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Mizoram 'serious' about influx of Bangladeshis

Mizoram 'serious' about influx of Bangladeshis

Author: PTI
Publication: The Hindu
Date: May 14, 2006
URL: http://www.hindu.com/thehindu/holnus/001200605140323.htm

Mizoram is taking "very seriously" the illegal immigration of Bangladeshis into the state, mainly via Hailakandi and Karimaganj district of Assam, according to Chief Secretary Haukhum Hauzel.

Five of the eight districts in the state were regarded as more vulnerable, where the law enforcement agencies were instructed to be more vigilant, Hauzel said.

Mizoram shares a 318-km-long international border with Bangladesh.

Hauzel, who heads the 'State Level Monitoring Committee on Detection/Deportation of illegal Bangladeshi migrants', said that police task forces had been constituted in all the districts adjoining Bangladesh.

The BSF and the Assam Rifles were also closely involved in the exercise in the committee, he said.

The district task forces as well as the BSF would submit monthly reports on the first day of each month to the Home department which would submit its reports to the Ministry of Home Affairs every seventh day of the month, he said.

He said that the committee was formed in compliance with the Delhi High Court order and the instructions from Union Home Ministry.

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