Hindu Vivek Kendra
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Arabian Irony

Arabian Irony

Author: Editorial
Publication: Wall Street Journal
Date: June 24, 2003

One irony of victory in Iraq is that Iraqis now enjoy more freedoms  than the rest of the Arab world that supported the U.S. liberation.  That includes Kuwait, staging ground for U.S. forces, where last week  journalist and political reform advocate Mohammed Jassem was arrested  for allegedly criticizing members of the Kuwaiti royal family.

Kuwait was rated as only partly free last year by human rights  watchdog Freedom House. Although the constitution nominally provides  for freedom of the press, this is severely limited by the printing  and publications law. This law -- the penalty of which is five years  imprisonment -- forbids criticism of the emir or the royal family.

Mr. Jassem says prosecutors told him he had violated this law when he  told a gathering of Kuwaitis that members of the ruling family were  interfering with legislative elections due to be held July 5. But  that wasn't his first offense. His two-year campaign against  proposals to give the government greater powers to shut down  newspapers may have had something to do with the authority's decision  to silence him.

All of this is in stark comparison to Iraq, where a free press is now  flourishing. Mark Gordon-James -- a journalist who has just opened an  English-speaking newspaper in Baghdad -- tells us that about 100 new  newspapers have started up in Iraq. He says people are "ecstatic that  we're here," and that ordinary Iraqis are giving them "a lot of  support and access." He describes Iraq as the "ultimate free country  here at the moment." Some of those papers are misusing their freedom  to incite violence, but those abuses can be contained.

One reason Arab authoritarians were wary of liberating Iraq is the  power that the example of free Iraqis would have on their own rule.  So far Kuwait's rulers, and most others in the region, are reacting  in precisely the wrong way.

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