Sting Operators stung by truth
India's No.1 sting operators Tehelka decided
to have a go at Sangh. On scanning the galaxy of Sangh leaders they zeroed
on Shri Madhavrao G. Vaidya, who was a spokesperson of Sangh. He has retired
16 months back from this responsibility and has gone back to Nagpur. He
has some land at a nearby village Taroda and sometimes he also stays there
to attend his personal work. Shri Vijay Simha, a journalist from Tehelka
met him and asked for an interview. Shri Vaidya refused to give any interview
regarding Sangh and asked him to contact the present spokesperson Shri
Ram Madhav for that purpose. After much persuasion, he agreed, but insisted
that Tehelka must send him a written questionnaire and he will send his
written replies.
The technique of a personal interview is varied.
But the main weapon to confuse an interviewee is to put a question and
if he/she is giving a correct answer, put him another question before he
finishes his reply. This technique is used by even an old reporter of BBC
was interviewing Netanyahu, once the PM of Israel. The same was used against
Shri Narendra Modi by a TV channel. But he pointedly completed the answer
to his first question and then went on to the next. Shri Vaidya is dedicated
Swayamsevak since 40s. He was a Sanskrit professor in a Nagpur College.
Later he was the editor of Tarun Bharat Nagpur for years, which he ran
successfully. Thus he has a long experience of journalism and has
seen the thin and thick in the prime years of Sangh, was an ideologue and
formed an important member of the core body deciding the policy matters
of Sangh.
His answers are lucid, clear and pointed. He analyses
the questions and separate the husk from grain and points out the inconsistencies
in the questions. If they are loaded and asked with a prejudice,
he understands them and says so. Most importantly, he does not try to answer
such questions with the false basis on which the question is asked, but
first demolishes the basis which the interviewer has taken for granted
and then gives his answer straight and to the point. Shri Simha has used
all the techniques in asking the questions. But Vaidya was not trapped.
Tehelka could not twist the answers given by Shri
Vaidya as they were in writing. But what it has done is to misuse its prerogative
of editors to:
1.. Change the order of questions instead of printing
them in the same order as in their questionnaire
2.. Doctor the text by just dropping inconvenient
portions and lastly,
3.. Not printing some important questions and
answers. They asked 25 questions and printed only 14.
We obtained the text of questions and answers
from Shri M. G. Vaidya and are reproducing it in the annexure. It is printed
in the same order in which the questions were asked and answered by Shri
Vaidya with the following features:
At the end of the question the number at which
it is printed is given in bracket. The question which was answered but
was not printed or the portion, which was not printed, is given in italics.
It will be noticed that the dropped portions are inconvenient for Tehelka
to print and do not go with the aim of the article which was written by
Simha. Many of them were prejudiced and asked with the intention of creating
confusion. But the answers are very clear and in fact satisfactory
and beyond criticism.
Original Text of questions and answers
of the written interview given by Shri M. G. Vaidya to Tehelka.
Q.1: How has the R.S.S. changed from earlier
A.: The R.S.S. was founded in 1925. Many a
change has been effected like in any living organism. In the beginning
only school going young boys attended the Shakha. So the programmes were
conducted in the evening only. Later on employed people came to attend;
for their convenience, the morning Shakhas were started. Afterwards, the
RSS reached the rural areas. For labourers and farmers, the night Shakhas
were started.
There was change in the ceremonial uniform
also. The pant as well as the shirt was of the same colour viz khaki. During
the Second World War, the then British Govt imposed restrictions on the
drill-exercises conducted by private organizations. One restriction was
that the drill should not be conducted in uniform and the uniform was defined
as the identical colour of the pant and the shirt. The RSS changed the
colour of the shirt from khaki to white. Formerly long boots were an essential
part of the uniform, now ordinary boots do.
Many changes took place in the nature of the
physical programmes also. Nagpur being its birthplace, the RSS adopted
and adapted the physical training routinely given in the 'akharas' (traditional
gymnasiums) e.g. wielding lathi (stick) sword and spear. Later on they
were dropped and 'soorya-namaskar', Niyuddha (similar to Judo-karate),
and yogasanas were introduced. Even some of these programmes were waived
to suit the swayamsevaks who were above 45 years. Sizeable number of Swayamsevaks
in the age group of 45-70 are daily attending the shakhas; for them 'yogasanas'
and 'dhyan' are the programmes.
The original prayer of the RSS was partly in
Marathi and partly in Hindi, a typical reminder of the bilingual character
of the province named as Central Provinces and Berar, which contained eight
Marathi-speaking districts and fourteen Hindi -speaking districts and of
which Nagpur was the capital. When the RSS spread to different parts of
the country, it adopted its present Sanskrit prayer from the year 1940.
Even the orders in the Shakhas, which were formerly a mix of Marathi, Hindi
and Sanskrit, were all changed to Sanskrit. So it is a gradual evolution.
The spirit is the same the form has changed. You can call it a gradual
Q.2: What do you think of Mahatma Gandhi's
assassination? Was it good or bad? Why? (8)
A.: It was bad. It hurt our culture, our value
system. The RSS condemned the crime. The then RSS Chief Shri M.S. Golwalkar,
while condoling Mahatma's death had written to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru,
on 31st January 1948 "This vile act is a blot on our society". He called
it an "abominable act". To Sardar Patel, in his Hindi letter he said "such
a heinous and abominable incident has probably never been witnessed before......
It is difficult to find words to condemn the person who has committed the
crime." All swayamsevaks share this sentiment.
Q.3: What are the RSS views on Muslims? (9)
A.: Being staunch Hindus, we do not have any
prejudice against any religion. But the behaviour of the majority of Muslims
had become strange after 1947. The British rulers tried hard to dissuade
the Muslims from joining the mainstream movement for independence. They
nurtured and nourished their separatist tendencies; and Muslims-fell victim
to the British strategy. This resulted in the vivisection of our beloved
Motherland. The RSS experiences pain about this vivisection. It is remarkable
that 85% of the Muslims, who were not to go to their dreamland of Pakistan
and were destined to remain in Bharat voted for Pakistan. In 1946 elections,
the Congress was for "Akhand Bharat" and the Muslim League for divided
Bharat. And in all the constituencies reserved for Muslims, where the entire
electorate used to be Muslim, 85% voters voted for partition. We could
have forgotten this 'sin', but their attitude still persists; and many
of our political parties, for their narrow political ends, even now pamper
to their separatist mentality. Instead of strengthening the 15% that voted
against partition, the Congress, which came to power in 1947, followed
policies that nourished fissiparous tendencies of pro-partition Muslims
Why, is there no uniform Civil Law? Why is there special article 370 for
J & K state? Why is Haj-subsidy given? Why there different criteria
to judge the below-poverty-line status? They say that they want to preserve
the special identity of the Muslims. Has the separate identity of the Sikhs,
Jains and Buddhists obliterated by following the uniform civil code? In
Goa, there is a common law of marriage and divorce for all citizens, including
Muslims. Has the religious identity of the Muslims vanished? Why is there
article 370, only for the J & K state? Is it not a fact that it is
so, because it is a Muslim majority state? Why were 5% Kashmiri Hindus
hounded out of the Kashmir valley? Why in Western Pakistan Hindu population,
which was 18% in 1947, is now just 1%? And in Bangla Desh, why is it reduced
from 38% to 9%? The Muslims owe an explanation for it. We know that there
are patriotic Muslims also; and they share the RSS view of one nation,
one people. Quite a few of them might be attending the RSS Shakhas also.
Even admitting that the Muslims are a religious minority, their special
rights should be restricted to religious sphere only. They should not be
extended to the political, administrative, economic or social spheres.
Irrespective of the religious denominations, all have equal rights. The
value of each citizen's vote is the same, then why this craze for separate
Q.4: Why are there no Muslims in the RSS hierarchy?
A.: We do not maintain a religionwise, caste-wise
or language-wise register, because we do not make a distinction on these
counts. Our set up is based on unmitigated commitment to and sacrifice
for our ideology and ideals. Those who fulfill this condition, they go
up. It will be profitable and appropriate to address this question to the
Q.5: Will you ever have women in the main
RSS set up? (11)
A.: There is a separate organization for women
known as the Rashtra Sevika Samiti, the short form of which is also RSS.
They form part of our ideological 'Pariwar.' We and they both are satisfied
with this dispensation. Did you receive any complaints from the female
society, on this score?
Q.6: Guruji Golwalkar had said the RSS has
nothing to do with politics. How do you explain the RSS moving to politics
with the BJP now? (It has its men as secretaries in the BJP)? (2)
A.: You ought to have given the context in which
Shri Guruji said so. It was in Shri Guruji's Sarsanghchalakship that the
Bharatiya Jan Sangh was started; and a few top RSS pracharaks like Shri
Deendayal Upadhyaya, Nanaji Deshmukh, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Kushabhau Thakre
were released from their responsibility in RSS to associate and help Dr.
S.P.Mukherji, the founder of the Jan Sangh. What Shri Guruji insisted on
was that the Jan Sangh should work as an independent and autonomous body.
The RSS men, who went to different fields of social activities, were expected
to establish the RSS ideology of cultural nationalism (i.e. Hindu Rashtra)
in their spheres of activity and work there with the RSS character of regarding
the country and the society above any individual. I need not here, elaborate
the connotation of 'Hindu' as accepted by the RSS. It is not religious,
but nationalistic, because it is cultural and moral. One who regards this
land as his motherland and therefore is not shy to say 'Vande Mataram',
takes pride in the country's glorious past and subscribes to its ethos
or culture, I mean Value-system is a Hindu. It has little to do with his
way of worship or faith. The aim of the RSS is to organize the entire society.
It has not envisaged itself as an Organization 'in' the society. It is
an organization 'of' the society. Therefore, it has allowed its workers
to work in various spheres of our social life. Politics is one such sphere,
not the only one. RSS is aloof from election-politics, competitive politics
to gain and retain political power. It is aware of the influence of politics
on social behaviour and has concern for what happens there. But it does
not aspire for power for itself. Even in Jansangh times, the RSS men like
Upadhyaya, Vajpayee and Deshmukh occupied responsible positions in the
party. The RSS constitution prevents the RSS office holders from holding
positions in the political party. RSS Swaysamsevaks are free to join any
political party that does not believe in violence and has no extra-territorial
Q.7: Why is the RSS secretive body even
in 2004?
A.: It is not a secretive body. It was not so
before and is not so even now. It functions in the open, in the open ground.
How can it be secretive Dr. Hedgewar had put a model of our family life
for the RSS. We have many a meeting without any agenda; we unofficially
meet on several occasions; many of the things are meant for us as in a
family. So, for many years, we ignored the publicity part, so much so that
there was not even a nominal 'publicity' department till 1994. This gave
an impression that the RSS is a secretive association. This also gave an
opportunity to RSS baiters to rant mischievously and malignantly to malign
it and create a negative image of it.
Q.8: Golwalkar had also said that violence
has no place in the RSS. How do you explain the Gujarat riots in this context?
A.: The Gujarat riots were not sponsored by the
RSS. No organization had sponsored them. It was an emotional outburst of
a reaction of all the Hindus to the Godhra massacre. Nobody expected that
the Gujarat Hindu would be as ferocious as the Jihadi Muslim mobs. No Hindu
leadership can provoke the Hindu masses like that, which is a prerogative
of the Muslim masses and their leaders. It is a typical Hindu mentality
of self-condemnation and condonation of others, that puts under carpet
the Godhra massacre and concentrate on its violent reactions. You also
are a typical Hindu and therefore are disturbed by the unprecedented happenings
in Gujarat. Were you equally moved by the plight of Kashmiri Hindus? Have
you ever thought it fit to visit Kashmir valley and try to understand the
atmosphere there? In the heart of your heart, you might be thinking that
it is normal for Muslims to kill, to rape, to intimidate and drive out
people disliked by them.
Q.9: What about the RSS accounts? Why is
there such a fuss about it?
A.: The RSS accounts are in perfect order
from the day of its inception. We have not heard about any fuss about it.
If at all any fuss can be imagined, it must come from the Swayamsevaks
of the RSS. How are others concerned about that? RSS does not approach
any body for grant or charity.
Q.10: Why does the RSS try to unite Hindus
on an anti-minority platform?
A.: This is a blatant misconception. Had there
been not even a single person of so called minority, RSS would have thought
it imperative to unite the Hindus, for the simple reason that the destiny
of this country is inextricably linked with the people known as Hindus.
Where Hindus become a minority, there is every danger of that part, getting
alienated. Why was Pakistan created? The root cause is that Hindus there
had become a minority. Why are Hindus hounded out of Kashmir valley, because
Hindus are a minority. Why is there problem in Nagaland? Because Hindus
are a minority. So, to keep the country united and integrated Hindu - unity
is essential. Hindu people are divided into various castes and languages;
Because of appreciation of plurality in all forms of social and religious
activities, differences naturally arise. These lead to division and mutual
distrust. Therefore, it is of vital importance to lay stress on the underlying
unity. RSS is engaged in doing that. It does not aim at eliminating plurality
it aims at making people realize the inherent unity underlying that plurality.
RSS has been working for the last 78 years. No organization worth its name
can sustain, not to speak of flourishing, on the basis of any negative
platform. We are a tolerant people. But should that mean that we should
tolerate the intolerance of others? RSS says no; and Hindus of your ilk
call it anti-something. It may sound ironical but it is true that Muslims
understand RSS better than Hindus.
Q.11: Does the RSS swear allegiance to the
constitution of India? (12)
A.: The mildest answer to this question is that
it is an absurd question, if not born out of prejudice or malice or both.
The constitution is the primary law of the land and every citizen is bound
to honour it. But even this primary law is subject to change, because it
has a certain contemporary quality about it. It is not the last word of
any prophet. Had it been so, it would not have incorporated a methodology
for change. It is now about ninety times that we have changed it Mrs. India
Gandhi even dared to change the preamble which is the soul of any constitution.
This question ought to have been put to Mrs. Gandhi (I mean the late one)
whether she owed allegiance to the Constitution.
Q.12: Why does the R.S.S. not propagate
A.: Why should it do so? Voltaire the celebrated
French thinker had aptly stated, "If you talk to me, please, define your
terms." I will better ask a secularist, "Please define secularism?" Are
you accepting the meaning of the term as given in any Standard English
dictionary? I have before me a "Random House Dictionary." Here the meaning
of the word 'secular' is given "of or pertaining to worldly things or to
things that are not regarded as religious, spiritual or sacred, temporal"
According to the RSS the state is secular, it must be secular because it
does not deal with religious or spiritual things. It is a mundane affair.
According to Hindu Culture, it is as natural as a man to have two legs.
The advice for a secular state should be directed to those, who advocate
a theocratic state. Did RSS ever advocate the concept of a theocratic state?
In the whole world, hardly you will find a Muslim majority state a secular
state. They should be taught the virtues of a secular state. In Europe,
because the spiritual and temporal authorities were concentrated in one
individual, or you may say in one institution, there was a cry and indeed
need for a secular state. No such thing happened in a majority Hindu state.
Nepal proclaims herself as a Hindu Nation, and yet there are mosques and
churches there. Can you establish a temple of Lord Tirupati in Saudi Arabia,
or Iran or Afghanistan or Pakistan? May I tell you that before 1976, the
word 'secular' was not present in our constitution? Was our constitution
from 1950 to 1976 non-secular or theocratic? We have adopted another meaning
of the word 'secular', and it is a right meaning i.e. the state is not
an irreligious institution; but it respects all religions equally; the
state is not favourable to any one religion. The RSS stands by this interpretation.
I will like to ask whether a state that frames its laws on the consideration
of separate religions, can be called secular? We have such laws: a different
law of marriage for different religions; and different status for stares
that have a majority of Muslims. A central law of restricting the number
of ministers, is not applicable to J & K State. Even Assembly elections
there are held every six years. Why? Can this state be called a true secular
state? Please pose this question to your Leftist friends who supported
the demand for Pakistan on religious basis and who still support different
laws for different religious communities. As far as RSS is concerned it
is for a genuine secular state. Besides, secularism is a quality of a State
and statecraft. Individual life can be religious I trust, you are not advocating
the banishment of religion as had happened in the USSR.
Q.13: The RSS is probably the only organization
that takes minors in its wings.
A.: No Even the primary and secondary schools,
even private schools can and do take minors in their wings. For what? To
give them 'Samskaras' of education. The RSS too invites the young boys
to give 'Samskaras' of discipline, obedience and good character, through
the method of physical exercises. No minor is administered the pledge of
the RSS.
Q.14: What do you intend to do about the
negative image of the RSS
A.: Nothing special. We try to project the
correct picture of the organization. It is the media, both printed and
electronic, that creates our image. We try to inform the media. I hope
that you do not expect us to bribe the media or terrorize them. On your
part, you can help project a correct image of the RSS. The RSS will be
satisfied with that.
Q.15: How will you improve the RSS relations
with the church and the mosque?
A.: Our main target is to transform the Hindu
Society into a harmonious entity. AS for the Church or the Mosque we are
not averse to meeting their leaders. Discarding any idea of prestige, the
RSS Sarsanghchalak went to the Catholic Church to meet with the Bishops
there. They insisted that the meeting be held in their Church and we went
there. Then leaders of the Protestant Churches came to Nagpur and the RSS
Central office accorded them, a hearty welcome. These meetings were followed
by the meetings with the Christian Laity. We had a meaningful discussion
with them. So also there were some meetings with Muslim clerics. Those
who believe that there can be different ways of worship and faith, generally
understand our point of view. But those who stick to evangelical dogmatism
that there cannot be salvation outside the Church natural fail to understand
the RSS. So is the case of those who regard all idol-worshipers as infidel
(Kafir) fit to be annihilated or condemned to eternal hell cannot understand
us. They regard us as obstacles in their path of conversion. And we, indeed,
are an obstacle in their path. We want them to accept the concept of plurality
of faiths. We have no quarrel with those who accept this concept. Acceptance
and appreciation of plurality is the basic characteristic of Hindutva.
Will you make some efforts to convince the 'church' and the mosque to say
that there can be salvation outside the church also and that 'kafirs' too
have a right to live honourably?
Q.16: What do you think of the BJP? Has it
been true to the RSS idealism and ideology? (3)
A.: As stated earlier, it is an independent and
autonomous organization, with its own constitution and programmes and policies.
Because some of our Swayamsevaks are there, we expect them to propagate
the concept of cultural nationalism and genuine secularism. BJP does not
consist of RSS members only. There are many others who do not have the
RSS background. The BJP is free to chalk out its policies and programmes
and freedom means freedom to commit mistakes also.
Q.17: Isn't it time for a successor to take
over from Atal Bihari Vajpayee? (4)
A.: It is for the BJP to decide about it. The
RSS does not come into the picture.
Q.18: Who will take his place? How does
the RSS view freshening up of the BJP? (5)
A.: The first part of this question is irrelevant
for the RSS. The answer to question No. 17 is applicable here also. We
appreciate every attempt at freshening, not only of the BJP, but also of
all parties. In the history of Buddhism it is recorded that after every
hundred years, there used to be a 'Sangeeti' i.e. a congregation that reviewed
the tenets and practices in that religion. I don't know when did that exercise
stop. Freshening is good for all social institutions including RSS. You
just have a cursory look at the top RSS office holders. Majority of them
are in early fifty's and the old have volunteered to make way for them,
Q.19: The BJP has held its recent meeting
in a seven-star hotel in Mumbai? Is this the kind of culture the RSS wants?
A.: As stated earlier. It is for the BJP to address
such issues. RSS, however is always for simplicity. I personally am ignorant
as to what five-star or seven-star luxuries mean.
Q.20: The RSS felt that friction between,
BJP leaders was one reason for it doing poorly in the recent elections.
How do you plan to sort it out?
A.: This question like asking since when have
you stopped beating your wife. Who told you about the RSS feelings? At
least I am unaware of it. The latter part is irrelevant.
Q.21: What bout the temple at Ayodhya?
What does the RSS plan to do on that issue?
A.: The temple is there. It is a make shift
structure. A grand structure has to be erected. I can't say when it will
be done. But it will be done. No power in our country can remove the idol
of Ram-Lala from its present site, unless somebody invites some new Babar
of 21st Century and shares his intention to demolish it, or some Aurangzeb
occupies the throne at Delhi. I don't envisage such eventuality. But at
the same time the RSS has no plan of its own. It was the VHP that started
the agitation and the RSS supported it with full strength. It is for the
VHP to plan when the plan comes the RSS will give due consideration to
it and then decide.
Q.22: Ashok Singhal has been talking of a
new party. Do you think there should be a Hindu League, like the Muslim
League, to project the Hindu point of view? (14)
A.: As far as my knowledge goes Shri Singhal
did not talk of a new party; he spoke about an 'all Hindu forum'. You should
approach him to explain, what he means by it. The latter part of the question
betrays a pathological mindset to juxtapose everything that is Hindu with
the Muslim. Please extricate yourself from this morbid mindset. Try to
view 'Hindu' in a positive manner. Were there no Hindus before the Muslim
prophet? According to RSS 'Hindu' stands for nationalism. They are not
just a community. In this country they are the nation, because, the people
are the nation. To compare any Hindu organization with Muslim League is
tantamount to insulting the Hindu.
Q.23: The Gujarat experiment seems to be
rebounding on the RSS pracharak Narendra Modi? Your comment.
A.: Again a loaded question; as if I am in
a witness box and you are cross-examining me on behalf of somebody whose
brief you have taken. The purpose of a good journalist should be to elicit
information and not to attempt to elicit answers favourable to his views.
For your information, Narendra Modi is not a pracharak. He became the Chief
Minister by undergoing the democratic process sanctioned by the system
of parliamentary democracy that our people adopted; and he, we think, knows
his responsibility.
Q.24: What do you think of the call to purge
the administration of RSS men. (1)
A.: We do not care about it. It is Government's
prerogative to take action against its employees. Those who will be affected
by it, have a recourse to judiciary. In the past, some Swayamsevak did
choose that path and they got redress. This Govt. may repeat that endeavour.
Those who are inclined to embrace the Muslim League, will, naturally, be
uncomfortable with the RSS. RSS does not function, with Govt. support and
Q.25: Is forced celibacy among RSS pracharaks
a good thing?
A.: Again a loaded question. How can RSS force
anybody? What sanctions does it have? There are umpteen examples of pracharaks,
leaving that order and adopting a family life. Have you ever heard of any
pracharak having been excommunicated on this score? 'Pracharkatva' is absolutely
voluntary. It cannot be otherwise. There is no separate pledge for a pracharak.
For a reader with an unprejudiced mind, the answers
are to the point and very clear. But the intention of the interview taken
by Tehelka with a malicious intention of twisting the answers and publishing
it to project an image of Sangh in their own way. However, some of the
answers must have stung to the heart of these sting operators like following
questions and answers:
"Q.14: What do you intend to do about the negative
image of the RSS?
A.: Nothing special. We try to project the correct
picture of the organization. It is the media, both printed and electronic,
that creates our image. We try to inform the media. I hope that you do
not expect us to bribe the media or terrorize them. On your part, you can
help project a correct image of the RSS. The RSS will be satisfied with
Q.20: The RSS felt that friction between BJP
leaders was one reason for it doing poorly in the recent elections. How
do you plan to sort it out?
A.: This is a loaded question like asking since
when have you stopped beating your wife. Who told you about the RSS
feelings? At least I am unaware of it. The latter part is irrelevant.
Q.23: "The Gujarat experiment seems to be rebounding
on the RSS pracharak Narendra Modi? Your comment.
A.: Again a loaded question; as if I am in a
witness box and you are cross-examining me on behalf of somebody whose
brief you have taken. The purpose of a good journalist should be to elicit
information and not to attempt to elicit answers favourable to his views.
For your information, Narendra Modi is not a pracharak. He became the Chief
Minister by undergoing the democratic process sanctioned by the system
of parliamentary democracy that our people adopted; and he, we think, knows
his responsibility."
Most of the dropped answers explain the stand
of Sangh on points, which have been used right from the time of Mahatma
Gandhi's assassination to spread misunderstandings and calumny against
Sangh. Some answers are so clear that if published they would put
an end to the speculative guesses deliberately used about Sangh's working
and thinking.
One of his answers was a biting answer to the
Tehelka's question No.10, "Why does the RSS try to unite Hindus on an anti-minority
platform?" which Vaidya concluded with a remark, "It may sound ironical,
but it is true that Muslims understand RSS better than Hindus."
So much for the reproduction of the written text.
An article by
Vijay Simha in 'Tehelka' dated 18th September
An analysis of the article:
Obviously, bother is a deiberate aberration of
word brother. While the order in which questions were put indicates that
the questionnaire was aimed at obtaining information of Sangh the article
was written to emphasize on the divide between the RSS and BJP and how
Shri Sudarshanji and Atalji do not agree with each other. Contrary to the
first visit of Sudarshanji to Atalji stated to be at midnight to dictate
the formation of cabinet, the first visit of Sudarshanji to Atalji was
in the early days for formation of the cabinet to clear the misunderstandings
deliberately spread by media that Sudarshanji was a hard core RSS man having
diametrically opposite views of Atalji. Sudarshanji had gone on his own
to meet him. It was shown on Doordarshan and it was all in a jovial
and pleasant atmosphere that the meeting was held. No tension or disagreement
was on anybody's place. It is difficult for people out of Sangh to
understand the atmosphere between the Sangh Swayamsevaks when they meet.
We do not know about or think any midnight visit by Sudarshan ji to Atalji
is possible.
Adding all his interpretation by wishful thinking
about their relations by magnifying some observations, he states "Vibes
have gone so cold that the RSS couldn't be bothered with the BJP's current
avatar. At least on paper." Then he quotes Vaidya ji reply,
"It is an independent and autonomous organization
with their own constitution and programme and policies. Because some
of our swayamsevaks are there, we expect them to propagate the concept
of cultural nationalism and genuine secularism. BJP does not consist
of RSS members only. There are many others who do not have the RSS
background. The BJP is free to chalk out its policies and programmes.
And freedom means freedom to commit mistakes also."
This is the umpteenth time that the independent
status of BJP is made clear by Sangh dignitaries. Of course, Many Sangh
leaders are proud of their relations with Sangh. But he wants to make this
point to show that Sangh has gone totally indifferent to BJP. Two things
are forgotten while interpreting the answer of Shri Vaidya ji. First and
foremost Sangh is an integral part of the society. As Vaidya has said elsewhere,
it is not an organization in the society, but an organization of the society.
Hence, people from parties other than BJP can be swayamsevaks of Sangh
and in many cases it is true. Famous leader of Congress in Maharashtra,
Vasantdada Patil was a devout swayamsevak of Sangh and never talked against
it even during his career in Congress. Secondly, Sangh is an organization
which is concerned deeply about the welfare of the country and hence, in
nearly every sphere of the
life of nation its swayamsevaks are working in
its interests. So is the case of BJP. Perhaps more so, because it was formed
because of the. Party had to be formed due to their relations or rather
being swayamsevaks of which they are still proud of.
There are a number of Seva projects launched
by swayamsevaks on their own. Sangh do not interfere with them. Swayamsevaks
are supposed to be working towards the sole aim of the wellbeing of the
country and hence most of the organizations popularly called Parivar organizations
and wickedly listed separately under a heading "Family Plot" by Tehelka
are independent although they are free to seek guidance of Sangh leaders
or any other institution in their field. Therefore, the vibes felt by Simha
are plays of his own imagination.
He quotes his own thinking as that of RSS and
its outfits which he emphasizes as 'at variance'. In this connection, answer
of Shri Vaidya ji to his question No.20 is relevant. Sangh has its own
programme, and so have all the outfits mentioned by them as Family Plot.
Similarly as citizen of this country, all the members of these outfits
could have their own opinions and Simha does not have any inkling of the
opinion of the people of outfits. This is another bluff, which does not
His observations about what Swadeshi Jagran Manch
told RSS colleagues etc. is a bunch of baloney. It is absurd that anybody
can tell Sangh leaders that nothing can be done without political power.
Sangh has grown and is still growing without any political power supporting
it. Sangh on the contrary tells the people not to look for Government help
everywhere. It says, "What you can do, no Government on earth can do".
Then comes his outright bluff that RSS told BJP
that it was appointing six zonal secretaries as observers who were all
old school RSS men. How can RSS make appointments in BJP organization?
It is not a new thing that RSS men should hold posts in BJP as the whole
thing starting from Vajpayee and Advani.
About Gujarat, does Simha imply that Modi is
no more a CM? How can Om Prakash Mathur can be at the helm? Simha is using
the sting operators attrition tactics. Throw the mud around and let
the cleaning be done by the victim. Besides, calling it a RSS laboratory
and slanderous. Why not call Madhya Pradesh an RSS laboratory or for that
matter even Rajasthan now BJP is in power there?
He again reiterates the point of the difference
between Vajpayee and Sudarshan ji and talks of taking control of the BJP.
As said earlier, every citizen can have his own opinion and if they differ
on one issue, there need not be an enmity between them. Secondly, RSS is
totally aloof from politics and has its own vast organization to manage.
How and why it should try to take over BJP and add to its heavy load of
The crap that Vijay Simha has written about Atalji
and Sudarshan ji both seem tired etc. are all readings of his own and perhaps
our great useless electronic media is reinforcing it. He does not
know the mettle of Sangh Swayamsevaks. When the Ramjanmabhoomi movement
was going on, the full directions for the vastly supporting actions were
given by Shri Balasaheb Deoras who was old and on bed. Fight to the
last is their motto and Vajpayeeji has said it many times over and Sudarshan
ji had expressed it more than once. Simha should not worry about their
losing energy and instead use his own time in writing something good in
this country. There is no negative message in BJP, but regrouping its forces
and coming back on the centrestage is the talk, while RSS is like Ganges,
always flowing and giving its water full of life to all society and making
it powerful.
The media is an expert is twisting an innocent
answer. He has his own interpretations of everything. He thinks 'ask
them not us response is a classic indicator of anger'. So he wants
Vaidya responsible for every BJP action and vice versa. Vaidya of course,
told him we welcome every refreshing attempt and cited the example of RSS
leaders. What is wrong in the reply. A classic example how a non-committal
answer is misrepresenting to give exactly opposite meaning is:
"Once a Pope went to a visit to USA and his first
stop was New York. Media persons were waiting for him to arrive. During
Q&A session, one naughty Simha-like reporter asked him if the Pope
intended to visit strip-tease clubs in New York. Pope wanted to give
a non-committal answer. He asked, 'Are there any strip-tease clubs in New
He was shocked to read that reporter's paper
giving a 2 inch black headline, 'Pope's first question on his visit to
USA - are there strip-tease clubs in New York?'"
This is the current investigative sting journalism.
He pretends he is a mind reader too and knows that Vaidya implies that
BJP should refresh.
The recent event that have taken place that is
Advani's becoming president of BJP, Vajpayee backing it, or the meeting
of Vajpayee, Advani and Sudarshan ji all should put a stop to the different
rumours which are penned by Simha. The revolt (?) of BKS against Modi etc.
is nothing a happening in politics. If any body or an organization
has not got justice, it can ask for it and get redressal. What is wrong
about it and how it reflects on any thing Simha has been burbling through
the article.
Other material about Sangh in the same issue
We have given a short analysis of the article
written by Shri Simha. In between, Tehelka has inserted a page in which
it has listed the various outfits of Parivar under a heading "Family Plot".
Ironically, the work of every outfit described does not sound at all as
conspiratal, but only of service to the society in many ways. Below this,
it has quoted excerpts from letters addressed to the then PMs by Param
Poojaniya Guruji and Param Poojaniya Balarao Deoras ji written at the time
of the two bans imposed on Sangh in 1948 and during the emergency respectively
imposed on Sangh. The excerpts are all out of context. Besides, 'Tehelka'
does not understand or ignores the attitude of Sangh, which has always
remained of co-operation with the Government of India, which Sangh considers
as our own government. P. P. Guruji put it aptly at the time of Chinese
Aggression, "Vayam Panchadhikam Shatam" (When it comes to any national
issue, we are one hundred and five - referring to Udhisthir's famous quote
when Gandharva's had fought and caught all Kauravas and with this sentence
Udhisthir expressed his determination to rescue them which the Pandavas
did.) Only when there was no other alternative, Sangh had resorted to Satyagrih
and not to any conflict. We are not reproducing that page.
Another page gives an interview with Shri Arjun
Singh, HRD Minister under heading "Let RSS register as a political party".
In it only 6 questions were asked about Sangh and answered by Arjun Singh
in a very uninteresting fashion. All the rest of the interview of
17 questions is about his relations with the Prime Minister, Sonia Gandhi
and his own ambition, which is irrelevant to our analysis.
Alongside his article, Vijay Simha has published
his column 'Reporter's Diary' - "All quiet on the Nagpur Front". It is
a deliberate attempt to depict an extremely gloomy picture of Rashim Baug
HQs of Sangh. It appears that on that day there was no activity like
any camp or meeting etc. On reading it, one would recall the joke when
a rich was young student was asked to write an essay on 'A Poor Man'.
She wrote, "Once there was a poor man. His driver was poor. His cook
was poor. His secretary was poor, his son was poor, his wife was poor,
and his palace also was poor." So, for Vijay Simha everything there was
old, dilapidated, gloomy and without any energy. Naturally so, because,
it is a place of pilgrimage for Sangh Swayamsevaks and all of them return
from there full of enthusiasm and energy to work with more force and vigour.