Author: ABM Nasir, Ph. D. <>
Publication: News from Bangladesh
Date: February 17, 2003
Dear Brothers,
Abdul Gaffar Chowdhury (AGC) did
it again. This time he joined the so-called Hindu-Bhudist-Christian Okoya
Jote to denounce the friends of nationalist and patriot government of Bangladesh.
His propaganda against Islamic forces
and Muslim Nationalism is nothing new. It dates back to 1952 when his song
"Amar Bhaier Rokte Rangano Ekushe February" fueled the so-called language
movement, mostly, led by the so-called Bengali Nationalists to force the
government of great Islamic nation of Pakistan to declare Bangla as the
state language. One wonders how people could be so scatty only four years
after the birth of Pakistan. How could they forget the eminence of the
Dorbari language of Urdu and demand that Bangla, language of the lower
class and converts from lower caste Hindu, be the sate language? NAUJUBILLAH!
* Let us boycott and propose a ban
on Abdul's nationalist song "Amar Bhaier Rokte Rangano Ekushe February"
as being slander against Muslim Nationalism (predecessor of Bangladeshi
Because of the continuous Indian
conspiracy and the propaganda by the persons like Abdul and his lackeys,
the great nation of Pakistan was, eventually, divided after a so called
bloody civil war in 1971. Despite the sacrifice of great Islamic warriors
whole-hearted support from the Islamic Ummah and killing of 3 millions
of Kafirs, Bangladesh was created only to be dominated by the mighty India,
the land of infidels(!).
After the break-up of Pakistan,
our great leaders like Monem Khan and Golam Azam were either killed, unjustly
convicted, or expelled from their homeland. The break up of Pakistan under
the leadership of so-called great national leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,
was a great conspiracy of India. Majority of the East Pakistani didn't
want this to happen. The dream of a great leader, Qaide Azam Muhammed Ali
Zinnah, the father of Pakistan, was shattered temporarily.
However, the honeymoon of the infidels
of the so-called Bengali Nationalism was only short lived. The great heroes
of the Muslim Nationalism ousted the tyrant Mujib government through a
bloody holy war. They re-established the glory of the Muslim Nationalism
by quickly replacing the Joy Bangla slogan with the Bangladesh Zindabad
(like Pakistan Zindabad), by changing name of Bangladesh Betar to Radio
Bangladesh (like Radio Pakistan), and by declaring amnesty for the Mujahids,
(who unjustly convicted of so called war crimes such as killing, raping,
looting) of so called liberation war. To uphold the unity of Islami brotherhood,
they! amended the constitution to introduce the concept of Bangladeshi
Nationalism (like Muslim Nationalism).
These heroes also brought back the
glory of Muslim Nationalism by appointing, first, Shah Azizur Rahman (who
opposed the division of Pakistan at an address to the UN general assembly
in 1971) as the Prime Minister of Bangladesh and, then, Abdur Rahman Bishwas
as the President of Bangladesh, and, Motiur Rahman Nizami and Ali Ahsan
Mujahid as the minister with important portfolio.
The constitution was amended, accordingly,
to introduce Islam as the state religion of Bangladesh. The only thing
remains to be done is to replace the human devised legal system with the
Islamic Sariah laws. INSHALLAH, with blessing of almighty and the support
of nationalist forces, that will be done in due time.
But the problem is that Abdul and
his lackeys, Shahriar Kabir, Abed Khan, and Muntasir Mamun including members
of so called liberal force have still engaged in endless propaganda against
the Bangladeshi Nationalist force through their writing.
With the aid of India, they are
also involved in various anti-Bangladesh activities. This so called liberal
force, also with the help of the Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs),
the agents of infidels, wants the emancipation of women by luring them
to work outside of their home. Be gods wrath be fallen upon these enemies
of Islam!
Dear Brothers,
Today, it is the time again to rise-up
against the conspiracy to uphold the banner of Islamic Ummah and Bangladeshi
Nationalism. The forces of Islami Umma and Bangladeshi Nationalism must
be united to stop the activities of these Kaffir, Murtad, and Feraun.
Towards that goal, I propose the
Form a coalition of nationalist
force and resist the activities of Murtads like Abdul Gaffar Chowdhury,
Shahriar Kabir, Muntassir Mamun and their minions.
* Change our national anthem written
by a non-muslim, Kaffir, of Indian origin (let us consult with Aftab Ahmed,
a Professor of Dhaka University, who have already demanded that the national
anthem of Bangladesh be changed).
* Form a National Resistance Federation
(NRF) in the same format as the Al Badr, which tried their best to uphold
the flag of Islamic Nationalism, but failed due to the conspiracy of India
and it's Bangladeshi lackey, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the so called father
of the nation and Bangabondhu.
* Support a committee led by national
patriots of 1971, including the great Golam Azam, Motiur Rahman Nizami,
Ali Ahsan Mujahidi,who fought to uphold the Islamic Sariah. The committee
should also include the warriors of Muslim nationalism such as Maudud Ahmed,
Gias Kamal Chowdhury, Anwar Zahid, Osman Faruq, Salahuddin Kader Chowdhury,
Mahbub Ullah, Aftab Ahmed, and Forhad Mazhar (who has appeared to be embracing
Bangladeshi Nationalist by joining a joint session, mostly attended by
forces of Bangldeshi Nationalism and Muslim Ummah including Motiur Rahman
Nizami). The committee will be responsible in fighting back the propaganda
against the virtues of Bangladeshi Nationalism and Muslim Brotherhood.
To fight back Indian and anti-Bangladeshi Nationalist propaganda, the committee
must apply the propaganda techniques used by Goebles, Nazi propaganda minister
during the World War II. ! ;
- Re-enact the Enemy Property Act
to a broader context. Non- Muslim, Kaffir, would not be allowed to own
property unless they convert to Islam until they are agreed to pay Jijia
for their security and safety.
- To fight these anti-islamic forces,
a group of holy warriors need to be assembled. To do that we must force
the government to increase funding in Maddrassa education. Maddrass will
serve as potential source of holy warriors.
- Prohibit female activism and force
them to dress in veil.
Dear Brothers,
And only then would the nationalist
and Islamic forces be able to drive the anti- islamic elements from the
country. For now let us not worry about the image of Bangladesh abroad.
May Allah bless the souls of all
islamic warriors killed during the so-called Liberation War! And, may blessing
be fallen upon those who are fighting for the cause of Bangladeshi Nationalism
and Muslim Brotherhood!!
A Brother of Bangladeshi Nationalism
and Islamic Ummah
ABM Nasir, Ph. D.
Assistant Professor of Economics
School of Business, NCCU
Durham, NC 27707.
Phone: (919) 530-7372
Emails: (work), (personal)