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French grapple with banning Muslim veils Fear of fundamentalism sparks controversy

French grapple with banning Muslim veils Fear of fundamentalism sparks controversy

Author: Elizabeth Bryant, Chronicle Foreign Service
Publication: SF Gate
Date: June 7, 2003
URL: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2003/06/07/MN284192.DTL

Every morning for two years, Samira Makhlouf removed her Islamic-style head scarf before entering her public school in the southeastern French city of Lyon.

When she donned a modest black bandanna, she was sent home. Finally, in frustration, the Algerian- born student dropped out at age 16, finishing high school by correspondence.

"Removing my head scarf was like tearing something away," said Makhlouf, now a 22-year-old theology student at Lyon University. "I felt my rights were being abridged. There were students who wore all black and were part of a satanic sect, but nobody bothered them."

Since then, the controversy over veils, as the French call head scarves, has become more heated. Calls are growing to ban veils in public schools, and the issue is dividing many camps, from politicians to feminists, as well as France's estimated 5 million Muslims.

"The problem is not so much the growing number of veils but their significance," Francois Baroin, vice president of the ruling Union for the Parliamentary Majority, told Le Figaro magazine.

In France -- home to Europe's largest Muslim population -- the controversy reflects widespread fear of growing Islamic fundamentalism. It also pits France's fiercely secular credo against European Union human rights laws pertaining to freedom of religion.

A recent poll found that more than one-third of French people want to ban Muslim women from wearing head scarves anywhere in public, and 49 percent believe the scarves should be forbidden in schools.

Some French ministers, in addition to Baroin, have declared their personal opposition to veils in schools, and Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin has called for a national debate on the matter. No less than four parliamentary bills have been proposed that would forbid public school students from wearings veils, skullcaps or crosses.

The problem first surfaced in 1989, when three girls were kicked out of a French school in the northern town of Creil for wearing head scarves. By the mid- 1990s, educators were fighting thousands of veil battles annually.

"There isn't just one veil in France -- there are several," said Francois Gaspard, a sociologist at the School of Advanced Social Studies in Paris. "There's the veil imposed by the family. The veil taken on willingly. And the veil that's worn for protection against boys in tough neighborhoods."

The official response -- murky rules permitting head scarves in schools so long as they aren't ostentatious and students don't proselytize -- is no answer, critics say.

"The government must intervene," said Juliette Minces, a sociologist who has written a number of books on the veil and Islam. "Teachers have a hard time with these girls who come to school wearing the veil, who refuse to attend gym or biology courses, or won't read Voltaire because he was a nonbeliever."

Hanifa Cherifi, spokeswoman on the issue for the French Ministry of Education, said more Muslims in France are donning the veil than ever before.

"It's very obvious on the streets," she said. "It was rare to see women veiling 15 years ago. That's no longer the case."

The government is clearly concerned at what it regards as this and other signs of a fundamentalist trend among France's Muslims.

In April, interior minister Nicolas Sarkozy coaxed long-squabbling Muslim religious leaders to create the country's first representative Islamic council -- partly as a counterweight to foreign imams who preach what Sarkozy has dubbed "an Islam of the caves."

But when he reminded a meeting of conservative Muslims that under French law, women must remove their veils for driver's license pictures, he was roundly booed.

The new council is already deadlocked on the head scarf issue, reflecting a larger split between moderate and conservative Muslims in France.

"Women should be allowed to wear whatever they want on the streets, but not in public schools or state institutions," said Khadija Khali, President of the Union of Muslim Women. "If we allow that, we're giving the extremists what they want. They preach moderation publicly, but what they say privately is another matter."

On the other side of the debate is Noura Jaballah, who heads a group working to help immigrant women fit into their adopted country. Jaballah's husband is a leading member of the conservative Union of Islamic Organizations of France.

Her bespectacled 19-year-old daughter, Alla, began wearing the veil four years ago. Her other daughter, 9- year-old Sara, is still bareheaded but shyly announces that she will soon follow suit.

"To me, veiling is a personal choice," said Tunisian- born Jaballah, as she poured tea and offered Turkish cookies. "Islam is new in France, and I can understand the difficulties that can exist. But this is the country of liberty and human rights. Banning the veil would be an infringement of personal freedom."

Others agree. Banning veils in school, they argue, violates constitutional liberties and Europe's human rights charter, and it may spawn an extremist backlash.

"I can't predict the future," said Gaspard, the sociologist, who opposes veil legislation. "But banning the veil may lead to new Koranic schools. And it's unlikely they will teach French values of secularity. Or about equality between men and women."

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