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First Educate the Education Minister

First Educate the Education Minister

Author: Prof. Makhan Lal
Publication: Bharatiya Pragna
Date: October, 2004

Introduction: When 'eminent historians' as well as prominent congress leaders like Gandhi have argued that India was a one nation long before the British came, Mr. Arjun Singh in one stroke has done away nearly 5000 years of Indian history by endorsing the British historians, that it was only after the British came that India became one nation.

We have traveled a long way from safronization to communalization to talibanization to detoxification. These words no longer surprise anyone and do not even make news. Therefore, one has to resort something more outlandish in order to make a news and remain in news. The advertisement issued by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India, Published in several Newspapers (30.7.2004) does belong to this category. Indeed the title of advertisement "Students interest - Our foremost concern" appears very poise. Mr. Arjun singh showed his great concerned towards setting the wrong done by the previous regime in field of history right by appointing a three members committee - all former Presidents of Indian History Congress. It was expected of them that they should identify the 'mistakes and communal passage in the current history textbooks of NCERT and suggest alternative expressions.' This was not done; simply because they could not find even one mistake or communal statement in the book. They could not comment or even deny the evidence given in the books on the issues like cow eating in ancient India, Aryan migration, Vedic civilization, science, astronomy, mathematics etc. during the Vedic period, atrocities on Hindus and destruction of the places of worship during the medieval period. Despite no mistakes, despite no communal passages fund in the books, the members recommended that the books should be withdrawn. Indeed an academic pursuit by Fatawa.

Let us come back to the advertisement of 30.07.2004. The real shocking thing in the advertisement is the statement of Mr. Arjun Singh. Mr. Singh says, "We hope that such a sorry episode in our academic history will help us to evolve a consensus by which the sanctity of academic institutions and processes are not compromised and no one is allowed to cynically play with the future of our children and diminish in any way, the idea of India that took shape during our freedom struggle and is so sacredly enshrined in the constitution of India" (emphasis mine).

No person with right mind will disagree with Mr. Arjun Singh regarding his first part of the statement. But it is the second part which needs a close scrutiny. Mr. Arjun Singh is explicitly endorsing the ideas of some of the cranky British scholars of 19th and 20th centuries and lately of the Marxist historians. Thus, in onea stroke Mr. Singh has done away nearly 5000 years of Indian history and the concept of Indian Nationalism, which even the master manipulator and planner Nurul Hassan could not do. Articulating British view, John Strachey wrote in 1880. "This is the first and foremost thing to learn about India that there is not, and never was an India, or even any country of India possessing, according to European ideas, any sort of unity - physical, political, social and religious, no Indian nation, no 'people of India', of which we hear so much. "In order to destroy the geographical and cultural unity of the country British spread these myths that India was never a nation and it is they who united it politically and made into a nation. Taking the British theory a step further, the Marxist historians ideologues have been advocating that India is not a nation but a conglomeration of nations and Indian people are nothing but rag-tag gathering with no history.

These Marxists are the same ones who did every thing to destroy the freedom struggle of India; called Gandhiji an old senile man, Nehru an agent of imperialism and Netaji a Tojo's dog and were on the pay roles of the British for spying against the leaders of Indian National Congress and others involved in freedom struggle.

While giving the statement Mr. Arjun Singh or his ghost writer did not even bother to check that he is endorsing the very same view against which Congress and its veteran leaders, including Gandhiji, fought the British. He has even gone to the extent of suggesting that 'idea of India' as a nation 'took shape during our freedom struggle.' Perturbed with the British canard that India was not a nation before the coming of British, the Father of Nation wrote about the existence of the concept of Indian 'nation' in his "Hindu-Swarajya" (1909), exposing the British fraud, "The English have taught us that we were not a nation before and it will require centuries before we become one nation. This is without foundation. We were one nation before they came to India. One thought inspired us. Our mode of life was the same. It was because we were one nation that they were able to establish one kingdom. Our leading men traveled throughout India either on foot or in bullock-carts. What do you think could have been the intention of those farseeing ancestors of ours who established Setubandh (Rameswaram) in the south, Jagnnath in the east and Haridwar in the north as places of pilgrimage? You will admit that they were no fools. They knew that worship of God could have been performed at home. They taught us that those whose hearts were aglow with righteousness had the Ganga in their own homes. (mana changa to kathauti mein Ganga). But they saw that India was one undivided land so made by nature. They, therefore, argued that it must be one nation. Arguing thus, they established holy places in various parts of India and fired the people with the idea of nationality in a manner unknown in other parts of the world."

Almost at the same time (1909) R.K. Mookerjee wrote the article 'Fundamental Unity of India' exposing the British canard. This was published in the form of a book in 1913 under the same title. While dealing with the issue nationalism, Mookerjee writes, "India was preaching the gospel of nationalism when Europe was passing through what has been aptly called the Dark Age of her history, and was labouring under the travails of a new birth" (Nationalism in Hindu Culture, 9121, London).

Mr. Arjun Singh and his ghost writers need to know what has been written about India (i.e. Bharata) vis-vis nationalism in ancient literature. The Puranaas clearly define the boundaries of the country. Vishnu Purana (2.3.1) and Vayu Purana (45.75) say that "the land bounded by the Himalays in the north and seas in the south is known as Bharatvrsha and people living in here are known as Bharata Santati." The list of holy places and the list of holy rivers contain the names that spread from north to south and east to west. The pilgrimage covered the places from Kailash Mansaraovar in the north to Kanyakumari in the south, Hingulaj in the west to Parashuram Kunda in the present day Arunchal Pradesh.

The single political unit of this entire land never bothered the people of this country. What mattered was the cultural nationalism. Still we find that this political aspect of nationalism was not completely overlooked. Kautilya in his Asthashashtra (4th century B.C.) says that a Chakravarti king is the one who has conquered the whole nation of Bharatavarsh which he defines as the land between Himalayas in the north to ocean in the south and one thousand yojana (eight thousand miles) from east to west (Book 9, chapter 1.135-36). Kautilya's this visualization of one huge political entity of a nation is neither a dream nor impossibility when we look at the Rock Edicts and Piller Edicts of Ashokan empire of 3rd century B.C. was India not one nation from Afghanistan to Assam and Nepal Tarai to Mysore? Ashokan edicts mention of south Indian dynasties like Cheras, Cholas, and Pandyas. Such concepts do not develop overnight It must have taken several hundred years to develop the kind of nation-empire Kautilya visualized and Ahsoka realized, Aitereya Brahmana (VIII. 15) clearly says, "there should be one ruler of this land (nation) up to sea."

As said earlier, one political power, one language, one dress etc. has never been the prerequisite of Indian nationalism. The Prithvi sukta of Rigveda recognizes that "the people inhabiting this land speak different dialects, and follow different norms of behaviour according to their own region, but this motherland just like a cow, feeds them all with her milk without any distinction."

The concept of Indian nationalism has been best summed up by great Congress leader Bipin Chandra Pal in an article published in May, 1913 in Hindu Review (Calcutta). Pal says, "National differentiations among us, therefore, have not been based upon territorial demarcations only, or upon political or economic competitions and conflicts, but upon differences of culture... And that special character [i.e. culture] is the very soul and essence of what we know and understand as Nationalism. This is by no means a mere political idea or ideal. It is organized in our domestic, our communal, our social and our socioeconomic institutions. In fact, politics form, from some point of view, the least important factor of this nation-idea among us. The so called political institutions of Europe might, indeed, hinder, instead of helping the growth of our national life; while under conceivable conditions, mere political subjection might not be able to touch even the outer most fringe of that life."

Thus, on the one hand, beside the huge mass of ancient literature and respected historians are the great Congress leaders who think that the concept of India (i.e. Bharatavarsha) and India as a nation was there right from the earliest times and it was both the political as well as cultural nationalism; on the other hand here is Arjun Singh, the minister of Education who thinks that the concept of India and Indian nationalism is the gift of British. I do hope that Mr. Arjun Singh realizes that what has been quoted above was written much before RSS or BJP were even born. And, of course, Rigveda, Brahamans, Puranas, Gandhi ji and Bipin Chandra Pal did not hold a brief for RSS or BJP or Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi.

Speaking to a gathering in the Constitution Club on 24th July Prof. J.S.Rajput said in a jocular vain that all the controversies of history will be settled if only the people of this country are persuaded to accept that civilasational history of India begins only after 7th century A.D.; India is not a nations but a conglomeration of nationalities and indeed the whole mass of ancient Indian literature and scripture is nothing but farce. It appears what Prof. Rajput said out of anguish has been accepted by Arjun Singh as a well meaning advise.

It would be better for the Congress and also "in the interest of students" now to send bulldozers to Rajghat and allocate that land for the establishment of a "Centre for the Promotion of Secularism (Arjun Singh Version)."

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