Author: V Sundaram
Publication: News Today
Date: May 6, 2006
The Supreme Court yesterday has stayed the
Gujarat High Court order which directed authorities to take immediate steps
to remove all religious structures encroaching on public space without any
discrimination. This order has been passed by the Supreme Court after a petition
was moved by the Government of India seeking an immediate stay of the ongoing
demolition drive in the State on the ground that it feared that the Vadodara
conflagration would spill over into other States as well.
What is the guarantee that if the Supreme
Court of India were to pass a final order upholding the orders of the Gujarat
High Court in this very matter after a month, the Government of India would
not stoop to the low level of again nullifying the effect of the Supreme Court
order using the instrumentality of Parliament? The Government of India shamelessly
amended the Indian Penal Code to overturn the Judgement of the Supreme Court
in the Shah Bano case.
In this context it should also be borne in
mind that Muslim orthodoxy and Muslim liberalism may be divided on the question
of Muslim women, but they are one where the infidels are concerned.
The Government of India during British Rule
did not allow the establishment of a Muslim University at Government expense.
Keeping this fundamental point in view, the Supreme Court of India recently
made it clear that Aligarh Muslim University set up in 1920 was not a minority
institution. Again, the pseudo secular, Islam-embracing UPA Government in
New Delhi overturned this judgement by bringing about an amendment to the
Act governing the University. This was a stark and sordid act of minority
appeasement at the cost of the nation as a whole.
In order to retain its Muslim vote bank in
Assam, the Congress Government had enacted the IMDT Act which excluded the
application of Foreigners Act only to the State of Assam.
This Act was declared unconstitutional by
the Supreme Court. The UPA Congress Government in New Delhi is now trying
to subvert the decision of the Supreme Court and the spirit of the Indian
Constitution by amending the Foreigners Act.
History of India after 1945 has been a disgraceful
history of minority appeasement and extreme tolerance of minority terrorism.
In the 1945-46 General Elections, Muslims in every State in the then united
India voted for the creation of Pakistan. The superior rights envisaged and
proposed by that Islam-embracing Jawaharlal Nehru were codified and incorporated
in Articles 25 to 30 of the Constitution.
At that time no one questioned Nehru as to
why he was proposing a package of special treatment with special privileges
for the Muslims even after they had been given a separate homeland based on
Non-saffron Jinnah's 'Two-Nation' theory. Being a clever and unscrupulous
politician, after the death of Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru realised that the only
way in which he could create a vote bank for the Congress Party was by providing
superior rights for the Muslims in the Constitution.
With his known contempt for the Hindus of
India, Nehru used his influence in a wily manner in such a way that all matters
of concern to Hindus as a whole were included in the non-justiciable Directive
Principles of State policy. Thus he gave special justiciable rights for the
minorities under the umbrella of Fundamental Rights.
The Hindus of India were politically cheated
by being put under the umbrella of non-justiciable Directive Principles of
State policy. This vicious dichotomy has become the unmanageable AIDS (Acquired
Immuno-deficiency Syndrome) in our national polity today.
After the Congress Party came to power in
New Delhi in May 2004, it has renewed its traditional policy of minority appeasement
at any cost. If there is one political party in the world which has worked
consistently, ceaselessly, relentlessly and remorselessly against the Hindus
of India, it is the Congress Party. During the last two years, it has set
up Rajender Sachar Commission, Ranganath Misra Commission, Siddique Commission
and a Commission under the Human Resources Development Minister (indeed in
actual fact a Human Resources Destruction Minister!) to look into the demands
of the Muslims. It is a known fact of history that Muslims in general are
cruelly oppressive when in majority and subversively turbulent when in minority.
By going out of its way to appease the minorities, the UPA Government in New
Delhi is participating with pseudo-secular gusto in the disastrous process
of subversion of the spirit of the Constitution, time and again.
Our wicked politicians are very fond of talking
about Hindu-Muslim unity. This is not an easy task. If we carefully go through
the pages of Indian History, it will be clear that the number of victims arising
from the persecutions of Hindus by Muslims is easily of the same order of
magnitude as that of the extermination of the Jews by Hitler in Nazi Germany.
Unlike in Europe, in India the Muslims needed more than five centuries of
attempts at invasion before they could catch hold of large parts of India
and everywhere they encountered endless resistance and had to settle for a
The Muslim conquests, down to the 16th century,
were to the Hindus a pure struggle of life and death. Entire cities were burnt
down and the populations massacred with hundreds of thousands killed in every
campaign, and similar numbers deported as slaves.
Every new invader made (often literally) his
hills of Hindus sculls. Thus the conquest of Afghanistan in the year 1000
AD was followed by the annihilation of the Hindu population in that region
which is still called the 'Hindu Kush', 'Hindu Slaughter'. The Brahmani Sultans
(1347-1480) in Central India made it a rule to kill 100,000 Hindus every year.
In 1399, Timur killed 100,000 captives in a single day in Delhi.
The Vijayanagar Empire came to an end at the
battle of Talikota in 1565 which left the capital at Hampi and the large areas
of Karnataka depopulated.
Robert Sewell, (beyond any doubt a non-saffron
historian!!), in his famous book 'A Forgotten Empire' gives the following
description of the wanton destruction caused by the invading Muslim Armies
at Talikota: The third day saw the beginning of the end.
The victorious Musalmans had halted on the
field of battle for rest and refreshment, but now they had reached the capital,
and from that time forward for a space of five months Vijayanagar knew no
rest. The enemy had come to destroy and they carried out their object relentlessly.
They slaughtered the people without mercy;
broke down the temples and palaces; and wreaked such savage vengeance on the
abode of Kings, that with the exception of a few great stone-built temples
and walls, nothing now remains but a heap of ruins to mark the spot where
once the Stately buildings stood. They demolished the statues, and even succeeded
in breaking the limbs of the huge Narahsimha Monolith. Nothing seemed to escape
them. They broke up the pavilions standing on the huge platform from which
the Kings used to watch the festivals, and overthrew all the carved work.
They lit huge fires in the magnificently decorated buildings forming the temple
of Vittalaswamy near the river and smashed its exquisite stone sculptures.
With fire and sword, with crow-bars and axes,
they carried on day after day their work of destruction. Never perhaps in
the history of the world has such havoc been wrought, and wrought so suddenly,
on so splendid a city; teeming with a wealthy and industrious population in
the full plenitude of prosperity one day, and on the next seized, pillaged,
and reduced to ruins, amid scenes of savage massacre and horrors beggaring
'Negationism' means the denial of historical
crimes against humanity. Congress-sponsored negationism in India means concealing
this known historical record of Islam in India. It means the denial of crimes
against the Hindu majority across centuries. Profull Goradia, former Member
of Parliament, has written a brilliant book called 'Hindu Masjids'.
In this book he describes in graphic detail
about certain important cases of destruction of Hindu Temples which were converted
into Mosques or Masjids by the Muslim Rulers from time to time during the
last 1000 years.
In this book he has rightly observed: Hindu
Masjids personify the deep chasm, or the sharp conflict between the Hindu
ethos and Muslim zealotry. The conflict must be resolved. Why are we anxious?
For the simple reason that without resolution, India cannot acquire the spirit
of collective honour.
And without national pride, the country cannot
leap forward. Individual citizens may flourish or shine, as they do even now,
whether at home or overseas. But the collective performance of the country
disappoints. Many Samaritans and great men like Mahatma Gandhi who tried to
bridge the Hindu/Muslim chasm, failed because they could not comprehend the
mismatch between the Hindu psyche and the Muslim mind. The psyche of a Muslim
is to try and dominate whatever and whomever he can. Domination is the central
thrust of Islam. Whereas accommodation is the core of Hinduness.
To bridge this known historic gap or gulf
between the desire to dominate and readiness to accommodate is the challenge
before all the Indians today. It is unfortunate but true that in Muslim history
there has been no protest from Muslim quarters against what Islam has done
to non-Muslims.
(The writer is a retired IAS officer, e-mail
the writer at