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Defective Liberal Paradigm On Communalism

Defective Liberal Paradigm On Communalism

Author: Dr. Ajay Chrungoo
Publication: The Daily Excelsior

Heads I Win Tails You Loose

'Secular liberals must be proactive to prevent India from skidding into an era of violence, intolerance, authoritarianism and economic slowdown that experts now derisively call the Hindutva rate of Growth,' says Anita Pratap (outlook April 29, 2002). The mission, however requires both credibility and a perceptional framework which can make the difference. Not in terms of scoring points, but creating a healthy and lasting inter community interface. Unfortunately the liberal discourse lacks the both.

For decades liberals have indulged in a vicious selectivity compromising the basic qualification of universalism without which issues of coexistence and Human Rights could not be addressed. Inspite of being able to capture almost whole of space in print and electronic media liberals have only marginally influenced the middle class opinion in India. Secular liberals were all along proactive during the build up to Babri demolition. Why couldn't they influence the middle class opinion in India?

The credibility crisis which the liberals face has been expressed with subdued sincerity by the editor of HT in his write up 'one way Ticket' (dated March 1, 2002). He writes 'there is something profoundly worrying in the response of what might be called the secular establishment to the massacre of Godhra.. Any media-indeed, any secular establishment-that fails to take into account the genuine concerns of people risks losing its own credibility. Something like that happened in the mid-eighties when an aggressive hard secularism on the part of the press and government led even moderate Hindus to believe that they had become second class citizens in their own country. It was this Hindu backlash that brought the Ayodhya movement - till then a fringe activity - to the forefront fuelled the rise of L.K. Advani'.

'Aggressive Secularism' is only a euphism for a paradigm which is inherently deffective. It breeds a culture, which even in the absence of communalists among Hindus and Muslims will keep the vicious hatred and suspicion among the two major communities in India alive. We need to look into the character of this aggressive secularism before we face in passing the contours of selectivity in which liberals have indulged.

The general framework of secular discourse in India is thus - majority communalism is more dangerous than minority communalism; it has tremendous striking power; it is oppressive, hegemonistic, authoritarian and ultimately fascit; a policy of protective discrimination is a necessity to insulate minorities from minoritarian tyranny. These broader postulates presuppose and in fact recognise an identity which is a national majority. And this majority has to evolve a socio-political behaviour so that it does not relapse into practising brute majoritarianism.

The very quality of this paradigm is such that it has to operate totally divorced from the framework of the political discourse in the country evolved by the same liberal mindset. This political discourse recognises 'Hindu' identity as a misnomer or at the most a geographical expression. The identity as per this reference frame is basically a collectivity formed as a result of artificial fusion of multitude of cultures and nationalities. It is an invention which served the colonial imperatives to rule over India. The secular discourse seeks both concessions and discipline where the Hindu majority behaves within the parameters laid. The political discourse denies the very basis of 'Hindu' as a identity denominator.

The contradiction does not stop only at delegitimisng and ridiculing the majority identity. It creates a conceptural situation where Muslims are the dominant group and in fact the real majority while Hindu majority is at the most a concoction. The implications of such a situation are two fold. First a psychological atmosphere is created where Muslim minority gets projected to the Hindu majority as a usurper. Denial of due respectibility to the Hindu majority eventually has lead to their desensitisation to the genuine deprivations of the minority.

Secondly, Muslim minority fed on the concepts that Hindu identity is artificial visualizes itself actually as a majority, particularly in areas in which there is significant Muslim presence. It builds a relationship with the majority ignoring the 'Whole' and recognising only the 'Cleavages and Components.' This fake consciousness, once it gets superimposed by the ideas of Ummah or Pan Islamism, builds a self image in Muslims of having invincible reach and sway. The carnage of Godhara, Bombay blasts or religious cleansing of Kashmir Hindus are the suicidal provocations to the majority which can be only explained on the basis of this enlarged self image and reach.

The efforts of a section of liberals to describe Godhra as merely a 'criminal act' is either naviety or intellectual crime of negationism. The very quality of these acts is such that they cannot be accomplished without a significant connivance and support at the societal level.

The liberal paradigm has created a volatile substratum for Hindu-Muslim strife. The ruthless selectivity in which liberals have indulged has added the fuel to the fire. The theme of liberal reaction on the communal carnage in Gujarat focuses on deliberate state inaction and fixing of responsibility not only of those responsible in the government but also of the organs of society as well as individuals. Compare it with the liberal response to the communal onslaught in Jammu and Kashmir. It focusses on deliberate state action. It also rationalises the explicit connivance of organs of society and individuals in the religious cleansing. In Kashmir it is the state action which has to be described as state terrorism and in Gujarat it is state inaction which represents the state terrorism.

A few examples of liberal selectivity will bring home the point. The BJP proposal of going for a snap poll in Gujarat has met with a spontaneous disapproval and rejection. Legally Gujarat government can propose snap polls by its own right. But is it morally right to go for elections when thousands of its own citizens have been rendered refugees in their own state? Liberals argue, and rightly so, about the immorality of the whole proposal.

Contrast it with the liberal response when elections were proposed in the state of Jammu and Kashmir in 1996. 350,000 Hindus had been rendered internally displaced after whole of Kashmir valley had been cleansed of the Hindu minority. The very talk of conducting of elections was not only criminal insensitivity, it was trivialising a genocide, even denying it. Nation was choosing to ensure the right of franchise of a people before ensuring its right to live. Editorials flashed the compliments to the government. Postal ballot arrangement for voting in exile was hailed as an ingenious method.

We have now almost one million population in the state which is displaced. Spill-over of terrorist violence into Jammu has brought about internal displacement which no body has acknowledged so far. People in Muslim majority areas of Jammu have shifted from isolated villages to small towns, from upper reaches of mountains to lower localities, from smaller towns to big ones. We have thousands of border migrants who have fled their homes.  Will the liberals oppose elections in Jammu and Kashmir on the same premises they opposed in Gujarat? Since the liberal outlook is not universal the rules of game frequently change.

Prem Shanker Jha in his column (outlook April 29, 2002). rightly tries to bring the Gujarat debate out of the cause-reaction  cycle. He argues 'For if Ayodhya mitigates Godhra the Godhra surely mitigates Ahmedabad and Mehsana...what was profoundly wrong with Vajpayee's remarks was not their content but the occasion he chose to make them....In short what Vajpayee managed to do was to legitimise the deliberate use of hatred as a political instrument...'. Mr Jha however persistently chooses the same tract of cause and reaction when he deals with the terrorism in Kashmir.

In Kashmir , as per him militancy is bornout of the, 'despair of a small select group of young people who form a new but disinherited middle class...The denial of political rights is only a small part of their dispossession...Thus there has also come into being a growing class of job seekers that is looking specifically for salaried employment...Not only is the remote Valley not well suited to industrialisation but a disproportionate number of the salaried jobs that have been created have gone to Kashmiri Pandits...' (TOI 29/5/90). In simple generalisations based on half facts and falsehoods the unleashing of pan-Islamic terrorism is explained in the typical cause-reaction framework. And remember  the dangerous allusion that Pandits had usurped the employment cake in the state was made by Mr Jha at a time when cleansing operation against Pandits were reaching the climax. A subtle justification for Hindu Genocide.

AG Noorani in his prolific writings on Kashmir has goaded all of us to realise the implications of not only the 'constitutional abuse' but the 'moral wrong' committed through the erosion of article 370.

Every other day we read his illuminating write ups towards building the case of Genocide of Muslims in Gujarat. How often we have seen him delving into religious cleansing in Jammu and Kashmir

Liberals eulogise JKLF as the moderate secular outfit which only wanted independence of Kashmir. Kashmiri Hindus, having experienced how JKLF unleashed genocidal violence on them and brought about their cleansing from Kashmir watch these blatant destortions with helplessness.

Selectivity in the liberal discourse, willful or otherwise, is the most vicious assault on the principal of coexistence. It has rendered all serious debate on fundamental issues ineffective. It creates the psychological environment where.major communities constituting India pit against each other.

Hindus see the liberal paradigm of Heads I win Tails you loose.

Last but not the least liberal rationalisations instead of putting a rational defence in favour of Muslim society infact indicts it more than anything else. For example in Jammu and Kashmir the spate of massacres of Hindus is being attributed primarily to the foreign terrorists. Even though the assertion is factually incorrect, yet if we take it as truth it indicts the Muslim society in a wider sense. For the operation of a single foreign mercenary or 'guest militant' many times wider societal support is needed than for the local terrorist.

*Chairman (Panun Kashmir)
*Head of Editorial Board Fortnightly Political Magazine Kashmir  Sentinel
*Represented case of displaced Kashmiri Hindus in UNHRC and other international fora.
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