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Mayhem in Bangladesh

Mayhem in Bangladesh

Author: Abhijit Bhattacharyya
Publication: The Pioneer
Date: February 2003

Introduction: Where is our sense of outrage at the rape of the minorities in Bangladesh

Islamic Bangladesh of Bengali language and Bengali culture is back at its favourite game of smashing the Hindu minority and raping their women and maiming them for life. Lest this is perceived as fabrication by an Indian, the above piece of information has been lifted from the report of a Bangladesh daily of October 11, 2001. It goes thus: "Subjugated and defamed Hindu minorities of seven districts are leaving the country. Mayhem in Bangladesh: Gopalganj's Ramshil village is now a refugee camp."

The Hindu-populated village of Ramshil under Kutalipara Upazila of Gopalganj has turned overnight into a refugee camp. Post-election violence in three districts of Bangladesh has displaced more than 15,000 minority families who have taken refuge in the various schools, colleges and open fields of Ramshil. According to eye witnesses, torture, looting, gang raping and other atrocities have outdone the barbarism of 1971.

"Barbarism of 1971?" Those were the words heard during a barbaric civil war, when the then West Pakistani Punjabi Muslims raped their own country's East Pakistani Bengali Muslim women. Thirty years have gone past. But Bangladesh's religious lunatics have not learnt anything.

Initially founded on the basis of linguistic chauvinism and identity of Bengali culture, Bangladesh has shown the way, turning its colour from language to religion; from dictatorship to democracy; from secularism to fundamentalism; from friendship to hostility; from political stability to internecine strife; from self-respect to despicable indignity to its Hindu minority; and, from being anti-Punjabi Pakistan to pro-ISI.

The advent of Bangladesh National Party with its fundamentalist ally, the Jamaat, is a definite security threat to India. Bangladeshi nationals, with their uncharted and uncontrolled population growth, supplemented by the religious leaders' clarion call against non-believers, are bound to adopt an "India Bharo" policy and action.

There are innumerable documents, reports and papers on the illegal entry of Bangladeshi Muslims into India, who constitute not only a potential liability but also a threat starting from theft to cheating, from dacoity to sabotage and destruction of Indian institutions. What Afghanistan is to the US, is what Bangladesh could well become to India in the near future, especially with the fundamentalists gaining the upper hand in that country.

As is well known, Islamic countries the world over have their own way of non-democratic governance. Barring Indonesia, Malaysia, Egypt and Turkey of Kamal Ataturk, virtually no other country from the Atlantic Ocean to the Arabian Sea follows open democracy. It is either a kingdom or a dictatorship; a military junta or an emirate. In countries like Pakistan and the former East Pakistan, however, it is a rotation between military rule and democracy. The democratic interregnum in Bangladesh is still theoretically on. However, if one goes by the media reports from Bangladesh, the situation as it exists today is more demonic than democratic.

Ajker Kagoj of October 11, 2001, says it all: "The unaided and defamed (sic) thousands of minorities are from Gourandi of Agaizara under Barishal, Mullahat of Bitalmari under Bagherhat and Najirpur of Firozpur. In the district of Barishal, numerous women were gang-raped and repressed inhumanly. According to Chhatra League Secretary Rasel and Bipul, BNP and Jamat allies went on a barbaric rampage in Chandshi, Bahadurpur, Barthi, Pingolkati, Ashukati, Agailzara and numerous other places of minorities for their support to Awami League. The barbaric laughter of the miscreants will subjugate any other barbaric incident in the world. They criminally assaulted women publicly, removed the eyes of the victims and slaughtered any one coming in their way.

"The barbaric rape of two teens near Dhanduba under Gournadi Upazila by these psychopaths will shame humanity. They have even poisoned the ponds so that the minority is denied water. Same rampages are reported from Rajshahi, Chapainababganj, Pabna, Atgoria, Kashinathpur and other northern districts of Bangladesh. Hindu minorities from Dinajpur, Thakurgaon, Gopalpur, Sirajganj, Ullapara, Gaibandha and Shahajadpur are already leaving country." Most of the victims said that it was like a country without a government.

Compare this devastating democracy of Bangladesh with that of India, and one will get a clearer idea. No Muslim worth his salt has ever raised his voice of protest against a Hindu bashing in the neighbourhood. Of course, it would be wrong to single out a Muslim in the present scenario, since there does not exist a single pseudo intellectual Hindu (of and) in India to protest against the barbaric persecution of Hindu minority in a Muslim Bangladesh. Their argument is simple, and logical: "Why should we bother about the happenings in our neighbour's bedroom? That is not our business! We should mind our own business to ensure that we remain `democratic, socialist, secular republic' in accordance with the preamble of the Constitution of India." Noble words, indeed. But with an ignoble intention of subjective analysis and interpretation of the objective reality.

What is the objective reality? The reality is the policy of consistent hypocrisy of our pseudo intellectuals in turning a blind eye to atrocities in the neighbourhood. When it comes to bashing of Hindus, it's better for our fake secularists to dig in their heads like an ostrich. However, they start crying like a bunch of wily foxes if even one stray case of rape of a nun takes place in a remote village by a criminal. Let the pseudo intellectuals start broadcasting that on their TV networks as "Flash" and "Breaking News". Let us make no mistake about the stupidity and myopic attitude of some of our own pseudo intellectuals and friends for whom earning a dollar and running down the Indian Hindus are paramount. These pseuds are themselves Hindus. Rather "secular Hindus" whose secularism goes to absurd levels of one upmanship, show off, and one-way traffic of Hindu bashing.

Bangladesh is far away from New Delhi. But illegal Bangladeshi Muslims are the natural voters of India and are potential "law makers" and "keepers" of the future. Their increasing numbers ensure their religious fraternity, communal identity and the common goal of obtaining lebensraum in India in the near future. Who cares if the six border districts of West Bengal have already become an extension of Bangladesh?

Today's Bangladesh has a lady as ruler. Yesterday too there was a lady in power. These ladies come from the higher strata of an "Islamic" society with education but without burqa. Fortunately, therefore, they have never faced the ignominy of a helpless minority Hindu woman in the midst of mindless rapists of the majority community. They have nevertheless experienced the agony of murderous assault of their husband, father, mother, brother and sister by their co-religionists. However, they still do not seem to have learnt the lessons of religious fanaticism. Clearly, Bangladesh needs to douse the fire of anti-Hinduism. Those who burn the houses of others may soon be victims of their own action. Take action Begum Zia. Don't make Bangladesh an Afghanistan overrun by a Bengali speaking Taliban and ISI agents. That would be the ultimate humiliation on "Sonar Bangla's" language and culture.

(The author is an alumnus of the National Defence College of India and the views expressed are personal)

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