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She called our PM a gay and our Mother a sex slave, yet we should condole her death!!! Incredible

Author: Aishwarya S
Publication: Postcard.news
Date: September 9, 2017
URL:   http://postcard.news/she-called-our-pm-a-gay-and-our-mother-a-sex-slave-yet-we-should-condole-her-death-incredible/

From past 2-3 days, the entire media has gone berserk to project Gauri Lankesh as a great intellectual journalist, free thinker, courageous and outspoken. But the big question is do you get all these titles only if you abuse Hindus or Narendra Modi?

Before making any comments against Gauri Lankesh, One should look at her Facebook and Twitter posts to know what sort of intellectual she was!
Gauri Lankesh
These Pictures Will Have You Believe That PM Narendra Modi Just Had a Gay Marriage with Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull
Gauri Lankesh
May 24, 2016 at 12:12 am


if your mother did not have 'free sex' - meaning sex out of free choice - then it means one two things:

1. you are a product of rape.

2. you are the product of a sex worker who did not perform sex for free but for a fee.

sanghish, the choice is yours. you can either say your mother was involved in 'free sex' or accept that you are a result of  either one of the two options that i have given above.

i stand by kavitha krishnan and her brave mother.

Gauri Lankesh @gaurilankesh
A la 'Pink Cheddi', a 'Sanitary napkin' campagn against Modi? But why fresh napkins? V can send already used sanitary bits of  cloth. #GST
2:02 AM - 06 Jul 17
Patriot @Suren7378
Replying to @gaurilankesh
This was class of this lady? Is she deserve government ceremonial funeral?

It makes us wonder, this is what it takes to become an intellectual or liberal or secular?! Did she get recognition by lutyens media and liberals for abusing Hindus or PM Modi? Which dignified journalist would use such derogatory language against any person or organisation just because they oppose the ideology?

Imagine if same language was used by right wing against left ideologists, would they remain quiet? Would they call us intellectuals? courageous or outspoken?! In fact, people have been very respectful for Gauri Lankesh even after she displayed her cheap and disgraceful attitude.

She calls Right wing women sex slaves, rapists….will media ever highlight these posts of her? Will they proudly display them on their lutyens walls? She says PM Modi should be gifted a used sanitary napkin, but will she gift the same to her Azadi children Kanhaiya and Umar for chanting slogans against India?! Or did she send Sonia Gandhi used sanitary napkins when their government was caught in hell of scams??

Her mentality more so looks like disturbed state of mind with no direction or objective in life, other than to blindly oppose Hindus.This is the real face of seculars and liberals in India. This is what they represent. Only a person insecure with their position or cannot prove their point indulges in abuse and this is what Gauri Lankesh and all her supporters in media have done.

Media wants people to cry for her. Liberals wants people to give her award, Sikular politicians gave her state funeral….!! We are lucky, these so called seculars did not ask a state funeral for Burhan Wani, although the media gave him all respect and made him hero in their newspapers!
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