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Nothing fictitious about Islamic fanaticism

Nothing fictitious about Islamic fanaticism

Author: RNP Singh
Publication: The Pioneer
Date: July 31, 2005

The escalated manifestation of Islamic fundamentalism is a matter of deep concern for the entire world today. It existed in the past too. But the powerful countries did not pay heed to it as it was not having any bothering impact on them, hence they let others bear with it. It was only after September 11, 2001 when the twin towers of the World Trade Centre were torpedoed by Islamic fanatics, the US realised the gravity of the situation and it, along with other countries, waged a war against Islamic terrorism. However, series of bomb blasts in London and Egypt in July 2005 is an open challenge by the Islamic terrorists to all those who have stood up to contain Islamic fanatics.

India had been the worst victim of Islamic fundamentalism, in the form of cross-border terrorism, since last two decades. Till 2004, it had claimed thousands of innocent lives in India and lakhs of people were forced to leave their homes due to intimidation by Islamic terrorists. Threats to the democratic polity were clearly visible in the attacks on Parliament, Jammu and Kashmir Assembly, killing of a large number of political activists, representatives of the media and intellectuals.

The root of Islamic jihad is contained in the Holy Quran, which is the primary source of its inspiration. Islam is derived from the Arabic word salam and depending on time and place of presentation, it means "peace" or "surrender". In the nation where and at a time when believers are not in power, salam signifies peace. But as soon as they become dominant, it means surrender and that too at the point of a sword. As per the tenets of Islam, surrender is supposed to be made to Allah and the Prophet, the sole spokesperson for Allah. In effect, it means surrender to mullahs who are the real interpreters of the Quran and Hadith.

Those who believed Mohammad and his words won acclaim by Him as momins, while those who rejected his mission were denounced as kafirs. Momins were exhorted to unite into millat, completely armed, ready to use force or deceit as per the demand of the situation. This provision of the Quran inspired millat's swordsman to slaughter and share kafir's property amongst themselves.

The Prophet of Islam had proclaimed that Allah had assigned the whole earth to millat, without leaving a single inch for kafir to live. He divided the whole world into two contending spheres - Dar-ul Islam (zone of peace) and Dar-ul Harb (zone of war). The believers of Dar-ul Islam were commanded to wage a relenting war upon Dar-ul Harb till the latter was converted into Dar-ul Islam.

Quran is the only source of Islamic ideology governing the Muslim mind all over the world. Its verses have been exhorting the believers against non-Muslims (kafirs). That is why the global phenomenon of communal conflicts and terrorist activities are taken in the same breath as Islam.

The systematic brain washing which Muslims are subjected to since childhood has a great bearing on their global outlook. Their mind is repetitively indoctrinated by the Quranic Suras in madarsas. The Quranic Suras which portray every non-Muslim in such a way that the latter can never share a mutual trust with them, a pre-requisite to peaceful co-existence. Intolerance, hatred, violence, fundamentalism and ignorance become central to Islamic existence even before the child is able to take decisions. There are a number of verses that condition the Muslim mind and incite violence. For example: "When the forbidden months are over, fight and slay the pagans, wherever you find them, arrest them, besiege them and lie in ambush everywhere for them" (9:5). In such cases, how can a Muslim schooled on the Quran and Hadis not applaud someone like Osama bin Laden?

In view of the order of Allah, jihad is not restricted to kill or to be killed. The politics of fundamentalists and their role in international relations depend on jihad. The Quran directs believers to establish the writ of Allah in the world. For them, any concession to find remedy would be pseudo-remedy. Their anger is not triggered by issues of any other kind. It is the result of indoctrination. Its root does not lie in Jammu and Kashmir, Palestine or Chechnya, but in the lines contained in the Quran.

However, in view of the looming cloud of grave dangers on human lives and social order, debates on this issue have also started among Muslim intellectuals over the escalated manifestation of Islamic fanaticism. They claim that there is no such inflammatory call in the Quran which incite violence. They interpret inflammatory verses in a manner that call for peace and welfare of the human beings.

The effort is appreciated by one and all, but the million-dollar question is whether they are acceptable to Islamic clerics and jihadis? In the past too, such efforts were made by Sufis but could it bring about any change in the jihadi mindset? Did they agree to accept that jihad is the inner direction to struggle to purify one's self?

(RNP Singh, Director Research India First Foundation)

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