Author: Dr. Joseph Pulikunnel
Publication: Organiser
Date: September 8, 2002
Introduction: Dr. Joseph Pulikunnel,
Christian intellectual and Director of the Indian Institute of Christian
Studies (IICS), is a stormy petrel He has been excommunicated by the Church
for openly opposing Churchianity and the hegemony of the Pope. He has now
become the rallying point of many Christian intellectuals, reformers and
social activists. In an interview to Organiser representative S. Chandrasekhar,
he spoke about the ongoing dialogue and other issues.
Q. What was the agenda of this dialogue?
A. Issues that have become irritants
in Hindu-Christian harmony like conversions, Dalit Christians, Swadeshi
churches, and minority rights and flow of foreign money were discussed.
This is a thought process where each other's views are being aired. This
will help reduce the misconceptions against each other. The IICS has been
for the past 25 years of its existence discussing issues that affect the
masses. We follow Sri Narayana Guru's words, "Not to debate and win, but
to know and make known".
Q. You are initiating dialogue with
an organisation that has been dubbed terrorist by Kerala Chief Minister
A.K. Antony and has been accused of committing atrocities against Christians
elsewhere in India? Will it not affect your position?
A. When a disturbance takes place
it is not the priests and bishops who get attacked. It is the common man.
There may be aberrations in society but the entire society cannot be blamed.
We are talking to the RSS with the clear conviction that they don't have
any connection with the isolated unfortunate incidents. In the pre-Independence
days Congress was a terrorist organisation. Later Communists were branded
as terrorists. Now both of them are calling RSS a terrorist organisation.
It is politically motivated. What the CPM and Congress are doing against
them is physical/ intellectual terror.
Q. What is the influence of the
bishops on the believers?
A. The bishops have only marginal
influence on the believers. They cash in on their emotional weakness. There
is a misconception that bishops/ churches decide voting trends. It is the
institutional power of schools, colleges, hospitals, nursing schools and
commercial establishments that make them powerful. But slowly the hegemony
of this institutional power is breaking and the bishops are not getting
unquestioned obedience. Intellectuals are questioning their authority.
Moreover the entire Christian wealth of India belongs to Pope. This is
nothing but colonialism. Bishops are being appointed by Pope, not elected
by believers. There is increasing opposition to this.
Q. What about Swadeshi churches?
A. India had a Swadeshi Church.
Even though China is having it, it is the creation of the State. The Indian
Church was broken by the Portuguese' who made it Westernised. It has to
be reestablished and re-installed. Pope should have control only over moral
and spiritual issues and not over Christian property in India.