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Arjun Singh's outburst against the RSS

Arjun Singh's outburst against the RSS

Author: Makkhan Lal
Publication: Bharatiya Pragna

Arjun Singh's outburst against the RSS is not only childish, but also  reveals his ignorance about the workings of Sangh Parivar. The very  concept of the RSS is lost on him. The Sangh resembles the vast umbrella  which Hindu Dharma offers to all faiths and beliefs and enables all to  develop with full freedom. This dharma accommodates those who believe in  one God, in two and those who live by several.

Even atheists have a place and get equal love and acceptability. It is  precisely this liberty which defies all efforts to put Hinduism in a set  mode. The RSS subscribes to this philosophy. The Parivar is a  conglomeration of the big Hindu family, each stream having its own  policy, programme and approach. The RSS is not a monolithic  manifestation of an ideology but a complete philosophy in itself.

Singh wants all RSS members from government service weeded out. But once  he begins his purge he will horrified to learn that the RSS does not  have the provision of membership. It does not charge a membership fee  and never issues membership cards. So, how he propose to deal with this  abstract enemy? People support the RSS for what it stands for-Bharat  Mata-and does not consider anyone worthless or untouchables. It is this  approach which brings out the contrast between the Sangh and its  detractors.

The Communists have card carriers and non-card carriers. It was recently  reported that even a veteran like the late Hiren Mukherjee had to wait  for his party to renew his card every year. We must not forget that the  CPI (undivided) was founded in 1924 and the RSS in 1925. In the last 80  years, the communists, despite all the money they got from Moscow and  Beijing and the patronage received from successive Congress regimes, are  nowhere near the RSS in terms of size and reach.

Like Hinduism, which has taken so much battering over the past 1,000  years, the RSS has suffered more privation and persecution than any mass  movement in the past half a century. Yet, what sustains it is the  support, both overt and covert, which it gets from crores of nationalist  Indians.

So, Singh will be left groping in the dark. It would be better if the  minister realizes that with friends like the Marxists, he really needs  no enemies. While speaking at the concluding session of the recent CABE  meeting, he said that "alien ideology has no place in this country". He  does not have to look far. He just has to look under his bed where the  Reds have taken residence.

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