrupted their scriptures (the Bible) and are therefore spiritually inferior to Muslims. They are not permitted to enter Heaven and will go to Hell.

4. Other Islamic Untouchables: This includes 'Apostates' who have renounced Islam, and 'Hypocrites' (Zindiqs) who follow Islam nominally but criticize the eternal sacred word of the Koran. Both are to be punished by being killed by Momins whenever the opportunity arises. They can escape death only by repenting and confessing that there is no god but al-Llah and that Muhammad is his last Prophet.


Conversion of a Hindu to one of the above Abrahamic faiths DOES NOT get him free of a caste systems at all! It only 'shifts the boundaries of prejudice and discrimination'. Hitherto, he might have been subjugated by his fellow Hindus. But now he CAN become a spiritual tormentor and a worldly prince at the expense of his ex-coreligionists. The Hindu convert to these faiths becomes a 'non-Hindu neo-Brahmin', condemning all his ex-coreligionists to Hell while awarding himself to eternal heavenly pleasures.

Earlier, the ex-Hindu suffered from being on the wrong side of the boundaries which applied only to this world, and were often porous or even non-existent. But as a neo-Christian/Muslim he now finds himself on the other, privileged side of the Abrahamic Supercaste boundary which is even more rigid than the older caste-boundaries, and which extends even beyond this world.

The Abrahamic Supercaste System does not free Hindus and Pagans from its stranglehold even after they die, it condemns them to an everlasting torment and Hell-Fire.

But for the privileged Abrahamic Supercastes, it provides an unshakeable conviction that all Pagans and Infidels are meant for Eternal Hell after Death, and are fit for Domination by the Abrahamic Brahmins in this world.

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