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Vande Mataram: Naqvi in line of fire

Vande Mataram: Naqvi in line of fire

Author: Seemi Pasha
Publication: IBN Live
Date: September 03, 2006
URL: http://www.ibnlive.com/news/vande-mataram-naqvi-in-line-of-fire/20453-4.html

Vande Mataram gets further mired in controversy with Madarsa Darul Ulloom of Deoband issuing a fatwa against BJP Vice President Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi.

The fatwa labels Naqvi an anti-Muslim for saying that there's nothing wrong with Muslims singing Vande Mataram.

"The fatwa doesn't bother me. In fact this kind of fundamentalism increases my patriotism and the patriotism of 95 per cent of the Muslims in India. We all reject this," said Naqvi.

Naqvi had condemned the refusal by some Muslim clerics to abide by the directive on compulsory singing of Vande Mataram in schools on September 7.

He had said that those who oppose the National Song should "leave the country".

"Those who oppose our national song should better leave the country. Their opposition is a reflection of their separatist mindset," Naqvi had said, adding, "Every faith preaches patriotism. Those who are opposing singing of Vande Mataram in the name of Islam are going against the tenets of the faith."

"His words are not final and they could be discussed by some other mufti as well who may differ. Fatwa is very important in Islamic jurisdiction but it should not be taken from somebody who is not qualified," said an Islamic scholar, Kamal Farroqui.

Public opinion among the Muslim clergy is in favour of not singing the Vande Mataram.

As September 7 approaches, the two parties involved in the Vande Mataram controversy have become more antagonistic.

A song that was supposed to be a symbol of national unity has today become the epicenter of conflict.

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