Hindu Vivek Kendra
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September Month Article

  • Ramayana, new craze among women
    • by The Times of India
      There is a new craze among women to learn Ramayana and Mahabharata and understand the relevance of the epics in today's materialistic life. .....
  • Minister bans Street prayers
    • by The Connexion
      Street prayers are banned in Paris as of today - a measure understood to mainly target Muslims who congregate in the Goutte d'Or area for Friday prayers. .....
  • More dangerous than shariah: Hindutva
    • by The Washington Times
      To keep up the purity of the Race and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging the country of the Semitic races - the Jews. .....
  • As bad as it gets
    • by Tavleen Singh
      Sonia Gandhi is back. And when news spread through Delhi's newsrooms and television studios on .....
  • Ramayana, new craze among women
    • by The Times of India
      There is a new craze among women to learn Ramayana and Mahabharata and understand the relevance of the epics in today's materialistic life. .....
  • Peace, says the dragon
    • by Claude Arpi
      In a recent White Paper, Beijing explains its policy of development through peace even as China flaunts its military might to seize control of South China Sea! .....
  • Why U.S. has to Worry about Hindu Terrorism?
    • by Siliconindia.com
      Is it ironical when United States terms India's indigenous terror as Hindu terrorism as its President Barack Obama preaches a noble concept of 'Terrorism has no religion'. .....
  • Who remembers Rajbala?
    • by Dr. Vijaya Rajiva
      On June 4, 2011 there occurred a horrendous event in India. An unarmed peaceful nonviolent crowd in Delhi protesting corruption was lathi charged .....
  • Gujarat CM Narendra Modi's open letter to citizens
    • by IBNLive.com
      In an open letter to the people of Gujarat, Chief Minister Narendra Modi on Teusday vowed to begin a fast this Saturday as part of a 'sadbhavna mission' movement for the prosperity and welfare of the state. .....
  • Mewat link gets clearer
    • by Pramod Kumar Singh
      Mewat, the complex and densely populated district of Haryana, south of the Capital, is in focus again. .....
  • Why we keep getting hit
    • by Ajit Doval
      The US hasn't suffered another terror attack on its soil since 9/11. India has been hit repeatedly. What have they done right, and where have we gone wrong? .....
  • Modi is king of governance, says US Congress report
    • by Firstpost.com
      A report drawn up by the US Congressional Research Service has identified Gujarat under chief minister Narendra Modi as offering perhaps the best example of effective governance and impressive development in India .....
  • Peace, harmony and unity: Narendra Modi to fast for three days
    • by The Times of India
      Day after the Supreme Court verdict in Gulbarga Society riot case, Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi hit out at his detractors for defaming him for the 2002 riots and announced he would undertake a three-day fast for peace, harmony and unity in his state. .....
  • Reviving Tradition
    • by B Sivakumar
      69th pontiff, the Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, talks to B Sivakumar of the changing dynamics of ancient wisdom .....
  • It's a fusion of faiths
    • by Hugh & Colleen Gantzer
      Monday is dedicated to Shiva. Through the huge gateway we saw thousands of pilgrims milling around, streaming in and out .....
  • The Terrorist Taxes Us
    • by Stephen Dubner & Steven Levitt
      Terrorists kill, but they also extract huge indirect economic costs. Think, for example, of the macroeconomic costs of long security checks at airports. .....
  • SC upholds the law
    • by The Pioneer
      Monday's verdict of the Supreme Court, refusing to entertain a petition filed by a victim of the 2002 violence in part of Gujarat following the gruesome killing of kar sevaks travelling .....
  • Supreme Court verdict is triumph of law
    • by The Pioneer
      'Deferentially concurring with the dictum of this Court, we are of the opinion that in the instant case we have reached a stage where the process of monitoring of the case must come to an end. .....
  • Now focus on Pakistan
    • by The Pioneer
      As we observe the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks, we need to understand that terrorism still needs to be fought vigorously. .....
  • Saraswati Saga
    • by Narendra Kaushik from Kurukshetra
      From the looks of it, it appears to be one of those numerous muddy puddles of rain water which sprout out of nowhere in the lowlands on either side of National highways during every monsoon season in the country. .....
  • HR & CE: Rogue Department of the Government of Tamil Nadu
    • by T R Ramesh
      It is a great irony that a secular Government should deeply embroil itself in the administration and running of Hindu temples and institutions in the guise of supervising the secular aspects of temple administration. .....
  • Is Washington Refocusing on Kashmir?
    • by Ramtanu Maitra
      After a brief interlude, it seems Kashmir is back on Washington's agenda. Why do I think so? There are a number of reasons. .....
  • Hunger zone comes Maidan
    • by Prerna Sodhi
      Anna Hazare is the only ray of hope these men and women have seen in the past six decades. As Anna entered his 10th day of fasting on Thursday .....
  • Lokpal: A neo-con leech
    • by Sandhya Jain
      The term 'civil society,' as wisely noted by Shri K. Ashok Rao, president, National Confederation of Officers' Associations (NCOA), is an integral part of neo-con lexicon. .....
  • BJP hails triumph of common man
    • by The Times of India
      The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has hailed the triumph of the common man and the maturity of parliamentary democracy and said contemporary developments will usher in progress for the nation. .....
  • 4 Metro stations near PM's residence in Delhi closed
    • by Hindustan Times
      Four metro stations near the Prime Minister's official residence here were closed on Thursday as a precautionary measure following a call by Team Anna Hazare to people to hold a protest there. .....
  • Almost 70% believe Islamist extremism remains a threat
    • by Carol Huang
      Ten years after the September 11 attacks and the US "war on terror" launched in response, 68 per cent of UAE residents say Al Qaeda and Islamist extremism (65 per cent) remain a threat, a survey has revealed. .....
  • Raheem Kassam says, "Profile me"
    • by Robert
      Any loyal U.S. citizen, Muslim or non-Muslim, should understand that getting stopped in an airport is an unfortunate consequence of the fact that devout .....
  • At the mercy of terrorists
    • by Kanchan Gupta
      An effete Prime Minister and his smug Home Minister mouth the same platitudes as India's citizens are wantonly slaughtered. .....
  • The smart bomber: is terror a step ahead?
    • by Rohit Khanna
      Wednesday's blast at the Delhi High Court has confirmed a growing belief that the terrorist is smarter and working a step ahead of our security apparatus. .....
  • Whose Side is He on, Really?
    • by Atul Chaurasia
      Was the saffron-clad social activist trapped or did he betray Anna Hazare's team? Atul Chaurasia finds out .....

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