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Modern Islam: A Culture Of Crybabies

Modern Islam: A Culture Of Crybabies

Author: Vrindavan Das
Publication: The Vaishnava News
Date: October 28, 2001
URL: http://www.vnn.org/editorials/ET0110/ET28-6935.html

Note: The following is about modern politicized Islam and should not be misunderstood as an attack against the Original Islam of Mohammed the Prophet.

India and Pakistan, Taiwan and China, Israel and Saudi Arabia. Three multi-ethnic Democracies and three tyrannical Dictatorships. Who does America Support? Pakistan instead of India, China instead of Taiwan, and Saudi Arabia above and beyond Israel.

The current struggle needs to be seen beyond the Arab-Israeli conflict, otherwise the global threat can not be ascertained. Kashmir is not Palestinian yet. Saudi Arabia supports the terror campaign against India. It is no surprise that India and Israel have united against Islamic extremism. Both recognise, that if the other did not exist, they would be the sole targets of Islamic aggression.

Its time the world realized that Islamic extremism was extreme before the modern state of Israel existed. Just look to the Islamic treatment of India for confirmation.

(Firuz Shah Tughlak (1351-1388), who has an avenue named after him in New Delhi, wrote: 'On the day of a Hindu festival, I went there myself, ordered the executions of all the leaders and practitioners of this abomination; I destroyed their idols and temples to build mosques in their places.')

Like it or not, this current war affects everyone, especially people following Vedic spiritual practices. Though unreported in most western media,Islamic Extremism has 3 major enemies, not just Israel and America. Hindu India is its another big enemy. Usama Bin Laden has issued quite a few combined fatwas against India, USA and Israel. But the Arabists in the US govt, and the media, make sure to separate Indian interests from American interests. Rather an anti-indian and a pro-pakistani tilt is maintained. US support for Pakistani claims on Kashmir is used as a tool of appeasement and a kind of carrot to garner Muslim support.

In classic ugly American style, the US began its war against Terrorism by allying with Pakistan's Intelligence Agency, the ISI. The ISI founded the Taliban and funds the anti-India terrorists responsible for over 53,000 civilian deaths.

On one hand, we have India. On the other, we have Pakistan. India's indigenous culture is the most ancient, largest, and continuous cultural phenomenon the world has known. Pakistan is a historical non- entity that never existed before 1947.

Pakistan wants American help to negotiate more land out of India.

Why should America support Pakistani claims to Kashmir? Kashmir is Indian. Kashmir is an Indian word. All it's place names are pure Indian. India's 1st modern Prime Minister, Nehru, was Kashmiri. Ancient records dating back thousands of years, show a clear lineage of Indian culture and Govt. Throughout history, the Hindu kingdom of Kashmir, defended India's NW frontiers against Muslim invasions. Besides all this, Pakistan already has over half of Kashmir.

Muslim claims based on religion are a step backward into primitive tribalism. It is also ludicrous and illogical. India has the 2nd largest Muslim population in the world. If India gave up Kashmir based on Muslim population levels, the balkanization of India would follow.

Many believe this was the goal of India's British leadership. India was named after the Indus River. After Independence, the Indus did not even flow within the boundaries of India. Without any historical, cultural or humane necessity, India was torn asunder by the British. If Pakistan was created to be a nation for Indian Muslims, than it has failed. There are millions more Muslims in India than Pakistan. Indian Muslims enjoy freedoms and opportunities unheard of in Pakistan. The head of India's atomic program is a Muslim, the head of its transportation dept is a Muslim. The political leadership of Indian Kashmir is Muslim. India has even had a Muslim President.

In Pak controlled Kashmir there are no Hindus left, what to speak of being in the Govt. A majority of Kashmiri Hindus in India have been ethnically cleansed or massacred by Pakistan funded terrorists. Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh have no rights, no representation, and live in deathly fear. Decay and Islamic vandals have destroyed most Ancient Hindu temples and any renovation efforts are illegal. In India's thousand years of Islamic intrusion only ONE mosque has ever been destroyed.

While recognizing the sacred roots of Islam, I also recognize the cultural immaturity of its modern representatives. Today's Islam is a culture of crybabies screaming against Israel's right to exist. They ignore the ancient Judaic cultural, historical and traditional connections to the region while demanding fanatic recognition of their traditions throughout the globe.

Politicized Muslims seem to ignore their vast cultural empire and land holdings and their engagement at the highest levels amongst the family of nations. Politicized Islam wants the destruction of Jewish and Hindu national identities, though both countries have secular democratic governments. Even moderate Muslims deny Islam's horrific record of murder, rape and destruction. Millions killed, temples, academic institutions and whole communities exterminated all in the name of Allah. To this day, the non-muslim Parsis of Islamic Iran are thriving, but not in Iran, but rather in Democratic India. At best Muslim culture is forgiving of non-believers, at worst they murder non-believers.

Instead of supporting Muslim demands for more land, the US should challenge them to take care of their own people and many kingdoms. Demand the Saudis to stop encouraging African-American demands for reparations. Tell the Saudis to pay reparations for founding and continuing the African slave trade. Remind the Muslim world of their past atrocities and to be thankful for the free gift of Pakistan and Bangladesh. Under Muslim rule both these ancient Hindu lands have now become mass Hindu graveyards and the US wants to give them more territory. It is high time this culture of crybabies gives up its persecution complex. Grow up and recognize that Islam has the been the most abusive and oppressive culture in the history of the world. The Taliban's current behavior was the norm throughout most of Islam's history.

Nearly every Muslim country denies basic human rights to their own citizen's esp. its non-Muslims. Cases of Jews, Christians or Hindus surviving in an Islamic environment are looked at as bright moments of humanity rather than a natural state of affairs. In many Muslim countries racism, sexism and cultural oppression is legal and enforced by the government.

In non-muslim countries, Muslims demand to follow a separate set of laws above and beyond national law. In India, a Muslim can kill his wife if he suspects her of infidelity. The Indian Govt attempted to enforce equal application of the law so as to include Muslims who murder their spouses. This effort was halted by pressure from the US Clinton Administration. The US called India's attempts, religious persecution.

Perhaps the United States, the World's youngest civilization, can't help but support Islam, the Old World's youngest civilization. Hopefully, America will wake up and join the civilized world against Politicized Islam. The focus needs to be on Islamic Extremism in general and Saudi Arabian backed terrorism in particular.

Instead of making secret deals with the Muslims at the expense of India, Israel, Kosovo, etc. the US must challenge the Muslim nations to sacrifice their own extreme prejudices and allow their non Muslims citizens equal opportunities of education, economic stability etc.

Tell the Saudis to stop funding Islamic terrorist schools in Pakistan, Nepal, and Lebanon etc. Stop the flow of billions of terrorist dollars pouring out of Saudi Arabia. Expose the claims that the Saudi Govt was too afraid to stop the massive Al Queda fundraisers held in its posh resorts. Demand that their royal guest, the cannibal and former Ugandan head of state, Idi Amin be handed over to the World Court for his horrific crimes against humanity.

Saudi Arabia's state religion is called Wahabism, a fanatic and extremist sect of Islam. A majority of Islamic extremists are Wahabis and the spiritual leader of the Wahabi faith is the Saudi King. The US must order the Saudis to stop exporting their brand of Wahabi extremism to the world's trouble spots. Since the NATO campaign in Kosovo, Saudi Wahabis have been destroying ancient mosques and replacing them with Wahabi mosques. Bosnia, Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania have all become Islamic extremist breeding grounds because of Saudi Wahabism. All the fanatic Islamic schools of Pakistan, Indonesia, Philippines, and Nepal are all Saudi funded. Wherever there is turmoil and suffering, Saudi Arabia is right in the middle of it. America, not only needs to stop supporting this suffering, but should actively confront it.

There are various strategic options for the USA.

First and foremost, the US must unite with the threatened democracies of India, Israel and Taiwan. Unlike China, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan who enforce a brutal homogeneity of government, religion and culture, India, Israel and Taiwan are thriving multi-ethnic democracies. The United States, the supposed champion of democracy, needs to truly begin working with the world's largest democracy, India. America needs to stop abusing humanity by kowtowing to its Arab/Muslim economic overlords and make a stand for democracy in Free Democratic Indian ruled Kashmir, Israel and Taiwan

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