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The Beginning of the END of Urban Naxals in Academia and Entertainment

Author: An Anonymous Hindu
Publication: Myind.net
Date:  April 22, 2020
URL:      https://www.myind.net/Home/viewArticle/the-beginning-of-the-end-of-urban-naxals-in-academia-and-entertainment

What does Academia and Entertainment have in common?  Concepts such as industry, business, exclusivity, promotion of agendas are common overlaps between these two institutions.  Also, what the masses perceive as "elites" dominate each of these institutions.  Meaning, people think of well-known professors and actors as elites - whom they tend to believe and often follow.  In any nation whether the masses are informed or uninformed on topics, looking up to elite is a proven political phenomenon. The masses look at elite behaviour when making decisions on a variety of things - ranging from how to vote, to which brand of cereal to buy, to how to cut their hair.  Hollywood and Bollywood elites are often peddling products such as biscuits, motorcycles, watches, cars, noodles, sodas, etc.  Similarly, academic elites are often peddling agendas and narratives on political and religious issues - all of which are consumed by the masses either consciously or unconsciously. 

The term "Urban Naxal" recently made popular by Vivek Agnihotri successfully describes the nexus which includes far-left radical communists and anarchists in urban settings who are constantly working against the status quo.  Naxalites are Maoist worshipers and have formed Communist political parties around the world (though they are not known as Naxalites outside of India) attempting to stay true to Marxist-Leninist ideologies.  Naxalites are known to fight against the system in the jungles with support from Communist regimes and their fair-weather friends mostly in Eastern and Southern-East India.  Urban Naxals however are busy pretending to fight a war from the comfort of their offices and homes, using the latest technology and fancy words while having no regard or reverence for true Marxist ideology.  In short, Urban Naxals are anarchists, many are well-known and thus considered to be elites. They exist in all sectors, though a majority exist within Academia and Entertainment and of course, politics. These Urban Naxals are those who wish to topple the existing system while having no real clue of replacing the status quo.  Also, they have found a common ally in politics and academia - hardliner Islamists and Jihadis who are happy to fund anything and everything anti-status quo. 

The Chinese virus - COVID-19 is a tipping point, a forced punctuation in evolutionary existence which has brought forth the inadequacies and fake crying and carping of Urban Naxal agendas in Academia and Entertainment.  Ivy league colleges and struggling state universities are equally suffering; the first suffering came in with the 2008 economic meltdown which left universities scrambling for agenda-driven donor money to keep the obsolete systems of education afloat and salaries of useless professors and programs intact.  Example: a hefty check by elitist Hollywood or Bollywood parents to a college would ensure -- 1) Their child get into a program which they had little aptitude for otherwise; 2) Keep the Academic Urban Naxal professorships and administrators afloat.  One can only ponder where the joke lies as these professors are more engaged in building up their personalities and agendas versus actual teaching in the classrooms.  Those who do teach in the classrooms are actively engaged in building and training the next batch of fake communists or Urban Naxals.  (Watch: Buddha in a Traffic Jam, a film by Agnihotri**). The second punch in the face for Urban Naxals recently came in the form of the 2020 Chinese virus.

Elites in Hollywood, and especially Bollywood are economically suffering the Chinese virus.  Theatres are closed. The young and talent-less offspring of has-been actors are witnessing their short-lived careers end given one box office flop after another.  Many other seasoned or popular actors have aligned with Urban Naxals and practically shot their careers in the face.  One such actor is Deepika Padukone whose career committed jowhar the moment she aligned herself with fake products of a so-called liberal university in India.  Other sub-par actors are feeling the brunt of delivering "hits" though the public seems to distinguish trash from talent.  Just as in politics, in Bollywood the days of dynastic dominance are long over and the Urban Naxals are in the first and second phases of the five-steps* of grief and loss of their "hold" over society.  The Lori Loughlin case brought forth the Hollywood elite and Academic connection of admission bribery and college scandals across the U.S., quickly shattering any awe one held towards the entertainment industry elites **. 

Photo Credit (left): nytimes.com. https://static01.nyt.com/images/2019/07/07/magazine/07mag-saudi1/07mag-saudi1-superJumbo.jpg?quality=90&auto=webp

Photo Credit (right): blazingcatfur.ca. https://www.blazingcatfur.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/harvard-yale.jpg

Harvard University, generously funded by Saudi Arabia and China recently announced spending cuts and hiring freezes.***  Every university is feeling the brunt of self-isolation and COVID-19 related economic impacts.  The struggling humanities departments will probably be the first to shut down and humanities related Urban Naxal professors will probably have to file for employment and purchase generic brand cheese and locally produced wine.  Humor aside, not all professors in Humanities or in entertainment are Urban Naxals; many have long been driven out by the Naxal clique or remain quiet and suffering. However, the days of subsidizing useless dead-weight are over, and this trend will continue in the post-COVID world.  The brick and mortar named buildings and endowments which keep universities in business have experienced a jolt as students will not return to campus as they did in the pre-COVID world.

The Urban Naxals and "woke" liberals usually align with the Democratic party in the U.S. and a range of leftist political parties in India.  The end of Bernie Sanders' failed campaign bid for President was in part a result of his ignorance of the political reality and pushing of Communist-Jihadi ideology and policy platform.  Obviously not enough left-leaners in the electorate bought into it.  This is an example of limit to elite influence.  While most of the uninformed public may continue to look up to these elites, the Urban Naxals, thanks to the COVID-19 will soon be reduced to non-special status in more than one way.  A new type of colonialism known as globalization was in full steam before it was derailed by a communist virus. Oh, the irony. Expect stage two of grief and loss to continue to emerge in social media including corrupt, Commie-Jihadi controlled platforms. 

* The 5 stages of grief and loss are: 1) Denial and isolation; 2) Anger; 3) Bargaining; 4) Depression; 5) Acceptance.

** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nn3hYmgK3ek

*** https://harvardmagazine.com/2020/04/harvard-spending-cuts-pandemic-update



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