Hindu Vivek Kendra
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PLA, ISI spying on army in North East

PLA, ISI spying on army in North East

Publication: Hindu Unity
Date: September 22, 2004
URL: http://p081.ezboard.com/fhinduunityhinduismhottopics.showMessage?topicID=21371.topic

The Chinese PLA is collaborating with Pakistan's ISI to gather intelligence about Indian Army movements, locations and training centres in the North East, and this was part of a deal signed by General Parvez Musharraf during his visit to China in 2002.

For more than three years, China has shown mounting interest in gathering intelligence about the army, but despite the Musharraf deal, it did not translate into action, because China is interested in the North East while Pakistan looks at developments on the western border with India, but eventually, the ISI agreed to spy for money.

Because of the delay, Chinese president Hu Jintao had moved to organise the intelligence from means available with China, but the then chairman of the Central Military Commission, the now-retired Jiang Zemin, resurrected the Pakistan money-for-intelligence deal.

Diplomats said that the PLA's Military Intelligence Department (MID) is interfacing with the ISI, with special units Yellow R 27 and P.R.16 detailed for this, while Bangladesh and Myanmar which China controls is providing logistics for the intelligence-gathering.

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