Hindu Vivek Kendra
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April Month Article

  • The truth of the "Land Acquisition Bill"
    • Suman Joshi Malekani
      Addressing - What the bill really is, what will be its impacts, and, how farmers and illiterate masses are being misled about the same.......
  • How The West Deals With Rape
    • Ashay Naik
      The West has managed to control its discourse on sexual violence against women by placing rape as a problem of psychology than as a problem of culture......
  • Separatist funding: The complete modus operandi
    • Vicky Nanjappa
      The more one looks into the trouble at Jammu and Kashmir, it becomes extremely clear that it is the funding that these separatists get which is the bulk of the problem.........
  • Departure of the native
    • K.N. Pandita
      The Valley witnessed massive resentment against return and rehabilitation of displaced Kashmiri Pandit religious minority.........
  • The Presstitute Files
    • Rakesh Krishnan Simha
      General V.K. Singh spoke about “presstitutes”. Most of Indian media is honest and upright..........
  • A savage new world of terrorism
    • M. K. Narayanan
      Counterterrorism agencies should not be lulled into complacency by assertions that India is insulated from the growing virus of radical terrorism.........
  • Italy Opens the Door to Disaster
    • Harald Doornbos & Jenan Moussa
      Italian officials are turning a blind eye to the Syrian refugees fleeing the country for Northern Europe.........
  • Italy Opens the Door to Disaster
    • Harald Doornbos & Jenan Moussa
      Italian officials are turning a blind eye to the Syrian refugees fleeing the country for Northern Europe........
  • Muslim study on women gets fatwa 
    • Priyangi Agarwal
      The Sunni Barelvi Markaz of Dargah Ala Hazrat on Saturday passed a fatwa decrying the findings of a survey by Shumaila Anjum.........
  • Same old Pakistani script
    • The Pioneer
      Neither 26/11 mastermind Zaki-ur-Rahman Lakhvi's release by a Pakistani court nor Islamabad's reaction blaming India against the terrorist should surprise anyone. ..........
  • Doctrine that leans on pillars of hate-violence
    • Balbir Punj
      Islamic extremists, whether individuals or terror outfits, are competing with one another across the globe to demonstrate that they are more ruthless in enforcing the tenets of what they claim to be pure Islam..........
  • J&K: Return of the Hindu Exiles
    • Naveen Kaul
      In the recent days there has been considerable furore on the issue of the return of Kashmiri Hindus inside the J&K Legislative Assembly and outside on the streets of Srinagar valley...........
  • Monetising the temple gold – the VHP view
    • Ashok Chowgule
      For the last few years, there has been a talk in the media about monetising the temple gold to help solve some of the economic problems our country is facing...........
  • Hindus are on the Hit List
    • Sumedha Sarvadaman
      If you are a Christian, don’t read this. You might feel ashamed of your community’s leaders..........
  • Media should wake up
    • Swapan Dasgupta
      Opinion polls, especially those conducted at moments when there is no election in sight.........
  • Acme security for J&K netas
    • Mohit Kandhari
      Political activists cutting across party lines have kept on raising the issue of reducing the troops of the Army and paramilitary forces from the State.........
  • RSS focuses on Hindu family values to unify community
    • Vikas Pathak and Pradip Maitra
      The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) wants its volunteers to fan out and spread the message of rebuilding the Hindu family torn by changing lifestyle and bring together diverse castes to create a unified community.........

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