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Guess who is bashing Islam now?

Guess who is bashing Islam now?

Author: Abul Kasem
Publication: faithfreedom.org
Date: November 18, 2002
URL: http://main.faithfreedom.org/Articles/abulkazem/whos_bashing_islam.htm
URL: http://www.hinduvoice.net/Muslimsspeakout18thNov02.html

"When a community has succumbed to a fever, it cannot be calmed with words and proofs. Yet for all who read the Qor'an and study its contents, the facts are plain (Ali Dashti, author of 'Twenty Three Years'. Page 148)"

You immediately become an Islam basher when you say or write:

Islam is a religion of peace and mercy.

The penalty for apostasy in Islam is death.

Most of the victims of Islamic stoning are women.

Non-Muslims pay jizya tax under Islam.

Paradise lies under the shades of Islamic swords.

It is okay to have unlimited sex with slave-girls and captive women.

The prophet (pbuh) had between nine to twenty official wives and at least two sex- slave.

The prophet (pbuh) married a six-year-old girl when he was 50 years old.

Hazrat Omar (Allah's mercy be upon him) married a four-year-old baby when he was around 54-55 years old.

Hazrat Ali (Allah's mercy be upon him) used to have sex with captive women, routinely.

Muslims must not be friendly with the Jews and the Christians.

Slay the idolaters wherever you find them.

Kill all Jews whenever you can lay your hands on them.

The only religion acceptable to Allah is Islam.

Muslims must fight to establish their religion wherever they are, especially when they are in Darul Harb.

Islamic wife beating is okay.

The punishment for not praying and/ or praying irregularly is execution as per Islamic Sha'ria.

Women must be covered with hijab/burqa whenever they venture out.

The mahr is the payment to obtain sexual service from a woman.

A Muslim can have four wives at any time and unlimited concubines and sex slaves as long as the sex slaves are not Muslim women.

If a non-Muslim man loves/has sex with a Muslim woman, he should be immediately executed without exception.

The blood money for a non-Muslim is much lower than the blood money for a Muslim.

Women must stay-put at home; she cannot go out without her husband's permission.

Allah gets angry if a woman refuses to have sex with her husband.


I can go on citing countless examples from authentic Islamic sources that will vouch for the truthfulness of what I wrote above. Therefore, why should one be called an 'Islam-basher' when there is every bit of proof that what he/she writes is true and irrefutable? The answer to this question is not very difficult to fathom. The acts of the Islamic brothers have made many peace-loving Muslims so shameful that many moderate Muslims have no place to hide their faces. They know it rather well that each and every act of Islamic terrorism is sanctioned by the religion itself. Look at Qur'an, look at hadith, look at Sha'ria, and look at Sira (history of Muhammad). You cannot argue with Osama bin Ladin, Ayman Zawhiri, Abu Bakar Bashir, John Allen Muhammad (I just gave the name of the most up-to-date Islamic terrorists) are not doing what Islam requires from them. The Holy Scriptures sanctions each and every action of slaughter of the infidels.

Now, who are smearing Islam? Who do you think are putting a shame on Islam? Who are showing the true face of Islam? Is it the so-called 'Islam bashers' camouflaged as secularist/freethinkers? Here is a sample of the 'true' preachers of Islam.

Chechens: Islam justifies
killing prisoners
Website presents case as gunmen slay hostages in Moscow

Posted: October 25, 2002
8:13 p.m. Eastern

© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

Islamic teaching allows the killing of prisoners if it benefits Muslims, according to articles on a pro- Chechen Islamist website that cites Muslim sources, including the Quran.

Chechen gunmen holding about 600 hostages in a Moscow theater have set a dawn deadline to begin killing the rest of their captives if Russia does not agree to pull its army out of Chechnya.

The anti-Russian website probably is run by Chechens, said the Middle East Media Research Institute, or MEMRI, which translated the articles.

An article titled "A Guide to the Perplexed about the Permissibility of Killing Prisoners" says Islamic scholars present five approaches drawn from various interpretations of the Quran:

1. A polytheist prisoner must be killed. No amnesty may be granted to him, nor can he be ransomed.

2. All infidel polytheists and the People of the Book (i.e., Jews and Christians) are to be killed. They may not be granted amnesty, nor can they be ransomed.

3. Amnesty and ransom are the only two ways to deal with (surviving) prisoners.

4. Amnesty and ransom are possible only after the killing of a large number of prisoners.

5. The Imam, or someone acting on his behalf, can choose between killing, amnesty, ransom or enslaving the prisoner.

The author indicates the last option as his preference, explaining that Islam's prophet, Muhammad, had dealt with prisoners in different ways to maximize the benefits to Muslims. He gives examples of methods with which Muhammad had chosen to kill, grant amnesty and ransom prisoners.
The article was a reaction, the author said, to criticism by Muslims that had "torn his heart," concerning the execution of nine Russian prisoners after the government had refused to surrender "one of Russia's biggest criminals and crooks."
According to the author, the Chechens have executed prisoners not because of their heart's desire, but because they have seen a benefit for the Muslims in such an act.
Some critics have argued, the author notes, that no one should be punished for the sins of others. He insists, however, that Allah permits the killing of a prisoner because he is a prisoner and even more so if one's killing for the sins of others serves an important Islamic interest, as well as a deterrent to the enemy.
An article titled "Are Hostages Prisoners?" explains the concept of hostages in its modern application to local kidnapped individuals and foreigners who are held as a means of pressure to achieve specific goals.
According to the author, he who was kidnapped in accordance with Islamic law should be considered a hostage, and hence a prisoner, who should be treated in the manner that would bring benefits to Muslims.
Another article, "Prisoners in Islam," indicates there are five methods that Islam proposes for dealing with prisoners: release without ransom, ransom, killing, enslavement or subjugation to the authority of the Islamic state.
The method changes according to circumstances, but it has to be the one that brings the greatest benefits to Muslims, the article says. For example, if among the prisoners, there is someone who is strong and is likely to tantalize the Muslims and his staying alive might cause harm, his killing will be the preferred method.
If there is someone who is weak but wealthy, ransoming him is the best method, according to the article. If there is someone who holds a favorable view of Muslims and could help them and their prisoners, amnesty is the best method. If there are those who could render a service, such as women and children, enslavement is considered best."
Now, are you not ashamed of what those Jihadis are doing? Please tell us - where are they getting their motivation from? What is inspiring them?
What crime the non-believers have done to get such a dreadful punishment? Where is your conscience?  Look at what Imam Khomeini had said about the non-Muslims:
 "Every part of the body of a non-Muslim individual is impure, even the hair on his head and his body hair, his nails and all the secretions of his body." (Hostage to Khomeini, 1980, 1st.ed; by Robert Dreyfuss; New Benjamin Franklin House Publishing Company, New York. Page 206)

The message from the diehard apologists can be summed up in the following few sentences, like: 'we know that there are hateful/belligerent verses in the Qur'an. We know that there are bad contents in the Sahih ahadith. But, please do not bring them out in public. Please keep those malcontents buried deep in the scriptures and let the world do not get wind of them. Please keep them hidden from all especially from the unbelievers. We get so offended and humiliated when those parts of the scriptures are cited. Please, have some consideration for us. We are already in a shameful position. We cannot look straight into the eyes of the infidels who have given us food and shelter in these infidel lands. Do not put us in shame any further. You know rather well that we will never leave Islam no matter how ugly you portray it to be. So, what is the point of exposing the 'real Islam' in public? Please refrain from exposing our beloved religion'. Won't you?
What is the reaction from the 1.2 billion peaceful Muslims in the world? Can they refute the above holy claims by the Jihadis? Why do they keep their silence? Why can't they organise a protest march in front of the UN headquarters to denounce this barbaric injunction? We see them so vocal in support of Saddam Hussein, Palestinians, Kashmiris and Chechen brothers, and so on. Why is it that they become deaf and bury their faces under sand like an ostrich whenever the Islamic terrorists kill innocent people? Who is bashing Islam? Who is distorting Islam? Who are tarnishing the image of peaceful Islam? Who has misconceptions on Islam? Is it the secularist writers? Please, be honest now! Look at your face in the mirror. If you think that Islam is really a religion of peace and mercy, then, why not the 1.2 billion of the moderate Muslims rise up and say in unison that they want these barbaric culprits caught and punished. Just one day's protest against the Islamic terrorism in front of the UN headquarters by the Muslims residing in the infidel land can do miracle, believe me. Just one day's of observance of protest around the Muslim world against the terrorists will dramatically reduce this modern day scourge of humanity. Will the moderate Muslims do this? Your silence is deafening and its high decibel sound is quite unbearable. Your silence sends the clear message of what is in you heart.
Please stand up and be counted to face the truth if you really care about your god- given religion.

[This is far from being a politically correct essay. This essay, most likely, is not going to change an iota of the mindset of the close-minded believers. Call me an 'Islam basher' or what have you, but the truth will find its way, no doubt, just like a stream find its way to the ocean.]

(Abul Kasem writes from Sydney, Australia. His e-mail address is - abul88@hotmail.com)

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