Summary of Archaeological Findings
at Ayodhya
Publication: Ayodhya 2002-03 "Archeological Survey
of India"
Vol - 1
Summary of Results
Excavation at the disputed site of Rama Janmabhumi
- Babri Masjid was carried out by the Archaeological Survey of India from
12 March 2003 to 7 August 2003. During this period, as per the directions
of the Hon'ble High Court, Lucknow, 82 trenches were excavated to verify
the anomalies mentioned in the report of the Ground Penetrating Radar Survey
which was conducted at the site prior to taking up the excavations. A total
number of 82 trenches along with sonic of their baulks were checked for
anomalies and anomaly alignments. The anomalies were confirmed in the trenches
in the form of pillar bases, structures, floors and foundation though no
such remains were noticed in some of them at the stipulated depths and
spots. Besides the 82 trenches, a few more making a total of 90 finally
were also excavated keeping in view the objective fixed by the Hon'ble
High Court to confirm the structures.
The results of the excavation are summarized as
The Northern Black Polished Ware (NBPW) using
people were the first to occupy the disputed site at Ayodhya. During the
first millennium B. C. although no structural activities were encountered
in the limited area probed, the material culture is represented by terracotta
figurines of female deities showing archaic features, beads of terracotta
and glass, wheels and fragments of votive tanks etc. The ceramic industry
has the collection of NBPW, the main diagnostic trait of the period besides
the grey, black slipped and red wares. A round signet with legend in Asokan
Brahmi is another important find of this level. On the basis of material
equipment and 14 C dates, this period may be assigned to circa 1000 B.C.
to 300 B.C.
The Sunga horizon (second- first century B.C.)
comes next in the order of the cultural occupation at the site. The typical
terracotta mother goddess, human and animal figurines, beads, hairpin,
engraver etc. represent the cultural matrix of this level. The pottery
collection includes black slipped, red and grey wares etc. The stone and
brick structure found from this level mark the beginning of the structural
activity at the site.
The Kushan period (first to third century A. D.)
followed the Sunga occupation. Terracotta human and animal figurines, fragments
of votive tanks, beads, antimony rod, hair pin, bangle fragments and ceramic
industry comprising red ware represent the typical Kushan occupation at
the site. Another important feature of this period is the creation of large
sized structures as witnessed by the massive structure running, into twenty-two
The advent of Guptas (fourth to sixth century
A. D.) did not brine, any qualitative change in building activity although
the period is known for its Classical artistic elements. However, this
aspect is represented by the typical terracotta figurines and a copper
coin with the legend Sri Chandra (Gupta) and illustrative potsherds.
During the Post-Gupta-Rajput period (seventh to
tenth century A. D.), too the site has witnessed structural activity mainly
constructed of burnt bricks. However, arson the exposed structures, there
stands a circular brick shrine which speaks of its functional utility for
the first time. To recapitulate quickly, exteriorly on plan, it is circular
whereas internally squarish with an entrance from the cast. Though the
structure is damaged, the northern wall still retains a provision for pranala,
i.e., waterchute which is a distinct feature of contemporary temples already
known from the Ganga-Yamuna plain.
Subsequently, during the early medieval period
(eleventh - twelfth century A. D.) a huge structure, nearly 50 m in north-south
orientation was constructed which seems to have been short lived, as only
four of the fifty pillar bases exposed during the excavation belong to
this level with a brick crush floor. On the remains of the above structure
was constructed a massive structure with at least three structural phases
and three successive floors attached with it. The architectural members
of the earlier short lived massive structure with stencil cut foliage pattern
and other decorative motifs were reused in the Construction of the monumental
structure having a huge pillared hall (or two halls) which is different
from residential structures, providing sufficient evidence of a construction
of public usage which remained under existence for a long time during the
period VII (Medieval-Sultanate level - twelfth to sixteenth century A.
D.) It was over the top of this construction during the early sixteenth
century, the disputed structure was constructed directly resting over it.
There is sufficient proof of existence of a massive and monumental structure
having a minimum dimension of 50 x 30 m in north- south and cast-west directions
respectively just below the disputed structure. In course of present excavations
nearly 50 pillar bases with brick bat foundation, below calcrete blocks
topped by sandstone blocks were found. The pillar bases exposed during
the present excavation in northern and southern areas also give an idea
of the length of the massive wall of the earlier construction with which
they are associated and which might have been originally around 60 m (of
which the 50 m length is available at present). The centre of the central
chamber of the disputed structure falls just over the central point of
the length of the massive wall of the preceding period which could not
be excavated due to presence of Ram Lala at the spot in the make-shift
structure. This area is roughly 15x15 m on the raised platform. Towards
east of this central point a circular depression with projection on the
west, cut into the large sized brick pavement, signify the place where
some important object was placed. Terracotta lamps from the various trenches
and found in a group in the levels of Periods VII in trench G2 are associated
with the structural phase.
In the last phase of the period VII glazed ware
sherds make their appearance and continue in the succeeding levels of the
next periods where they are accompanied by glazed tiles which were probably
used in the original construction of the disputed structure. Similarly
is the case of celadon and porcelain sherds recovered in a very less quantity
they come from the secondary context. Animal bones have been recovered
from various levels of different periods, but skeletal remains noticed
in the trenches in northern and southern areas belong to the Period IX
as the grave pits have been found cut into the deposition coeval with the
late disputed structures and are sealed by the top deposit.
It is worthwhile to observe that the various structures
exposed right from the Sunga to Gupta period do not speak either about
their nature or functional utility as no evidence has come to approbate
them. Another noteworthy feature is that it was only during and after Period
IV (Gupta level) onwards upto Period IX (late and post Mughal level) that
the regular habitational deposits disappear in the concerned levels and
the structural phases are associated with either structural debris or filling
material taken out from the adjoining area to level the ground for construction
purpose. As a result of which much of the earlier material in the form
of pottery, terracottas and other objects of preceding periods, particularly
of Period 1 (NBPW level) and Period III (Kushan level) are found in the
deposits of later periods mixed along with their contemporary material.
The area below the disputed site thus, remained a place for public use
for a long time till the Period VIII (Mughal level) when the disputed structure
was built which was confined to a limited area arid population settled
around it as evidenced by the increase in contemporary archaeological material
including pottery. The same is further attested by the conspicuous absence
of habitational strictures such as house-complexes, soakage pits, soakage
jars, ring wells, drains, wells, hearths, kilns or furnaces etc. from Period
IV (Gupta level) onwards and in particular from Period VI (Early Medieval-Rajput
level) and Period VII (Medieval-Sultanate level).
The site has also proved to be significant for
taking back its antiquarian remains for the first time to the middle of
the thirteenth century B.C. (1250 ± 130 B.C.) on the analogy of
the C14 dates. The lowest deposit above the natural soil represents the
NBPW period and therefore the earliest remains may belong to the thirteenth
century B.C. which is confirmed by two more consistent C14 dates from the
NBPW level (Period I), viz. 910 ± 100 B.C. and 880 ± 100
B.C.) These dates are from trench G7. Four more dates from the upper deposit
though showing presence of NBPW and associated pottery are determined by
Radio-Carbon dating as 780 ± 80 B.C., 710 ± 90 B.C., 530
± 70 B.C. and 320 ± 80 B.C. In the light of the above dates
in association with the Northern Black Polished Ware (NBPW) which is generally
accepted to be between circa 600 B.C. to 300 B.C. it can be pushed back
to circa 1000 B.C. and even if a solitary date, three centuries earlier
is not associated with NBPW, the human activity at the site dates back
to circa thirteenth century B.C. on the basis of the scientific dating
method providing the only archaeological evidence of such an early date
of the occupation of the site.
The Hon'ble High Court, in order to get sufficient
archaeological evidence on the issue involved "whether there was any temple/structure
which was demolished and mosque was constructed on the disputed site" as
stated on page 1 and further on p. 5 of their order dated 5 march 2003,
had given directions to the Archaeological Survey of India to excavate
at the disputed site where the GPR Survey has suggested evidence of anomalies
which could be structure, pillars, foundation walls, slab flooring etc.
which could be confirmed by excavation . Now, viewing in totality and taking
into account the archaeological evidence of a massive structure just below
the structure and evidence of continuity in structural phases from the
tenth century onwards upto the construction of the disputed structure alongwith
the yield of stone and decorated bricks as well as mutilated sculpture
of divine couple and carved architectural' members including foliage patterns,
amalaka, kapotapali doorjamb with semi-circular pilaster, broken octagonal
shaft of black schist pillar, lotus motif, circular shrine having pranala
(waterchute) in the north, fifty pillar bases in association of the huge
structure, are indicative of remains which are distinctive features found
associated with the temples of north India.