Author: S.C. Panda
Publication: The Pioneer
Date: August 24, 2007
This has reference to Mr. N.Jamal Ansari's
article, "Deport Taslima" (August 22). May I ask Mr. Ansari why
people like him do not logically counter what Ms. Taslima Nasreen speaks and
writes in an intellectual and ideological manner, insted of blaming her in
general terms for 'insulting' Islam?
Anyway, does Islam respect other faiths in
general and Hinduism in particular? Mr. Ansari's criticism that the UPA Government
and the Left Front Government in West Bengal are according 'state guest' status
to Ms. Nasreen is an oddity. Both the Governments, known for pro-Muslim policies,
do not deserve this criticism.
Mr. Ansari is worried that 3,200 Pakistani
Hindus overstaying in Madhya Pradesh will be eventually given Indian citizenship.
May I ask him why the Hindu population in Pakistan has declined from 22 per
cent in 1947 to less than one per cent now. The corresponding figures for
Bangladesh are 29 per cent and less than eight per cent respectively. And
for Kashmir Valley, which we call our own, those figures are respectively
15 per cent and less than one per cent. Kashmiri Hindus have suffered a one-sided
attack from jihadis who proudly swear by Islam, resulting in the forced migration
of Hindus. Mr. Ansari is not worried about Kashmiri Hindus, but definitely
worried that jihadis are sullying Islam.
He accuses politicians of double standards.
What kind of standards has Islam set for humanity? Can he justify Islamic
human classification into momins and kafirs? He questions the ethics of welcoming
Hindu "foreigners" and deporting Muslim "refugees" ! I
wonder at his choice of words - Hindus are "foreigners" and Muslims
are "refugees".
May I ask what kind of ethics the Pakistani
and Bangladeshi leaders have shown? These two countries originally were to
be secular, but have turned Islamic, imperilling the human rights of their
non-Muslim citizens. Will Mr.
Ansari demand restoration of secularism in these two neighbours?
I cannot but admire the indomitable courage
and conviction of Ms. Nasreen for telling some unpleasant truths. As an Indian,
I appeal to the Government of India to grant her permanent residency.