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Why Sonia is against the Sangh

Why Sonia is against the Sangh

Author: Balbir K Punj
Publication: South Asia Analysis Group
Date: June 6, 2003

Greenhorn as she is in the wonderland of Indian politics, Ms Sonia Gandhi has the added disadvantage of having been born and brought up in an alien land and culture. No wonder most of the time she is still a 'reader' and not a 'leader' and frequently underscores the sad reality (through her words and silence as well) that she is yet to mature and strike roots in the Indian tradition. Her faux pas outside Rashtrapati Bhavan when she claimed a majority after the fall of the Atal Bihari Vajpayee Government in 1999 is still fresh in the mind. Also the fact she could resort to slander, such as in Guwahati last August when she said "the Prime Minister has lost his mental balance".

The lady can also resort to distortion of palpable realities as she recently did in Srinagar. Her Congress ka haath may arguably be garib ke saath, but her valedictory speech at the Chief Ministers' conclave clearly showed where Congress ka heart lies. Her prickly utterances against nationalistic organisations like the RSS and Saraswati Shishu Mandirs show that it lies with jihadis and Islamic fascists threatening the peace of not only India but her country of origin, Italy, as well.

In her "crush the Sangh" call to the faithfuls, Ms Gandhi has spoken of an "effective ideological counter to the Saraswati Shishu Mandirs (SSMs) where the seeds of bigotry are first planted in young and impressionable minds". Given her domicile status, one would have expected her to develop some sensibility, if not sensitivity, towards India and Hindus, but she fails us miserably. Unfortunately, the fault lies with none else but those who -steeped in colonial obsequiousness- have surrendered their rationality, conscience and dignity at the feet of creeds, ideologies and leaders of alien origin, and control the levers of powers in the country's establishment and English media.

Did Ms Gandhi have one critical word for madrasas, the hate-industries mushrooming along the India-Nepal, India-Pakistan (Rajasthan) and Indo-Bangla borders? Probably she lacked the guts to take on Islamic terrorism, standing in the heart of Srinagar. This was the place where, in 1989-1990, loudspeakers were installed atop every mosque blurting messages for Hindus to leave the Valley or pay the price with their lives. These were not hollow threats and have been executed all across the Valley. Its latest manifestation was the Nadimarg massacre in Pulwama district on March 23, underscoring the jihadi message that Hindus would not be tolerated in Kashmir.

Some people have methods in their madness, while others have plans in their forgetfulness. Was Ms Gandhi's forgetfulness with regard to the plight of Kashmiri Pandits deliberate? West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadev Bhattacharya had at least publicly voiced his concern about the 'anti-national and disruptive activities' going on in 'some' illegal madrasas in February last year before his 'secular' party comrades and a massive Jamait-e-Ulema-e-Hind rally in Kolkata forced him to develop cold feet. But Ms Gandhi is immune to any criticism from partymembers, owing to her dynastic background and the sycophant's mindset of her flock.

Ms Gandhi vouches for the 'fact' the Congress's 'hand' is with the poor, and she demands special reservation in fields of education and employment. Obviously, the hounded-out and displaced Kashmiri Hindus don't qualify as poor-so they should be left out without a helping hand like a foundling! Their houses and commercial properties in Kashmir have been taken over or forced to be disposed at a paltry price. No Congressman has ever asked for special compassionate treatment for the Kashmiri Pandits. Mr Balasaheb Thackeray did, and the Shiv Sena- BJP Government had extended special quotas in medical/engineering and other colleges for them.

So while Ms Gandhi warned against a 'Gujarat-like experiment', it is clear that she is not against a 'Kashmir-like experiment' of Hindu minority-cleansing, leaving the Pandits with little hope of returning ever. Did you ever hear Ms Gandhi open her mouth about the dastardly slaughter of eight Hindu fishermen in Marad? On May 2, in southern State of Kerala ruled by a Congress-led coalition -which ironically includes the Indian Union Muslim League (IUML)- these fishermen were hacked down in bid to cleanse the coastline of Hindus, already a minority in that area. The Pioneer was one of the first newspapers to report this brazen incident.

It is significant to note that incidents of communal violence, especially those involving the Islamic extremist group, the National Development Front (NDF), are on the rise ever since the UDF came to power in Kerala in 2001. The IUML Minister Kunkalikutty has a high profile presence in the coalition Government. He is alleged to have pressured Chief Minister AK Anthony to get the Coimbatore bomb blast accused, Abdul Nazzer Madhani, released. He is also alleged to be maintaining ties with Muslim extremists and is said to be instrumental in securing the release of Muslim criminals.

The NDF made it to the news shortly after the Babri demolition, when it circulated distorted maps with India without Jammu & Kashmir. It also committed gross atrocities at Nanda-puram that were a total recall of the Mopla massacres in Malabar during the Khilafat Movement. So why has the Congress President, who spewed venom at the RSS and SSMs, ignored the Marad incident? Are we heading towards 'Kashmir-like experiment' in Kerala under the Congress?

The Congress's antipathy for Hindus was evident in Fakruddin Ali Ahmed, who sought to constitute 'Bange-Islam' by incorporating Assam and West Bengal into erstwhile East Pakistan. He supported largescale infiltration of Bengali-speaking Muslims into Assam to serve as a votebank, and single-handedly made Barpeta a Muslim majority district. Therein lies the root of the Assam agitation that was later exacerbated by Indira Gandhi's atrocious mishandling of the situation. Though, ironically, Ahmed acceded to the Presidency of India, his actions made him very unpopular in Assam.

Last month, when the Guwahati Medical College was sought to be renamed as Fakruddin Ali Ahmed Medical College, it drew instinctive reproach and protest from students. The State Congress unit fumbled to defuse to the situation somehow. If Assam sits on the volcano of Muslim infiltration today, the 'credit' goes to the Congress. Was it not the Indira Government that blighted its fate through the Illegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunals) Act, which made it virtually impossible to deport any illegal migrant from the State's territory? Should we see these 'experiments' in Kashmir, Assam and Kerala in isolation or as a part of larger gameplan aimed at India's Balkanisation?

Congress insensitivity towards Hindus is actually more draconian than its apathy. The party could orchestrate an orgy of violence on innocent Sikhs in Delhi (in which Muslims goons were also mobilised) after Indira Gandhi's assassination. This was a conspiracy to alienate Sikhs from Hindus, thus giving a fillip to jihadi forces in the long run. The Congress displayed its regressive mindset in the Shah Bano case, thus pandering to the conservative Shariat-ist section of Indian Muslims. Rajiv Gandhi sent the Indian Peace Keeping Force to Sri Lanka to help the Jayawardane Government crush Tamil Hindus, already persecuted by Sinhala majoritarianism.

If Ms Sonia Gandhi is keen on crushing the Sangh, let her make an attempt. Such attempts had been made in the past by Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi. But history shows that neither the British nor their ideological successors in the 'secular' establishment of free India have been able to counter the Sangh because it is deeply rooted in Indian traditions. As for what is taught in the Saraswati Shishu Mandirs, it is character-building, love for India, reverence for its epics, pride in the country's freedom fighters and regard for elders. It is an open curriculum for anybody to see. I have no doubt that civil society will crush the 'crushing' mindset of the Congress sooner rather than later.

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