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Ross Kemp: my five most hellish moments

Author: Ross Kemp
Publication: The Telegraph
Date: July 20, 2015
URL:           http://www.telegraph.co.uk/men/the-filter/10852604/Ross-Kemp-my-five-most-hellish-moments.html
TV hardman Ross Kemp has travelled to the world’s most dangerous and deprived locations for his investigative documentaries. Here he reveals the moments that affected him most
I’ve been in some difficult situations for my documentaries on gangs, in Afghanistan and for my Extreme World series. We don’t set out looking for jeopardy though; we set out looking for stories. It’s just in the nature of the stories that we end up in these hazardous places.
I’ve had tear gas in my face in Poland and neo-Nazis trying to set me alight in Russia. But that’s not that bad. What seems to affect me most are the times I’ve met children in these desperate situations, because they are innocents in all this.
These are my most hellish moments:
(Only India mentioned here.  For rest, please see the url.)
India, 2013
I was investigating sex trafficking, and we had managed to track down one of the most prolific traffickers.
This guy - who I’ll call Mr Khan - was trafficking thousands of girls a year. He said he had lost count of how many he’d killed, but estimated it was around 400. He was being helped out by certain members of the authorities, and when it looked like they were going to get caught, he was put under pressure by these people in authority to kill the girls.
He worked as a honeytrap, so he’d go into a village; shower a girl and her family with gifts. He’d say he was going to take her away somewhere lovely, but as soon as he had her on a train she’d be drugged. She’d wake up in a bed and be gang raped, then forced into prostitution through shame, without the ability to get back home. Even if she did make it home, would she ever be accepted by her family again?
I’m not supposed to judge, but this was one of the times I found it very hard not to. He was trying to justify the killing of these girls by saying he would have been killed himself if he didn’t do it. He had gold rings on his fingers, a very nice car, and some bodyguards with him. After the interview I just had to say ‘get him out of my sight’. I had so much loathing for the man, I can’t tell you.
- As told to Theo Merz

- A-Z of Hell by Ross Kemp is published by Century and available for £12.99 in hardback
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