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Directive to Egypt - Remove the objectionable "Aayatas"

Directive to Egypt - Remove the objectionable "Aayatas"

Author: Muzaffer Hussain
Publication: Mumbai Tarun Bharat (Marathi Daily -A free translation)
Date: September 29, 2002

An article has been published in the August of the monthly "Tarajumanul Koran" published from Lahore in Pakistan.   The matter in this article is so sensational that ordinary citizen will not believe it. But it is all proper and necessary.  If the world wants to clear out terrorism, then it has to all these today or tomorrow.  Things which Egypt did during the last few days.

The ancient name of Egypt is Misra. Along with Pyramids, it is famous for Islamic Art and literature.  "Jamea Ajahar" is the largest university of Islamic literature-culture.  This university has published  a number of books on Islam.  A number of Islamic learned ladies were moulded here and the translations of their books and lectures on Islam are wonderfully popular.  The influence of this University is so powerful and world wide that many Muslim countries have formed Universities on its lines and launched similar curricula. Hence, there is no other university comparable to it.  Some time ago, The Egypt Government annulled the independent statutory status of this body and brought it under the purview of the Education Department.  It dropped many books from the curricula and many anti-Christians and Jews passages,  examples, analytical essays and events were removed.

Of course, Egypt did do not this on its own. America and Israel got it done from it by bringing tremendous pressure. America became active against terrorism in its true sense only after Laden attacked WTC on 11th September last year.  However, Israel is already affected by this curse.  Hence the Egypt defeated in 1973 war, cut off its own relations with countries in Arabia and entered into a treaty with Israel at Cape David. But did not only signed the cease-fire treaty, but accepted many terms and conditions which will destroy the terrorist sentiments in the Muslim people and will treat Jew community with humanitarian attitude

Will America evict the Muslim terrorism relying solely on War? Will dropping hundreds of bombs on Afghanistan, reduce the number of people following Mullah Omar and Osama bin Laden? Will the missile throwing fire bursting bombs stop the wave of Islamic terrorism?  And if it is so, why terrorism has still continued in Kashmir? And why the Al Qaeda terrorists in Afghanistan threaten with a through and through war? All thinking people in the world know that terrorism can be stopped with the arms for some time, but cannot be destroyed for ever.   Therefore, it is necessary to change the mindset itself to end terrorism.  Mindset is created through education.  Hence, it is necessary to change the writings in the Islamic education which justifies terrorism.  That objectionable part which turns the students' mindset towards terrorism has got to be removed from the educational curricula.  This is happening for years in Egypt due to the pressure of Israel.  After 11th September, America announced its intention to implement it in Muslim nations. Hence,  if the terrorism in Pakistan has to be finished, what is happening in Egypt, has got to be done in Pakistan.

On August 25, 1981, Begin, Prime Minister of Israel had gone on a tour to Egypt.  The point of discussion was how there would be friendly relations between the two. At that time, Begin directly asked Anwar Sadat, "How can I believe that you are intent on establishing friendly relations with us?  Even today, scorning those people who have accepted the ways of Kufra is being taught in the Universities here even today."

President Sadat immediately issued orders to his Education Minister to remove such "Aayatas"  from the curricula of the Universities.  There was a speech of Mustafa Khalif, Ex Prime Minister of Egypt in the daily Akhbar Alsharkul Vasta of 6th July 2002. Khalif had admitted that America had warned Egypt that a number of decisions for transformation will have to be taken for friendship with Israel. Besides this, a Committee under the leadership of Khalifa was appointed and given a list of recommendations of social, economic and political reforms.

Even today, under the guise of reforms, work of completing the wishing of America-Israel is still going on. Not only in Egypt, but it is going on from Morocco to Malasia.  But after 11th September, the single factor of "Education" is being more and more concentrated upon. Today, there is an open discussions going on on the nourishing of terrorism in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Taliban and its supporters are created in Pakistan and Al Qaeda and its terrorists are coming from the other two countries. For transformation, these countries have been given 100 million dollars have been given to these countries.

The changes required to be made in the system of education in Pakistan can be defined with the help of the changes in Egypt or other nations. The research currently being made in Pakistan is going on from 1979 in Egypt.  The writer claims that from the discussions between Begin and Anwar Sadat, it can be inferred that if possible such disputed "Aayatas" and "Hadis" which are connected with Jihad, Muslim enmity with Jews, denial of friendship and love with Kafirs and Veil (Burkha) have been removed from the Koran itself. Part about the picture of life after the end of the world and the fear about it also has been removed from the Curricula.

Sometime back, a seminar was arranged in the Talasaba University. Prime Minister of Egypt, Mustufa Khalil and Butrus Ghali had participated in it.  The subject of discussion was "The Analysis of problems coming from Koran while making friendship with Israel". In it, the Prime Minister demanded that the institutes imparting education of Koran should be closed and Masjids should be brought under the Government control. In line with this demand, Jamea Al Ajhar University has been brought under the purview of the Government.  Not only this, but the amount of Waqf for this University has been kept by the Government in its treasure. The comment of the Secretary to the Chancellor Hasan Mamoon made while talking to his friend Kamaal Habib on this condition of the University speaks volumes. Hasan says, "The Chancellor has been made so obsequious that he cannot even move his bed from one position to another."

The length of period of education in the Ajahar has been reduced. Education on other religions has been refused permission and people from outside Egypt have been refused admission.  The age-limit for admission has been extended.  Limitations have been imposed on the Education about Koran. Permission has not been given to any organisations or institutes to start Madarasas in the name of Islam. Because the students and education are selected on the religious qualifications.  For all this transformation a very resounding name has been given - "Secular Ajahar".  Results of this transformation are also now visible.

The Aayat of Sura-e-Noor from Koran saying "Listen Navi Momin, tell women - they should live with downcast eyes and protect their womanly delicate parts" has been removed from the curriculum. Similarly, Aayat of Sur-e-mujadil has been removed.  It is said in it that "It is not possible to happen that those people, who are honest to Allah and the ultimate calamity will behave with love with those who are opposed to Allah or Prophet."  Maxim efforts are being made to remove the part which will glorify the position of Deen (Basic permanent religion) or Deenwalas (followers of Deen) in the mindset of the students. The Aayat of Hadis - "Whosoever of you will be the greatest who reads Koran and impart education of it to others" has been dropped.  Saying "Assalamo Alkum" on meeting each other has been banned.  In its place, "Aadaab" is being used.

This statement that "We are able to decide the time to know the time of Namaaz because of the Sun" has been dropped. Poems propagating Islam are also dropped out from Text Books.

The book on the life of Hajarat-e-Oomar applied for Intermediate curriculum has also come under Axe. The reason given is "There is no financial sanction for this book". The books of Hadis or Poems used for learning Arabic language has been dropped and in their place, books on sex education with pictures have been published. A negligible place has been given to the Egypt-Israel wars.  There is no mention of Palestine in their geography.  In its place name of Israel has been given. Lessons on the friendship if Egypt-Israel are included. Cape David Understanding Treaty has been be eulogised.  The countries which had opposed this treaty are described as 'unsuccessful in comprehending international circumstances:.

A report analysing the ethics of Palestine Officers was published by America on 21st November 2001. Concern has been expressed in it about there being no mention regarding any holy place of Jews in the Text Books of the Palestine.  It has been shown that discussions only about Philistine people in connection with Alkudoos. They have not followed the principles laid down by UNESCO.  According to UNESCO directives, minute thinking has to be done on whatever is being written in the text books about religion and in this thinking process, Atheists and people of other sects also be included.

The education system of Saudi Arabia is so strongly criticised is that discussions are being held in American Senate along with American newspapers and intelligentsia.  It will not enough to carry out attacks on Afghanistan in the war on terrorism.  The roots of terrorism are in the Saudi Arabia and its educational system.  In an article in New York times of December 12, 2001, Thomas Froied says, "Religious Madarasas and Jamates are the ramparts of terrorism. From here Terrorist leaders are created.  These sources of terrorism must be destroyed.  Basic education spreads scorn against the religion of Jews and Christians.    From 11th September, changes are being made in the education process of Saudi Arabia along with other countries.

Due to the pressure of America on Saudi Arabia, Al Jazira telecast a programme of a seminar on July 10, 2002.  There were three renowned Pandits of Saudi Arabia who were opposed to bring the American soldiers on Saudi soil after Iraq-Kuwait war. They were sentenced to 10-15 years imprisonment on account of that opposition.  From  among them, the words of Sheikh Safrul Havali were "The Arab Peninsula which does not accept the work (Ummat) not acceptable to any Muslim  person and about which it cannot remain indifferent, will always have enmity with America." America should always keep in mind that it is playing with fire when it is a matter of dividing Arabia, changing the education system or stopping the Islamic propaganda.

Yemen Government told on July 12, 2002 that to bring uniformity and unity in education, it has started making public (nationalising?) all private educational institutions. There was a strong opposition to this undertaking of the Government.  But it did not care for it. During this month, Mocca police have arrested 16 Ulemas and they have been accused of creating religious anarchy. These Muslim Pandits say that America is doing everything to act on Madarasas but Jew society is also educating like Madarasas.  They are asking a straight question - "Added to this is a fact that there has been 130% increase in these (Jew) Madarasas. How can then these Jews which are propagating their own religion in this manner,  are putting the stranglehold of banning other religions?"

If we study this report from the angle of India, we can realise how Muslims and Islam are safe.  Here there is no insistence on transformation or any Government intervention in the religious constitutions. In India, Islamic books and Koran are published on a huge scale and are even exported to other countries.  Government has not issued any Ordnance to change the curricula or imposed any restrictions on Madarasas.  Hurting of religious feelings not only Islam but any other religion are hurt is strongly punished here. Shri Chandmal Chopra had made petition against Koran in the Calcutta High Court.  But, the Court rejected it stating that no judicial institution can have any right to ban any religious book or cancel it. Intelligentsia in America had demanded that for terrorism, Saudi Arabia should be held responsible and Mecca should be bombed for it.  Nobody in India has made any such mad demands.  Hence, the leftist parties which have been clamouring against saffronisation of educational system, has been given a severe rap by the Supreme Court. Now they should sing their music of love for Muslims in America.  Then only they will realise the stark horror of it. If the terrorism does not stop in Indian continent, the Government one day will do the same thing which is being done in America and Israel.

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