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Exposing non-cooperation of Muslims during Wuhan virus Pandemic is NOT Islamophobia - Here is a list of what they have done

Author: Abhijit Mitra Iyer
Publication: Organiser.org
Date:  April 4, 2020
URL:      https://www.organiser.org/Encyc/2020/4/4/Exposing-non-cooperation-of-Muslims-during-Wuhan-virus-Pandemic-is-NOT-Islamophobia.html

Pointing out that #TablighJamaat is disproportionately responsible for the spread of a disease is NOT Islamophobia. It comes from the methods of political negotiation that muslims developed in the wake of 1857 & have been systematically rewarded by both Britain and India. Given their eviction from power, their society never moved past the feudal structure of power capture by few elite families. Given their weak economic & electoral hand: their tactics have remained consistent: escalating through obstinacy, obstructionism & finally violence.

An example of this is Partition. Jinnah starts with impossible maximalist demands, then starts obstructionism, & finally calls for violence. Issue is this pattern was rewarded by the British, then by the INC & now by the BJP. This strategy has proved brilliant for them. You want proof? Here’s a Hindu lady waving a sword at police and refusing to obey lockdown, police immediately Lathi charged her & her followers.
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 1, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
3n An example of this is Partition. Jinnah starts with impossible maximalist demands, then starts obstructionism, & finally calls for violence. Issue is this pattern was rewarded by the British, then by the INC & now by the BJP. This strategy has proved brilliant for them.

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
4n You want proof? Here’s a Hindu lady waving a sword at police and refusing to obey lockdown, police immediately Lathi charged her & her followers.

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8:34 PM - Apr 1, 2020

But when the #TablighiJamaat people do it, repeated police missions have to beg & please with them. Finally the NSA has to go crawling like a beggar. Imagine the NSA of 1.3 billion representing a party with an absolute majority of 303 seats, held hostage by 2000 people.

Understand be it partition, be it Shaheen Bagh, be it #NizamuddinMarkaz, every government has succumbed to this kind of blackmail. Consequently they backup position has and will always remain one of obstinacy - no matter what the law, because every law is an opportunity for the Muslim leadership of the country to extort concessions. Remember rewarding bad behaviour leads to more bad behaviour. That is the essence of appeasement and that’s what Modi has been doing.

Eg: this behaviour follows the template - What #TablighiJamaat did, refusing to comply with orders was Stage 1 (obstinacy) now what these scumbags are doing is Stage 2 (obstructionism). You know what comes next in Stage 3? Congrats.
Occupants were unruly since morning&made unreasonable demand for food items. They misbehaved&abused staff at Quarantine Centre.Also they started spitting all over&on persons working/attending them incl doctors.They also started roaming around hostel building:CPRO Northern Railway https://twitter.com/ANI/status/1245348753705504768 …

167 people of Tabligi Jamaat Nizamuddin reached Tughalakabad Quarantine Centre in 5 buses at 2140 hrs y'day. 97 people accommodated in Diesel Shed Training School Hostel Quarantine Centre&  70 were accommodated at RPF Barrack Quarantine Centre: CPRO Northern Railway Deepak Kumar
7:26 PM - Apr 1, 2020

You see Stage 3 (violence) has set in. Thanks Modi! Thanks Doval!
TOI Ahmedabad @TOIAhmedabad
Stone pelting in #Gomtipur area of #Ahmedabad as cops went to search for people who had gone to #Nizamuddin congregation.
14:10 - 01/04/2020

And another example of stage 3, all from #NizamuddinMarkaz attendees BULLETS were fired and stones pelted upon police in #Bihar by the members of #TablighiJamaat, who attended #NizamuddinMarkaz. 

From earlier today, Stage 2 by a #TableeghiJamaat fellow who attended #NizamuddinMarkaz. When asked to come for corona testing he says “go test Modi he travelled to 120 countries, go test EPS OPS (CM & DtyCM of Tamil Nadu) they have corona”
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 1, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
10n and another example of stage 3, all from #NizamuddinMarkaz attendees BULLETS were fired and stones pelted upon police in #Bihar by the members of #TablighiJamaat, who attended #NizamuddinMarkaz 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 https://twitter.com/TimesNow/status/1245245179423911936 …

#Breaking 1st on TIMES NOW | A search party was fired upon for searching Markaz attendees in Madhubani.

TIMES NOW's Shyam with details. | #CoronaHarega
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Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
11n from earlier today, Stage 2 by a #TableeghiJamaat fellow who attended #NizamuddinMarkaz. When asked to come for corona testing he says “go test Modi he travelled to 120 countries, go test EPS OPS (CM & DtyCM of Tamil Nadu) they have corona”

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9:53 PM - Apr 1, 2020

In Secunderabad, Stage 3. The family of a 59 year old man who died after returning from the #NizamuddinMarkaz beat up medical college students, for letting him die. Notice the absolute impunity with which they behave - state or centre.


Meanwhile in Indore, full stage 3: Muslims stoned heath workers trying to protect them from Corona.
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 1, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
12n in Secunderabad, Stage 3. The family of a 59 year old man who died after returning from the #NizamuddinMarkaz beat up medical college students, for letting him die. Notice the absolute impunity with which they behave - state or centrehttps://youtu.be/JuJA79A2kSQ

YouTube at 🏠 ‎@YouTube
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Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
13n meanwhile in Indore, full stage 3: muslims stoned heath workers trying to protect them from Corona. https://twitter.com/IndoreWaleBhiya/status/1245396553495449602/video/1 …
11:05 PM - Apr 1, 2020

In Muzaffarnagar full stage 3: cops grievously injured while attempting to do their jobs & disperse a crowd. The cops were beaten up in Muzaffarnagar today.
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 1, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
13n meanwhile in Indore, full stage 3: muslims stoned heath workers trying to protect them from Corona. https://twitter.com/IndoreWaleBhiya/status/1245396553495449602/video/1 …

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
14n meanwhile in muzaffarnagar full stage 3: cops grievously injured while attempting to do their jobs & disperse a crowd pic.twitter.com/irQoUxNtkJ https://twitter.com/syedzakiahmed_/status/1245377534377652237 …
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Syed zaki Ahmed @syedzakiahmed_
The horrible news is coming from Morna area of Muzaffarnagar in UP where Police personal are seriously injured and admitted to the Dist. hospital.

Police went to disperse the villagers who were gathered there & violating the Lockdown norms.

Villagers in turn attacked on police.

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11:10 PM - Apr 1, 2020
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 1, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
14n meanwhile in muzaffarnagar full stage 3: cops grievously injured while attempting to do their jobs & disperse a crowd pic.twitter.com/irQoUxNtkJ https://twitter.com/syedzakiahmed_/status/1245377534377652237 …

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Syed zaki Ahmed @syedzakiahmed_
The horrible news is coming from Morna area of Muzaffarnagar in UP where Police personal are seriously injured and admitted to the Dist. hospital.

Police went to disperse the villagers who were gathered there & violating the Lockdown norms.

Villagers in turn attacked on police.
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Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
15n GRAPHIC WARNING: the cops beaten up in Muzaffarnagar today
11:15 PM - Apr 1, 2020

Health Care workers in Indore complaining that a certain local community isn’t cooperating and abusing them (same area where they were pelted with stones)
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 1, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
15n GRAPHIC WARNING: the cops beaten up in Muzaffarnagar today

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Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
16n Health Care workers in Indore complaining that a certain local community isn’t cooperating and abusing them (same area where they were pelted with stones)
11:17 PM - Apr 1, 2020

This is how the health care workers were abused by the same people they were trying to help.

Gomtipur in Ahmadabad - again police going to get attendees of the #NizamuddinMarkaz for@medical screening were attacked with stones. See the pattern? First it was just Stage 1 laughable videos on how “Corona Allah ka NRC hai”, and within days this.
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 1, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
17n this is how the health care workers were abused by the same people they were trying to help

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Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
18n Gomtipur in Ahmadabad - again police going to get attendees of the #NizamuddinMarkaz for@medical screening were attacked with stones. See the pattern? First it was just Stage 1 laughable videos on how “Corona Allah ka NRC hai”, and within days this.
11:41 PM - Apr 1, 2020

Understand what happened. Thanks to the #TablighiJamaat & their infernal #Nizamuddin Markaz India’s efforts to flatten the curve have been delayed by between 2 weeks to a month. What’s even more amazing is instead of being repentant and cooperating, they’re defiant & violent. Apparently they’re convinced this is one more of their routine political negotiations - their cooperation even during a national emergency will have to be “bought”. The threat of spreading #Corona is the 2nd currency of this negotiation & Modi sending Doval validated it.

In Rajasthan, still deliberate defiance Stage 1 - obstinacy. As a community it surely can’t be a collective act of cognitive disability given how diverse the community is? No. This is ingrained behaviour.          
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 2, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
20n Apparently they’re convinced this is one more of their routine political negotiations - their cooperation even during a national emergency will have to be “bought”. The threat of spreading #Corona is the 2nd currency of this negotiation & Modi sending Doval validated it.

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
21n in Rajasthan, still deliberate defiance Stage 1 - obstinacy. As a community it surely can’t be a collective act of cognitive disability given how diverse the community is? No. This is ingrained behaviour. https://twitter.com/SmokingSkills_/status/1245415035851001856/video/1 …
12:38 AM - Apr 2, 2020

The Indore doctor who was attacked in the video above relates what happened. After a positive test in the area, they went back. After initial cooperation, the mood suddenly turned. Why? Ask yourself why?
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
 Apr 2, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
21n in Rajasthan, still deliberate defiance Stage 1 - obstinacy. As a community it surely can’t be a collective act of cognitive disability given how diverse the community is? No. This is ingrained behaviour. https://twitter.com/SmokingSkills_/status/1245415035851001856/video/1 …

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
22n the Indore doctor attacked in the video above (13n) relates what happened. After a positive test in the area, they went back. After initial cooperation, the mood suddenly turned. Why? Ask yourself why?

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12:50 AM - Apr 2, 2020

It wasn’t just health care workers attacked in Indore. Even the Safai Karamcharis were attacked - people cleaning their streets for them!
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 2, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
22n the Indore doctor attacked in the video above (13n) relates what happened. After a positive test in the area, they went back. After initial cooperation, the mood suddenly turned. Why? Ask yourself why?

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Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
23n it wasn’t just health care workers attacked in Indore. Even the Safai Karamcharis were attacked - people cleaning their streets for them! https://twitter.com/friendsofrss/status/1245420404807618560/video/1 …
12:03 PM - Apr 2, 2020

Meanwhile in Bengal, this preacher wants crores of people dead from corona. Classic stage 1 provocation setting the ground for imminent violence. Action against him? Zilch.
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 2, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
23n it wasn’t just health care workers attacked in Indore. Even the Safai Karamcharis were attacked - people cleaning their streets for them! https://twitter.com/friendsofrss/status/1245420404807618560/video/1 …

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
24n meanwhile in Bengal, this preacher wants crores of people dead from corona. Classic stage 1 provocation setting the ground for imminent violence. Action against him? Zilch.

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12:11 PM - Apr 2, 2020

Bengaluru is next. This ASHA worker collecting stats on #COVID was attacked by a mob after an announcement from the local mosque. Notice how the attacks on ALL government services: health, sanitation, police by Muslims are spreading across India?
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 2, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
24n meanwhile in Bengal, this preacher wants crores of people dead from corona. Classic stage 1 provocation setting the ground for imminent violence. Action against him? Zilch.

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Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
25n Bengaluru is next. This ASHA worker collecting stats on #COVID was attacked by a mob after an announcement from the local mosque. Notice how the attacks on ALL government services: health, sanitation, police by Muslims are spreading across India?

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12:17 PM - Apr 2, 2020

A Dinamani reporter by the name of Thirumalai, in Dindigul was beaten up by a Muslim reporter and a Muslim mob he collected. His crime? Reporting that 85 people from Dindigul attended the #TablighiJamaat #NizamuddinMarkaz. #PressFreedom? #FoE? No editors guild statement?

Description: Dinamani_1  H x

Meanwhile in Delhi, attendees of the #TabhleegiJamaat #NizamuddinMarkaz are objecting to testing though 23 out of 24 turned out to be #corona positive. They’ve gotten so threatening police has had to be deployed in the hospital.
Many of them (attendees of Tablighi Jamaat event) are objecting against testing&feel they don't need admission. So, this put security of our staff at risk. Now, police have been deployed around 3 blocks where they have been kept: Dr JC Passey*, Medical Director of LNJPN Hospital https://twitter.com/ANI/status/1245609380269002755 …

We've 216 #COVID19 patients out of which 188 belong to one group (attendees of Tablighi Jamaat event). We had received reports of 24 patients from the group out of which 23 tested positive. This is alarming: Dr JC Passey*, Medical Director of Delhi's LNJPN Hospital https://twitter.com/ANI/status/1245600349282394116 …
12:41 PM - Apr 2, 2020

In Noida stage 2 obstructionism. Case has been registered against one Salik for assembling this congregation on the roof. Obviously if cops try do anything it’ll progress to stage 3
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 2, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
27n meanwhile in Delhi, attendees of the #TabhleegiJamaat #NizamuddinMarkaz are objecting to testing though 23 out of 24 turned out to be #corona positive. They’ve gotten so threatening police has had to be deployed in the hospital. https://twitter.com/ani/status/1245609788764913665?s=21 … https://twitter.com/ANI/status/1245609788764913665 …

Many of them (attendees of Tablighi Jamaat event) are objecting against testing&feel they don't need admission. So, this put security of our staff at risk. Now, police have been deployed around 3 blocks where they have been kept: Dr JC Passey*, Medical Director of LNJPN Hospital https://twitter.com/ANI/status/1245609380269002755 …

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
28n meanwhile in Noida stage 2 obstructionism. Case has been registered against one Salik for assembling this congregation on the roof. Obviously if cops try do anything it’ll progress to stage 3

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1:21 PM - Apr 2, 2020

Like I said the Muslim polity, considers everything calamity an opportunity to extract concessions. Here #MaulanaSaad of the #TabilghiJamaat has issued “demands” from hiding. Same man who told his followers #COVID was a conspiracy to divide Muslims.
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
 Apr 2, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
28n meanwhile in Noida stage 2 obstructionism. Case has been registered against one Salik for assembling this congregation on the roof. Obviously if cops try do anything it’ll progress to stage 3

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Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
29n like I said the Muslim polity, considers everything calamity an opportunity to extract concessions. Here #MaulanaSaad of the #TabilghiJamaat has issued “demands” from hiding. Same man who told his followers #COVID was a conspiracy to divide Muslims
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1:41 PM - Apr 2, 2020

Later on I’ll get into why sections of the press either underplay this, bring in false equivalences, or spread conspiracy theories like the tweet below. Needless to say the “secular” press has a mutually beneficial business compact with the feudal Muslim polity.
seemi pasha @seemi_pasha
I refuse to believe that all the cases that are testing +ve across the country are linked to #MARKAJ_NIZAMMUDIN Feels like the Govt is using the # TablighiJamat incident to release data about positive cases that it had been holding back.
States seem to be doing it too #COVID19
23:57 - 01/04/2020

Beginning of Stage 1, in KIMS hospital in Hubbali by the #NizamuddinMarkaz folks. Watch how this rapidly progresses to stage 3.
#COVID19outbreak: Quarantined people who visited #Nizamuddin demand VIP treatment at KIMS hospital in #Hubballi. People are threatening to leave the quarantine centre if their demands are not met. #COVID19 #COVID19India #Coronavirus
11:05 AM - Apr 2, 2020

Ask yourself why is it in a normally violent country like India, only one community is reacting so violently against #COVID control measures. One explanation could be this apocalyptic messianism “#Corona is from Quran”
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 2, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
31n beginning of Stage 1, in KIMS hospital in Hubbali by the #NizamuddinMarkaz folks.. watch how this rapidly progresses to stage 3 https://twitter.com/news9tweets/status/1245585602235363329?s=21 … https://twitter.com/NEWS9TWEETS/status/1245585602235363329 …

#COVID19outbreak: Quarantined people who visited #Nizamuddin demand VIP treatment at KIMS hospital in #Hubballi. People are threatening to leave the quarantine centre if their demands are not met. #COVID19 #COVID19India #Coronavirus

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
32n Ask yourself why is it in a normally violent country like India, only one community is reacting so violently against #COVID control measures. One explanation could be this apocalyptic messianism “#Corona is from Quran”

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5:12 PM - Apr 2, 2020

Then we have conspiracy theories like #MaulanaSaad “corona is an anti Muslim conspiracy”, But how can two such contradictory beliefs (corona=Quran & corona=conspiracy) still lead to the same conclusion of “oppose #COVID control measures”?
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 2, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
32n Ask yourself why is it in a normally violent country like India, only one community is reacting so violently against #COVID control measures. One explanation could be this apocalyptic messianism “#Corona is from Quran”

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Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
33n Then we have conspiracy theories like #MaulanaSaad “corona is an anti Muslim conspiracy”, But how can two such contradictory beliefs (corona=Quran & corona=conspiracy) still lead to the same conclusion of “oppose #COVID control measures”?
5:13 PM - Apr 2, 2020

In many ways this isn’t different from extreme religiosity that Judaism saw till the Bar Kokhba rebellion in 137AD put an end to both social control by priests as well as apocalyptic messianism. Anyway sorry for the diversion, but I thought it’s important to give some context. Dongri (north of Mumbai) today. Stage 2: The acts of deliberate and calculated public defiance just seem to be increasing. This is still too small a gathering for it to escalate to stage 3 in Dongri at least.
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 2, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
34n in many ways this isn’t different from extreme religiosity that Judaism saw till the Bar Kokhba rebellion in 137AD put an end to both social control by priests as well as apocalyptic messianism. Anyway sorry for the diversion, but I thought it’s important to give some context

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
35n in Dongri (north of Mumbai) today. Stage 2: The acts of deliberate and calculated public defiance just seem to be increasing. This is still too small a gathering for it to escalate to stage 3 in Dongri at least
5:55 PM - Apr 2, 2020

Mind your not one of these people will be charged with attempted murder, which it clearly was. NOT ONE! Slim chance if they get charged liberals will spin the “wow you’re victimising a COVID patient for contracting COVID? Let that sink in” line. 
Nalini @nalinisharma - 30m
Doctors from Deen Dayal Upadhyay hospital confirm to me that some of the markaz patients brought into the hospital were intentionally spitting everywhere inside the ward and urinating outside toilets because they “didn’t believe in coronavirus” and “thought it was a conspiracy”.

Nalini @nalinisharma
Special counseling sessions had to be held for these patients to convince them that they might be affecting others around them. “Even if one of them is positive, they have compromised the health of everyone on their floor” says one doctor.
20:52 - 02/04/2020

Meanwhile #TabligiJamaat members in the Ghaziabad isolation ward are sexually harassing female health care workers: walking with their genitals on display, passing lewd comments about nurses and playing vulgar songs. CMO is begging police to intervene.          

Description: TJ memebrs_1  H

Nobody knows why these #TablighiJamat folks defied lockdown and decided to holiday in Goa instead of heading home. So much for asking the SDM for “cooperation to get home” on the 24th (remember that)?
46 Tabligh Jamaat (Delhi) attendees identified and quarantined in Goa are from other states. We don't know why have they come to Goa. Their reports will come tomorrow. Search for more attendees is still on: Chief Minister Pramod Sawant #COVID19
6:41 PM - Apr 2, 2020

Never forget folks like Dr Zakiya, doing their duty. She was one of those injured in the stone pelting yesterday and went back to work despite being injured.
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 2, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
38n Nobody knows why these #TablighiJamat folks defied lockdown and decided to holiday in Goa instead of heading home. So much for asking the SDM for “cooperation to get home” on the 24th (remember that)?  https://twitter.com/ani/status/1245700282241241091?s=21 … https://twitter.com/ANI/status/1245700282241241091 …

46 Tabligh Jamaat (Delhi) attendees identified and quarantined in Goa are from other states. We don't know why have they come to Goa. Their reports will come tomorrow. Search for more attendees is still on: Chief Minister Pramod Sawant #COVID19

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
39n meanwhile never forget folks like Dr Zakiya, doing their duty. She was one of those injured in the stone pelting yesterday and went back to work despite being injured.
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10:58 PM - Apr 2, 2020

and while the police were acting like impotent eunuchs in front of the #TablighiJamaat look at their bravery dealing with Hindus! My my my, when the target is supine, what courage swells in police hearts. A temple in Tamil Nadu.
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 2, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
39n meanwhile never forget folks like Dr Zakiya, doing their duty. She was one of those injured in the stone pelting yesterday and went back to work despite being injured.

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Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
40n and while the police were acting like impotent eunuchs in front of the #TablighiJamaat look at their bravery dealing with Hindus! My my my, when the target is supine, what courage swells in police hearts. A temple in Tamil Nadu
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12:01 AM - Apr 3, 2020

One event - just one event - by the #TablighiJamat has destroyed the curve that India had succeeded in flattening by day 7. Just one event - knockdown effects on everybody, especially the poor
Prof Shamika Ravi @ShamikaRavi
#DailyUpdate #Covid19India
The initial gains in #flatteningthecurve have been reversed. From the last five days, India is back to a growth rate where confirmed cases double every 3 days.
9:09 AM - Apr 3, 2020 · New Delhi, India

Tablighi entitlement is amazing. The lawyer is complaining that they’re kept 4 to a room & it’s taken 3 days since they got tested. Barkha points out that the rest are in general wards, had to transport themselves to hospital & are waiting much longer.

Entitlement part 2: while the #TablighiJamaat succeeded in singlehandedly destroying India’s attempt to flatten the curve, & the chief is absconding, they’re more worried about the number of tweets dedicated to covering their crime.
𝕽𝖎𝖆𝖟 𝕬𝖍𝖒𝖊𝖉 @karmariaz
In last 46 hours, @ANI posted 97 reports related to Nizamuddin, so much dedication, because?

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1:37 PM - Apr 2, 2020

and now in Kannauj full stage 3 - shutting down a prayer congregation got cops pelted with stones and injured badly.
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 3, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
43n Entitlement part 2: while the #TablighiJamaat succeeded in singlehandedly destroying India’s attempt to flatten the curve, & the chief is absconding, they’re more worried about the number of tweets dedicated to covering their crimehttps://twitter.com/karmariaz/status/1245623849753821185?s=21 … https://twitter.com/karmariaz/status/1245623849753821185 …

𝕽𝖎𝖆𝖟 𝕬𝖍𝖒𝖊𝖉 @karmariaz
In last 46 hours, @ANI posted 97 reports related to Nizamuddin, so much dedication, because?
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Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
44n and now in Kannauj full stage 3 - shutting down a prayer congregation got cops pelted with stones and injured badly https://navbharattimes.indiatimes.com/state/uttar-pradesh/others/mob-gathered-for-namaz-at-kannauj-mosque-attacked-policemen-amid-lockdown/articleshow/74966352.cms …

कन्नौज: लॉकडाउन में नमाज के लिए जुटी भीड़, हटाने गई पुलिस टीम पर हमला, 2 कॉन्स्टेबल घायल
UP News: शुक्रवार को उत्तर प्रदेश के कन्नौज जिले में जुमे की नमाज अता करने के लिए जुटी भीड़ को हटाने गई पुलिस पर जमकर पत्थरबाजी हुई। घटना में दो पुलिसकर्मी घायल हुए हैं। हालात बिगड़ते देख पुलिसकर्मी...
6:51 PM - Apr 3, 2020

and in Hubbali in Karnataka this attempt at breaking up a Friday prayer congregation is just a full on stage 3 riot. There’s literally no other word for it save Riot.
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 3, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
44n and now in Kannauj full stage 3 - shutting down a prayer congregation got cops pelted with stones and injured badly https://navbharattimes.indiatimes.com/state/uttar-pradesh/others/mob-gathered-for-namaz-at-kannauj-mosque-attacked-policemen-amid-lockdown/articleshow/74966352.cms …

कन्नौज: लॉकडाउन में नमाज के लिए जुटी भीड़, हटाने गई पुलिस टीम पर हमला, 2 कॉन्स्टेबल घायल
UP News: शुक्रवार को उत्तर प्रदेश के कन्नौज जिले में जुमे की नमाज अता करने के लिए जुटी भीड़ को हटाने गई पुलिस पर जमकर पत्थरबाजी हुई। घटना में दो पुलिसकर्मी घायल हुए हैं। हालात बिगड़ते देख पुलिसकर्मी...

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
45n and in Hubbali in Karnataka this attempt at breaking up a Friday prayer congregation is just a full on stage 3 riot. There’s literally no other word for it save Riot
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6:53 PM - Apr 3, 2020

This just about sums up the duality of what we see with the Muslim polity. When the political ideology that is Islam is attacked, hide behind religion. When you want political concessions, then dress the politics up as religion
Rahul Roushan @rahulroushan
Islam has an intrinsic and inseparable political aspect. It's as much a mystical philosophy as a political ideology, and thus Islamophobia is a bogus term. People have all the rights to fear a political ideology like many fear communism, Hindutva, or fascism.
8:58 PM - Apr 2, 2020

And in Thenkasi the TN police who so bravely beat up a hindu priest and his small congregation, (40n in this thread) running like headless chickens after getting stoned when confronted with Quwwat-Ul-Islam (might of Islam)
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 3, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
46n this just about sums up the duality of what we see with the Muslim polity. When the political ideology that is Islam is attacked, hide behind religion. When you want political concessions, then dress the politics up as religion https://twitter.com/rahulroushan/status/1245734769918263299?s=21 … https://twitter.com/rahulroushan/status/1245734769918263299 …

Rahul Roushan @rahulroushan
Islam has an intrinsic and inseparable political aspect. It's as much a mystical philosophy as a political ideology, and thus Islamophobia is a bogus term. People have all the rights to fear a political ideology like many fear communism, Hindutva, or fascism.

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
47n And in Thenkasi the TN police who so bravely beat up a hindu priest and his small congregation, (40n in this thread) running like headless chickens after getting stoned when confronted with Quwwat-Ul-Islam (might of Islam)

Embedded video
9:36 PM - Apr 3, 2020

and here the #TabligiJamaat threatens the press not to mess with the reputation of Maulana Saad. All those press persons who tried defending these terror incubators will now swallow tubs of fevicol.
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 3, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
47n And in Thenkasi the TN police who so bravely beat up a hindu priest and his small congregation, (40n in this thread) running like headless chickens after getting stoned when confronted with Quwwat-Ul-Islam (might of Islam)

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Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
48n and here the #TabligiJamaat threatens the press not to mess with the reputation of Maulana Saad. All those press persons who tried defending these terror incubators will now swallow tubs of fevicol
Embedded video
11:13 PM - Apr 3, 2020

These tweets should give you a sense of percentage responsibility per state of corona infections caused by the #TabligiJamaat this is Tamil Nadu.
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 3, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
48n and here the #TabligiJamaat threatens the press not to mess with the reputation of Maulana Saad. All those press persons who tried defending these terror incubators will now swallow tubs of fevicol
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Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
49n these tweets should give you a sense of percentage responsibility per state of corona infections caused by the #TabligiJamaat this is Tamil Nadu
12:32 AM - Apr 4, 2020

This is Telangana, Assam and Delhi all because of the #NizamuddinMarkaz
Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
Apr 4, 2020
Replying to @Iyervval
49n these tweets should give you a sense of percentage responsibility per state of corona infections caused by the #TabligiJamaat this is Tamil Nadu

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Abhijit Iyer-Mitra @Iyervval
50n this is Telangana Assam and Delhi all because of the #NizamuddinMarkaz
12:32 AM - Apr 4, 2020

@IndiaToday has compiled the full statistics on how much this one group has affected India’s fight against corona. And now people are casting aspersions on the doctors & nurses instead.

Description: India Today TJ memebrs_1&

* (The article is a compilation of the tweets of the author at @Iyervval)


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