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Will the real Muslims stand up?

Will the real Muslims stand up?

Author: Hal Lindsey
Publication: WorldNetDaily.com
Date: February 13, 2003
URL: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=31018

Despite the massive efforts of the United States to remove Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaida organization, they are still very much with us. I don't mean to suggest that U.S. efforts in Afghanistan and elsewhere are faulty, but rather to emphasize how complex and difficult it is to combat this new kind of enemy.

In World War II, we saw how difficult it was to confront the fanatically motivated Third Reich of Nazi Germany. Their leaders and a good part of the populace were uniquely motivated by their Aryan doctrine of the "Master Race" and their destiny to rule the world. Few realize how occultic the inner workings of this regime were. This belief contributed greatly to their successes. It was largely because of it, they nearly defeated the combined forces of the whole world.

The Japanese religion, or emperor and ancestor worship, and their faith in the mystical power of the Samurai warrior also made them a formidable enemy. It inspired the Japanese soldiers to fight to the last man on many battlefields, rather than to disgrace their ancestors. It also inspired the suicidal kamikaze pilots that wreaked such havoc on our naval forces.

But we face a greater threat from Islam than all of these past enemies put together. Now I am aware of the fact that most Muslims are not seeking to conquer the world and either subject or kill the infidel. Thank God, and I do mean Jehovah, the God of the Bible.

But we do have to confront the fact that inherent within the most foundational doctrines of Islam are elements that have produced violent Muslim movements in every generation since Muhammad. We have to reckon with the historical fact that Muhammad both taught and practiced violence, which he saw as part of the religion he founded.

We must learn from the early history of Islam. With the death of Muhammad in A.D. 632, there arose the "Khaliph Rasul Allahs," which means "the Successor of the Messenger of Allah." The first four Khaliphs are called "the Divinely Guided Ones." Omar ibn al-Khattab, the second Khaliph reigned from A.D. 634 to A.D. 644. He drew his sword and, with his Bedouin army, exploded out of the Arabian Peninsula.

George Grant, in his book "The Blood Of The Moon," chronicled Omar's amazing conquests: "Before his death in A.D. 644, Omar had spread the dominion of Islam from the Euphrates across the North African Littoral. He had conquered all of Iraq, brought Persia to the brink of collapse, controlled the southern Mediterranean coastline, and put Christendom on the defensive at every turn. In addition, he left his successors a tumultuous momentum that gave them expansive new conquests in Spain, Sicily, Crete and Italy." He also captured Jerusalem and all the Holy Land in A.D. 635.

This "Divinely Guided One" did not convert people to Islam by evangelistic preaching, but by giving them a choice of convert or die. Within 100 years after the death of Muhammad, the "Divinely Guided Ones" took Islam to the borders of China in the east; to the coast of the Atlantic in the west; and to the gates of Vienna in Europe. This was all done by violent conquest, not by preaching a message of peace.

They left behind a trail of hundreds of thousands of slaughtered Christian and Jewish "infidels." One Christian church after another was desecrated and turned into a mosque - including the greatest church edifice of early Christendom, the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople). On the ceilings were hung Arabic plaques that quote from the Koran, "All praise be to Allah who never had a son."

The Muslim today who proclaims that Islam is a religion of peace has to turn a blind eye to many specific verses in the Koran that order the faithful to kill the infidel. They have to ignore the example of Muhammad and the most venerated Khaliphs that followed him.

This is why those we call "Islamic fundamentalists," "radical Islamists," "Muslim militants" or whatever, are growing in number in every part of the world. They come with the zeal and fiery conviction of those who can point to all that is considered holy in Islam as the justification for their faith and action.

As an unbiased observer who has thoroughly studied all of these things, I have to say that the Islamic fundamentalist is the true Muslim. Osama bin Laden quotes the Koran and refers to the example of Muhammad with skill and precision.

The fundamentalist can silence the Muslim dissenter very quickly and leave him with real guilt. The ones we call "moderate" Muslims are apostates. This is how bin Laden referred to them in his most recent audio tape: "I also assure those true Muslims should act, incite and mobilize the nation in such great events, hot conditions, in order to break free from the slavery of these tyrannical and apostate regimes, which is enslaved by America, in order to establish the rule of Allah on Earth. Among regions ready for liberation are Jordan, Morocco, Nigeria, the country of the two shrines [Saudi Arabia], Yemen and Pakistan."

You may think that these are the words of a fanatic to whom no one is listening. But the evidence is that the average Muslim around the world is converting to his example of faith in great numbers. At least 10 percent of the 1.3 billion Muslims in the world are fundamentalists. That means that al-Qaida has at least 130 million of the faithful to draw soldiers and support from.

If you think they're not successful, just look at the cities of the world that are on "High Alert" for major terrorist attacks at this moment: New York City, San Francisco, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, Philadelphia, Houston, London, Manchester, Paris, Berlin, Frankfurt, Rome, Milan, Singapore, Sydney, Manila, Amman, Kuwait City, Qatar - to name a few.

Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslim - at least those of major world concern today. This forces upon the "moderate" Muslims a unique situation. We are not going to find Muslim terrorists outside of the Muslim communities. It is critical therefore that we utilize our limited resources to the fullest on the Muslim communities.

We should, of course, be careful not to treat anyone as guilty until there is evidence of guilt. But Muslims in this country need to stop crying about their rights and start willingly cooperating with all efforts to find the terrorists cells among their numbers. They should realize it is for their protection as much as it is for the rest of Americans. There is no other way to find those Muslims who are dangerous. Either Muslims are Americans first, or they should find another country.

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